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/egg/ Era Games General Anon 09/24/2019 (Tue) 16:49:53 [Preview] No. 8
Wiki: https://wiki.eragames.rip/index.php?title=Main_Page - Has download links to all games, scroll down.
Discord: https://discord.gg/7MAArwP - If you want to help, ask here. You don't need to know Japanese.
Git: https://gitgud.io/era-games - Requires an account
Popular Games
eratohoK: https://wiki.eragames.rip/zips/eraTohoK-master.zip
Strategy game, conquer the world and enslave enemy generals. Near-complete translation.
eratohoTW: https://wiki.eragames.rip/zips/eratohoTW-eng-dev.zip
Dating sim with timestop powers. The gameplay is all translated, but not most dialogue (it's only flavor).

eratohoReverse: https://wiki.eragames.rip/zips/eratohoreverse-pedy.zip
Submissive game, player is held captive and trained. Base game and many trainers are fully translated.
eraSumireTeru: https://mega.nz/#!6WR1xSqK!dNvzeeXI3jFHACniA19wimu9z4bsmnpTSladKqzv4FU
Yuri game with a story and a fair amount of original art. Near-complete translation.
eraSQN: https://wiki.eragames.rip/zips/eraSQN-master.zip
Slave trainer with a lot of features and dialogue. Most gameplay but little dialogue translated.
eraMegaten: https://wiki.eragames.rip/zips/eraMegaten-master.zip
A vast SMT game with various RPG mechanics and tons of content. Will never have a full translation.
eraTYPE-MOON: https://mega.nz/#!q8IhDT6T!0xuQIDnbhQ74xztI5p2THm5-vAVLRiEiQ5oYz-7av2g
A smaller and simpler trainer than SQN, but it's fully translated.
eraPM: https://wiki.eragames.rip/zips/eratohoPM-master.zip
Princess Maker game with Kaguya from Touhou. Playable but unfinished translation.
Translation Aggregator: https://mega.nz/#!7bQAgaCJ!D2kFihq2zQY1xG7jp5-uDnWqsO7ratKM7wZXvAV1xmc%20 - Automatic translator for unfinished games
Chiitrans Lite: https://mega.nz/#!qpNAXC7R!hJyxXV3umjbqP7zvxR7-8kahaGGRrWgN_FhU7g8QBdM - A good alternative to the above
Atlas v14: https://mega.nz/#!zsVgxIbZ!gAdr3d7n_rjXC-KpmgJv_7A4eRvrryESNcEAWXKljDQ - Offline dictionary that's very useful for either

Other Notes
-Run the game with the anchor exe
-Don't paste updates onto old versions unless you like unpredictable bugs. Extract separately and move the old 'sav' folder into the update.
-If you see a wall of errors on startup, switch to 7zip for extracting. If it's an old game, try pasting in the anchor exe from TW.
Bug Reporter: https://wiki.eragames.rip/bugreport.php

Kinda pointless if you're already on disc but I checked wayback machine so I could copypaste the usual thread for those too retarded to find it after /hgg/ was kill.

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