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Rings and Diamonds Anonymous 07/24/2020 (Fri) 02:14:54 [Preview] No. 4043
A few sources of esoteric knowledge allege that the practice of wearing rings is a subtle part of saturn/cube/satan worshiping tradition that has been worked into our modern customs since saturn is the only ringed planet in the solar system.
I havent seen any good evidence or much reasoning on this point, yet i find the ubiquity of diamond rings being very peculiar.
Diamonds at their most pure forms are simply repeated cubic structures of carbon, the 6th element on the periodic table, with 6 electrons and being the basis of all life on earth, commonly mined by impoverished africans and being at the core of many african conflicts. Along side this, many women have been conditioned by these diamond selling masonelry companies to go after an extremely expensive diamond ring above all else in a marriage.
The combination of the sixes in the element, the structure, the nature of how they are collected and how they have been pushed into our culture seems very offputting to me
The title of carbon being the 'master element' of all life on Earth, the cubic structures it usually forms and how children are often harmed collecting carbon in the form of diamond gives me very demiurgic/saturnian connotations

does anyone have any more information about carbon/diamonds/rings in the occult sense?
is there a consensus about the origins of rings and diamonds?

Anonymous 07/25/2020 (Sat) 04:31:37 [Preview] No.4044 del
Onyx rings used for psychic vampirism. wrist rings used in druidry. Nose rings bull style for some cults. Masonic rings with s and c on the outside and swiveling into a square and company. clankety big rings used in ceremonials. Ritualism, tokens of initiation in some sense. Ring being the hook into the initiate as they are lead by cattle rope etc. Simular to choker loko babes. kind of like pins but for plateaus of initiation if i recall or understand correctly. Crowley used rings to change his mood shift rings to another hand. diamonds pinial glands or the alchemical stone adrenochrome. Big jester symbol is the diamond unsure of its meaning.

Anonymous 07/25/2020 (Sat) 04:32:15 [Preview] No.4045 del
square and compass. What a hilarious typo

Anonymous 03/27/2021 (Sat) 19:35:22 [Preview] No.4322 del
diamonds sound close to adamant and both are touted for being the hardest substance
adamant goes to Saturn's sickle and more importantly adamantine prison, place where fallen angel watchers are kept
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds could be worked out as Lucifer in the Sky (i.e. Saturn, the black sun that gives invisible light leading to illumination) with the diamonds either being shining stars (angels) or harkening back to adamant therefore pointing to Saturn as the place of or symbol for adamantine prison (compare to Alice in Chains - Alice=Lucy=Lucifer and chains being the chains of adamant)
there's always more to this stuff but that's the best explanation I've found so far

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