/hig/ - Ask Questions.

For the seekers of Truth and Meaning.

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Introductory Brief Anonymous Board owner 12/30/2018 (Sun) 07:18:01 [Preview] No. 2 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

The question which must be asked of everything, the necessary step to transition to a higher mental state where one can operate introspectively and externally from the normal world and perception.

Why is it that we act that way which we do?
Why do we concern ourselves with the matters present within our mind?
Why do we react to external stimuli in the way that we do?

And to the answers of these questions will the question of "Why" be asked of them once again.

-=-=-=[ Rules ]=-=-=-

1) Global rules shall be followed. (Deleted posts/threads will be copied and posted into the "Deleted" thread with an accompanying explanation. Bans included.)
2) All threads/posts will be permitted so long as they are created with effort and are not spam. Low-effort posts will be deleted. Posts should instigate deep thought.
3) Content which pertains to the "Stickied" generals is to be posted within them. Such created threads will be merged into the general and then promptly deleted.
4) It is not the content that matters but what can be DERIVED from it. With this in mind, enter this board with a new mindset to take anything and learn from it.

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