/hg/ - Hypergridders Metaverse Guide

OpenSimulator hopping guide. Threads for various OpenSim topics and locations.

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(104.79 KB 412x412 LBcity.jpg)
Little Big City shopping Mall Anonymous 01/08/2023 (Sun) 15:58 [Preview] No. 45
Hop: thecity.inworldz.net:8002:Little-Big-City Welcomes You

Thousands of great products to explore for ever corner of open sim, Furniture , Dj and disco supplys , animesh , furry , cars , aircraft , boats , games, avatars , clothing , adult accessories, Christmas , Halloween , seasonal items , yard and garden , pride shop, Houses , Buildings , Landscaping, BDSM / Love store , Pets and animal store , Steampunk , Medevil, Weddings , costumes , Party items , Si-fi Space , Sim Resources just tons of Stuff. Gay owned and operated . GLBTQ . No Nudity please.

Anonymous 01/21/2023 (Sat) 13:22 [Preview] No.60 del
Alt hop: thecity.inworldz.net:8002/Big City Shopping Mall/293/181/22

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