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(383.96 KB 1315x958 Happy_Sugar.jpg)
Manga 仲間 07/28/2016 (Thu) 21:45:41 [Preview] No. 57
What have you been reading?
I just read all of pic related, I really like stories about forbidden love.

仲間 07/29/2016 (Fri) 11:38:22 [Preview] No. 58 del
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Spirit Circle.
It's about reincarnation and multiple lives, nicely done.

仲間 07/29/2016 (Fri) 12:44:35 [Preview] No. 59 del
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I hate feminist propoganda stories about dyke love. So when I feel like reading romance I instead read stuff like Kimi ni Todoke. When pervyness is present stuff like Kanojo no Kagi wo Akeru Houhou is acceptable.

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