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Please wait while I try to figure out how posting here and whatnot works - t. Alberto Barbosa

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Inform me on the Culture of Scotland Anonymous 11/07/2022 (Mon) 19:18 [Preview] No. 382 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Can anyone with Scottish descent or those who live in Scotland inform me on aspects of their culture that can impact family life? Differences between that and the US etc. I want to blow away my Anthropology professor by getting answers from the dark web lmfao

‌​ Anonymous 01/09/2020 (Thu) 12:59:40 Id: 254d70 [Preview] No. 381 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]


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⚪၄၁၇၀၀၀၁◯ᑐᑕᕤᕦߦ⦿ߦᕤᕦᑐᑕ◯၁၀၀၀၇၁၄⚪ Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 07:29:09 Id: daea1d [Preview] No. 380 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

⚪ gnq.o_qrmGGbio\მb\b7\MⓄϽ.XⓄBGMI.2ƧƎGAMI\\:PTTH ⚪

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Osprey reaction images Anonymous 01/04/2016 (Mon) 09:46 Id: f65957 [Preview] No. 10 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
>mfw we've got /his/ without an Osprey thread

Dig out them pdfs and get clipping, peasants.
32 posts and 23 images omitted.

Anonymous 02/13/2016 (Sat) 22:53:06 Id: 6147aa [Preview] No. 272 del
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These are great, post more!

Anonymous 05/23/2016 (Mon) 10:08:42 [Preview] No. 298 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
By the powers of Kek and Heh I resurrect this board
30 posts and 6 images omitted.

Anonymous 11/20/2016 (Sun) 15:33:09 Id: 0215bf [Preview] No. 365 del
>ʕ(which strangely came from [d])
Reminds me of T-glottalization in English, but with voiced stop instead – and interestingly, the /ʕ/ of Arabic can be analysed as a pharyngealised glottal stop instead, and in Hebrew the cognate sound is just a glottal stop.

Anonymous 11/20/2016 (Sun) 15:35:13 Id: 0215bf [Preview] No. 366 del
Meteoric iron was widely used by early peoples as high prestige metal. North American Indians, who generally didn't smelt iron, used a lot of meteoric iron too.

Anonymous 08/07/2017 (Mon) 17:42:55 Id: dff18c [Preview] No. 370 del
Doods, i totally got a historically bad virus in my computer. What would Tamerlane do?

Anonymous 04/21/2019 (Sun) 00:02:17 Id: c13f65 [Preview] No.376 del
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Anonymous 04/21/2019 (Sun) 00:02:32 Id: c13f65 [Preview] No.377 del

Anonymous 01/17/2019 (Thu) 21:39:55 [Preview] No.374 del
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save this for one day plz

Japan Anonymous 03/14/2017 (Tue) 21:00:36 Id: 1fb0ad [Preview] No. 369 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
It sucks that the remote Bonin islands were settled by white Americans but Japanese took the island and out of racism have rewritten official history.

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Anonymous 02/16/2017 (Thu) 15:29:40 Id: b9a1c1 [Preview] No. 368 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I can't see much of a difference between the policies of neoconservatives and neoliberals-both serve the elite.

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Anonymous 01/06/2016 (Wed) 00:23:07 Id: 580a55 [Preview] No. 29 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Who would win? Ancient romans vs. Zulu

Anonymous 02/24/2016 (Wed) 20:29:42 Id: 231e63 [Preview] No. 277 del
Romans without any contest whatsoever you fucking cuck faggot.

Anonymous 03/14/2016 (Mon) 21:44:48 Id: 4322d0 [Preview] No. 286 del
Wouldn't be so sure, after all Arminius utterly rekt Romans.

Anonymous 04/30/2016 (Sat) 18:13:15 Id: 51db9d [Preview] No. 290 del
they would get their asses kicked you fucking retard

Anonymous 11/01/2016 (Tue) 13:44:25 Id: f99308 [Preview] No. 364 del
nice argument

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Historical memes/shitposting/anonymity Anonymous 01/05/2016 (Tue) 05:28:26 Id: 09fe70 [Preview] No. 22 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
The whole "Rome was built on the backs of shitposters" threads on /his/ and /v/ got me thinking, do we have any other examples of imageboard-esque culture and memes throughout history that are similar to the ones today? It's hilarious and awe-inspiring to see how people from different times and cultures throughout all human existence often had a lot of things in common if you look deep enough.
I sometimes wonder if there was a historical equivalent of baneposting.
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Anonymous 06/23/2016 (Thu) 05:44:06 [Preview] No. 356 del
>for Christ's sake give me a drink"
Is that in the picture? I can barely read it

Anonymous 06/23/2016 (Thu) 06:46:35 Id: fba1c0 [Preview] No. 357 del
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nah, just some unrelated monk memes

Anonymous 06/24/2016 (Fri) 05:46:24 [Preview] No. 360 del
dob geg

Anonymous 07/19/2016 (Tue) 22:40:30 Id: fba1c0 [Preview] No. 361 del
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Anonymous 07/19/2016 (Tue) 23:57:48 Id: cd2aad [Preview] No. 362 del
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Epics from the Greeks and Romans?

The Iliad, for example, was performed by actors memorizing and repeating the same lines every night they performed