/kurenai/ - 紅会 Kurenai-kai

Pilgrimage to the Glorious Motherland!

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仲間 07/24/2016 (Sun) 10:46:56 [Preview] No. 47
So you opened up the board officially to more peeps than just the french eh? I can dig it.

An image was mandatory.

仲間 07/24/2016 (Sun) 11:44:44 [Preview] No. 48 del
Quick, close the borders, make kurenai great again.

仲間 07/24/2016 (Sun) 22:57:08 [Preview] No. 49 del
Yeah, I gave up on making a local club. So why limit the board?

The idea is to create a board where people can freely share their passions, in a friendly environment, and organize group travel to Japan.

Thinking about organization, the lowest level would be something like agreeing to meet at a time and place in Japan, for-example, the Narita Airport at landmark at XX:00 Tokyo Time for lunch hour or spend one night at a quality onsen.

Of course it would be great if some nippon based anons nipponjin or gaijin would join the board.


仲間 07/25/2016 (Mon) 01:00:10 [Preview] No. 51 del
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Well in 3-2 years I'll be able to expat. Hopefully this board is still up by then...

Until then I'll keep on hitting up /AM/'s Jap thread and here for any help on domineering Nihongo.

仲間 07/25/2016 (Mon) 05:22:16 [Preview] No. 52 del
Cool. How are you planning on expat-ing? Work or Waifu?

I don't know, none of the boards I make take off. I hope this one will.

仲間 07/25/2016 (Mon) 14:09:25 [Preview] No. 53 del
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Work, for that I'm studying Biochem and studying for the JLPT. Planning to either be another moron teaching English, or doing translation work since I also understand Spanish. Ideally however I would want to work at one of their pharmaceuticals. It's preferable I'd go into robotics but I suck too much at math to do that, plus my creativity for programming can't keep up with my actual skill. Multiple times I end up complicating things while people polish my ideas.

It's frustrating to say the least.

仲間 07/25/2016 (Mon) 20:09:32 [Preview] No. 54 del
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Looks like you're on your way. I've sucked at math since Grade 11 before then I was A's all the time. If I move to Japan, I'm thinking of working in the entertainment business, because that is really where being a gaijin can be an advantage. That and of course, teaching English. But ganbare to you. Getting a 'normal' job is possible, just harder than your home country, at least, this is what I've heard.

仲間 07/25/2016 (Mon) 22:36:41 [Preview] No. 55 del
I wanna move to Japan too. I just gotta get my act together. My Japanese still fucking sucks though, and I'm currently too lazy to study it. I need some motivation...I need fun people to bullshit with in Japanese, roleplaying and treating words like Harry Potter magic words until I remember them. わがはい want to learn to use old fashioned archaic words as part of my everyday speech, 'cas fuck trying to fit in, you'll always be the crazy gaijin to them anyway.

仲間 07/26/2016 (Tue) 03:25:07 [Preview] No. 56 del
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Since you're an Amerilard like me you too need to get a BA of some sorts to get a job worth a shit and be able to stay there.

Make sure to practice your squatting, if you end up in the south of Japan, or somewhere rural you'll need to be able to hold one to take a shit.

仲間 07/30/2016 (Sat) 23:37:33 [Preview] No. 60 del
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I got a BS already, but its not gonna be useful, what I need now is a TEFL. Been to Japan, I know what to expect. I need to get into Jet thouh otherwise it is not really worth teaching in Japan for a lower salary.

Not going to southern Japan if I can help it. I hate humidity, mosquitoes, and the boring hillbillies I met there. I wanna go to hokkaido and experience the snow festivals and sad girls in the snow, without all the Chinese pollution and Kagoshima volcano ash you'll be ingesting.

仲間 07/30/2016 (Sat) 23:38:45 [Preview] No. 61 del
Don't worry, my English isn't bad!

仲間 08/01/2016 (Mon) 04:40:14 [Preview] No. 62 del
paradise awaits

仲間 08/13/2016 (Sat) 16:35:02 [Preview] No. 64 del
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That's the thing you need to teach English at a college with just a BA right? Man I don't know if I want to do that during studying biochem, or after I'm finished. Either way I need to save some cash, because I'm only getting my Uni payed, not extra stuff like that.

仲間 08/24/2016 (Wed) 04:18:45 [Preview] No. 65 del
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A question about TEFL, is it worth it to do the TOEIC if you acquire TEFL in the US?

仲間 02/05/2017 (Sun) 23:50:03 [Preview] No. 69 del
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>tfw no one answered this question and the board is dead

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