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Anonymous 12/23/2018 (Sun) 10:16:39 [Preview] No. 1391
meta thread

questions, complaints, suggestions etc.

some things are hidden with css, to see them: press F12, click Style and turn off custom.css

Anonymous 12/25/2018 (Tue) 20:22:49 [Preview] No.1398 del
I have a complaint.

OP is an fagit.

Anonymous 12/26/2018 (Wed) 06:33:05 [Preview] No.1399 del

Anonymous 02/16/2019 (Sat) 16:46:09 [Preview] No.1443 del
to change the theme go to the home page click colour in the bottom

Anonymous 03/18/2019 (Mon) 01:56:57 [Preview] No.1453 del
(fyi) with .org your flag will be different because cloudflare

on other boards it could also break posting with capcha but you can post if none is required

Anonymous 03/21/2019 (Thu) 19:39:37 [Preview] No.1454 del
you can use .org for board with no captcha, you can't for boards with captcha

Anonymous 03/21/2019 (Thu) 23:58:40 [Preview] No.1455 del
i have a question about the sticky.
does "Feel free to post. Keep it safe for work." only refer to images, or also to text, links, etc
i know it says porn in particular, but what about gore, drugs and politically incorrect speech

Anonymous 03/22/2019 (Fri) 00:59:58 [Preview] No.1463 del
so i tried dumping some maps and it told me "flood detected"
what are even the rules for that?

it's kinda confusing at what rates we can post, since there isn't a timer

also it can be kinda worrying, since you might think "well damn i don't want to keep trying because i might get autob&"

Anonymous 03/22/2019 (Fri) 05:13:26 [Preview] No.1464 del
i think anything goes BUT for the sake of the rest of us IF you post or link to gore or something, use spoiler or warn us in some way

afaik there's only a 15 or 20s timer between posts
but for making threads there's a limit [which can be changed] only as a precaution so the board doesn't get filled with pharmaceutical ads like when i found it

Anonymous 03/22/2019 (Fri) 05:18:08 [Preview] No.1466 del
> since there isn't a timer
yes i asked if they could make it visible (idk the status)

Anonymous 03/22/2019 (Fri) 05:21:45 [Preview] No.1467 del
one more tip
you can have no theme [bottom of the home page] selected for .xyz and have tomorrow for .net (or .org)
that way if you go to a board that uses a custom theme itself (like kc) you can just replace one with the other

Anonymous 03/22/2019 (Fri) 05:52:53 [Preview] No.1470 del
>i might get autob&
you won't

Anonymous 03/22/2019 (Fri) 20:06:04 [Preview] No.1472 del
Hello Bulgaria. I see you are back. How are you doing?

Anonymous 07/13/2020 (Mon) 23:03:35 [Preview] No.1613 del
he gon now

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