/koumori/ - the forest sanctuary

ding dong shiggy diggy

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goin to scarborough fair

(415.76 KB 477x587 auge.png)
abstract daily drawings shanja 03/04/2021 (Thu) 18:02:24 [Preview] No. 6 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
ill attempt to draw daily atleast once and post here, just depending what it feels like
15 posts and 13 images omitted.

yinshan 07/25/2021 (Sun) 02:24:04 [Preview] No.27 del

yinshan 07/25/2021 (Sun) 02:29:13 [Preview] No.28 del
forgot to type in my name on that post, oops

shanja Board owner 07/25/2021 (Sun) 02:31:35 [Preview] No.29 del
(11.02 KB 399x521 dunno.png)
i keep forgetting to write my name

yinshan 07/25/2021 (Sun) 09:01:52 [Preview] No.30 del
Reminding me the drawings of the Unspeakable Vault of Doom.

shanja 07/25/2021 (Sun) 23:44:46 [Preview] No.31 del
(10.46 KB 549x385 vaulty.png)
I wasnt sure what it is, but I looked it up and its an interesting read, thanks

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tribute drawings shanja Board owner 03/07/2021 (Sun) 20:59:32 [Preview] No. 14 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
works that are based on other media

shanja Board owner 03/07/2021 (Sun) 21:57:10 [Preview] No.16 del
(916.83 KB 740x740 bewarethebaobabs.png)
colour ver.

i usually dont colour but this is as good a time as any to try

(10.47 KB 310x301 new pfp.png)
first post shanja Board owner 03/02/2021 (Tue) 23:00:48 [Preview] No. 1 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hello everyone right here,

I am someone who draws things I see in my mind. I am currently in Austria, Europe and concern myself mostly with things that are important to god, protecting myself from demons, and having a lifestyle that is acceptable to the divine. Aside from that I either draw or otherwise just create things based on my way I want to. I have a world mentally that I do not really talk about online, albeit there is not much of a reason for it. I made this board so I can feel the homely feeling of having your own board that I have missed for some years.

Hello and heyyo.

Anonymous 03/05/2021 (Fri) 18:14:29 [Preview] No.9 del
Hello. Please go on with your drawing.

shanja Board owner 03/07/2021 (Sun) 00:31:55 [Preview] No.10 del
thank you, ill do my best to do so.