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(514.35 KB 793x768 Darkport GOR.jpg)
Darkport Anonymous 01/08/2023 (Sun) 15:29 [Preview] No. 41
Hop: seasofthassa.outworldz.net:8002:Darkport
Adult Gor region

Darkport is a gorean steampunk pirate world of 64 sims to trade, to be with friends, to drink, talk and laugh. Darkport is one of the many islands pirates can go to.

The islands of the Seas of Thassa are relatively unscathed, but a place of refugees and those fleeing the old Gor. The Seas are ruled by the Black Bosk Pirates of Darkport, a powerful group who rule the Seas, trading, taxing or taking what they need from the inhabitants of the many islands. Darkport is the centre of the world, and a first port of call for visitors and traders.

The Seas of Thassa is built for role play. There is an existing storyline that have been played out in Sl Gor for over 10 years.

More information is available on location. For now we kindly invite you to explore and role play.

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