/horror/ - whatever you want. New Owner

anything except illegal things

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Anonymous 07/03/2019 (Wed) 02:42:11 [Preview] No. 3448 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Good to see normies starting to think about this.

Anonymous 07/03/2019 (Wed) 09:12:45 [Preview] No.3449 del
Couldn't agree more. Still more people need to wake up.

Anonymous 10/18/2018 (Thu) 01:13:12 [Preview] No.2916 del
You're going to be a minority soon.

Anonymous 10/18/2018 (Thu) 03:33:33 [Preview] No.2923 del
Greetings! I Bookmarked the chan. Very nice and I have seen mewch mentioned here and there it appears to be active. I'm happy to see that /fringe/ is still alive.that board encouraged study and research and was a good resource for people i remember the mega.nz book packs and all of that. glad to see more people are waking up to this.

Anonymous 10/18/2018 (Thu) 06:05:09 [Preview] No.2924 del
/fringe/ is gay and so is mewch, now fuck off this board