/hg/ - Hypergridders Metaverse Guide

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(312.96 KB 1024x570 silverbell neverworld.jpg)
Silverbell Anonymous 01/21/2023 (Sat) 11:52 [Preview] No. 59
hop: hg.neverworldgrid.com:8002:Silverbell

NEW CONTINENT AREA. We currently have 36 regions in the new continent, a contigenous area of land and water connected by roads. It is a blank slate. We are asking that you help us build it. We have huge parcels 15,000-70,000 meters to be given away free. You agree to help develop the parcel for public use, but you also can have an area to live. We are looking for urban or surburban areas, medical centers, shops, clubs, parks, zoos, schools, museums etc. We also invite you to attach your self hosted region to this area, as long as you use similar terrain.

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