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During Nancy Pelosi's visit, Chinese military command systems were locked down. This event was hidden from the world. Anonymous 08/31/2022 (Wed) 20:16 Id: 2c53f1 [Preview] No. 1723
During Nancy Pelosi's visit, Chinese military command systems were locked down. This event was hidden from the world.

During Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, the Chinese People's Liberation Army was talking about launching a missile on an empty land in Taiwan. Computers and electronic systems in the command center of the People's Liberation Army of China became paralyzed for no reason and began to perform non-command processes.

The Chinese were shocked by this event. Because it was not possible to hack the Chinese Military Command systems with electromagnetic waves or internet network. The Chinese knew that the United States did not have the power to do such a thing. The TEMPEST protection of the China Command Center and Electronic signal monitoring were the most perfect systems in the world, unmatched. There was no possibility of leakage from the outside.

After this incident, the Chinese gave up firing missiles on an empty land in Taiwan. China's best engineers could not solve this situation.

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