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Anonymous 12/01/2023 (Fri) 08:31 [Preview] No. 4755
Im rick. From new england. Died in a coma, breaks into meditation and an inquisitive mind have me dreaming of Greatness.I pivoted around empath, My compassion this time around is Zen. A lot of it was in there already. Nothing, and everything. I learned everything. So naturally i want to be the best man i can be? LOOL, i faced resistance here. Racism used to excuse indolence is sickening.

I wrote profound poetry. The page froze. If i didnt double check my clipboard purge wouldntve been noticed the Heskahazing. They shoulkd have checked how much i like naked history rabbitholes. Im pushed away from this. Like when i ask in my "punk" ways why women are a protected elite. Ill be terse. How does New England's Neptune Lobster boy Come home to sunny sands and a place to contemplate Greatness.

Words have power. Magnets, the myth of Myths. I found your pieces getting real good at turning on tuning in dropping out...through discipline. Everyone misses that. I read. I didn't turn into a gremlin when well dressed Saudis came into my floridian drinking hole. Chatted, instant connection. Asked the elephant in the room if it could spill the obvious. A silly chuckle, i smell truth. Allah's light doesnt shine here. He cant see me. I used to think well thats just an excuse at first. My subsconsious saw its training wheels.

Seekers of greatness, I read your prophecies. Yall looking for my butt arent ya? Last night i taught the art of nothing to an Adam adherent. My god if it didnt digest like it never left.

Profound Spontaneity with the jade ego cutting of humor, Masculine virtue embracing Asceticism, Everyone makes mistakes, rise above J-man. Lets make Heka Super Friends.

TLDR: New england kid with a heart of gold, too smart for his own good and a bit of Rapscallity, burning out on western esoterism Due to the lack of any Masculinity, in search of truth of my Empathic abilities and pure peace to do it in. Tried to research on the best of whims how to feasibly go study Persian Astronomy in Tehran. VPN wall. Good, keep sosdoms sewers outta your drinking line. But there the truth set in. They push to keep us apart. Brothers of the Dao, of the Atom, of the man of the Adam all. Inshallah? I say it in hesitation with an olive branch, and because....I think its time. You dont hope for the movie to start when its started. I read. I hermitized. I compared sans attatchment. Yep. They got the Curry and Anime tiddies. But they didnt get the Courage to cut the cord.

Cyrus is ready to be a heavy metal dick again. try 7 of posting this

-telle me to take my meds, or be the first friend in a minute: Randt Bobandy

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