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Autistic "who would win in a fight thread" Anonymous 01/23/2016 (Sat) 10:15:50 Id: c233ec [Preview] No. 233
Julius ceasar vs patton. its a sword fight with their weapon of choice.
i must remind you that patton designed his own saber, studied with the best fencers of the day, and was the last US master of the sword.

Anonymous 01/23/2016 (Sat) 12:13:10 Id: f26417 [Preview] No. 234 del

It's spelled Caesar.

You asked for autism.

Anonymous 01/24/2016 (Sun) 01:44:15 [Preview] No. 235 del
Just an aside, do we even know the fighting techniques of the Romans? I'm thinking like those Renaissance German and Italian sword fighting manuals.

Anonymous 01/24/2016 (Sun) 02:59:34 Id: 6db766 [Preview] No. 236 del
given they had an extensive training regime, im sure someone wrote a manual somewhere. im sure youve heard the same thing as i have that the way they fought was to block a blow with their big shield, bring the enemy's sword upwards with the shield, and stab 'im in the now exposed gut. but i hear that on the history channel, so theres a high chance the guy just pulled that out of his ass.

Anonymous 01/24/2016 (Sun) 03:39:58 Id: af787a [Preview] No. 237 del
>im sure youve heard the same thing as i have that the way they fought was to block a blow with their big shield, bring the enemy's sword upwards with the shield, and stab 'im in the now exposed gut.
Yeah, I was gonna post that. There must have been more to it than that.

Anonymous 01/25/2016 (Mon) 01:50:49 [Preview] No. 243 del
Also if they only did the "block a strike and then stab in their exposed ribs" wouldn't their enemies adapt to their one trick pony? Kind of like how the Germanic tribes virtually infiltrated the Western Empire and learned all their organizational tricks and tips.

Anonymous 01/25/2016 (Mon) 01:56:13 Id: 47ffec [Preview] No. 244 del
>Also if they only did the "block a strike and then stab in their exposed ribs" wouldn't their enemies adapt to their one trick pony?
woudlnt the indians have learned not to trust the white man after getting fucked over the first time?

>Germanic tribes virtually infiltrated
there was no infiltration, it wasnt a secret. for the purposes of discsussion, its no different than the sandiggers pouring over into europe right now, with the exception that there was little the roman army could do to stop it.

Anonymous 01/25/2016 (Mon) 02:04:33 Id: 47ffec [Preview] No. 245 del
to elaborate on the germans getting wise to the romans tactics, its not like rome won every battle they ever went into, nor did they ever conquer all of the germanic peoples.
the difference was that germanic tribes didnt have a strict training regimene per i dont know much about germanic combat training or tactics, but i think the general idea is that they didnt do very much training, or at least in a way that we would recognize as training. the other thing is that rome could eat major defeats and loss of troops, and not even lose their footing, its how they won the punic wars. presumably these two things factored into it.

Anonymous 01/25/2016 (Mon) 02:24:27 [Preview] No. 246 del
I think the Germanic tribes were somewhat like the Celts in battle i.e. they engaged individually and were more concerned with glory or daring acts like how the equites would try to kill a commander or the leader of an army although I'm not entirely sure since it has been a while since I've read up on Germanic tactics and army organization.

Anonymous 01/25/2016 (Mon) 02:53:55 Id: 47ffec [Preview] No. 247 del
sounds similar to what i have heard, i just didnt want to elaborate on it for fear of being completely off base.

Anonymous 01/25/2016 (Mon) 03:06:49 [Preview] No. 248 del

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