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Fuck this gay Internet and everyone on it

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SHILL YOUR SHIT ixiter 07/10/2020 (Fri) 17:42:10 [Preview] No. 3
My contact info is in the META thread >>5 but this thread is the public square of IXIT where you can post your contact info. Shill your blog, your channel, your board, your website, or just shill yourself. Some examples of what you can share here:

* Retroshare Certificate
* Steemit Blog
* Minds Page
* Tox ID
* Email & PGP Key
* Your Pornhub username
* Mastadon Server
* Bitchute Channel

Whatever you post here must give people the ability to contact you. If you're just looking to post links to hidden sites or anonymity software that you want other people to know about, post in the LINKS CONTAINMENT THREAD >>2

The only exception is if you are the owner of the site or the developer of the software in question. In that case you should post in both threads.

Whatever you post will be periodically pruned from this thread and you will have to repost it. This is to show that you are still active and it keeps this thread from filling up with stale contact info, dead links, inactive accounts, etc. I haven't decided what the time-scale will be yet since this is a new board. For now just check periodically to make sure your contact info is still here.

Whatever you post cannot violate the TOS of 9chan: https://9chan.tw/terms-of-service.html
Edited last time by nsc3LK5CXS on 07/19/2020 (Sun) 11:14:05.

ixiter 07/18/2020 (Sat) 17:30:18 [Preview] No.8 del
If you are an intermediate C++ developer or better, then my imageboard archiver/downloader might be of interest to you. You have to be able to manage installing prerequisite dependencies and have at least a C++17 compiler, but if you can this is probably already the single most efficient IB-oriented scraper out there, even though it's still just alpha code.


1b107d1eeead145d44c3f23d23e937feb14b4d41e23d13660f78d230be20a26a BUMP-0.2d.tar.xz

ixiter 07/19/2020 (Sun) 11:48:50 [Preview] No.11 del

Thx! I've mirrored your post over in the Tools & Utilities thread >>6

Remember that what you post in this thread has to include some way of contacting you. This is more of a social thread which I periodically prune. But feel free to talk as much about it as you want over on >>6

ixiter 07/19/2020 (Sun) 22:42:41 [Preview] No.13 del
Alright understood, thanks.

ixiter 07/31/2020 (Fri) 12:26:19 [Preview] No.22 del
(90.31 KB 1908x894 anarplex.png)
My username is "tinfoilhat" over on https://bbs.anarplex.net/

I've posted about this board over on the links thread at >>21

ixiter 03/09/2021 (Tue) 08:48:44 [Preview] No.25 del
Username Dreameress @ giantessbooru.com
I often try to PM others on there, with lackluster but interesting results.

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