/kurenai/ - 紅会 Kurenai-kai

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Migration 仲間 05/19/2017 (Fri) 22:17:20 [Preview] No. 86
Well... I was banned from 8/a/ for this:

>Kek that dojin. So dark, but good. I don't think it's even unreasonably sexist. They underestimated the monsters and paid the price..

Good time to stop visiting the place I guess. It's such a walled garden, ruled by dictatorial maids. Fuck. Why hasn't there been and emigration to Endchan from 8ch? The major 8chan boards are as controlled as 4chan. Also I'm a little surprise at how little interest there is in this board. Whatever, it is what it is.

仲間 06/06/2017 (Tue) 16:29:29 [Preview] No. 87 del
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It's a board for weeaboos, with that said avoid Librejp, there's real Japs there, but the BO is a schizo who seriously believes that any foreigner who talks about politics is a CIA/Mossad/MI6/DEVGRU/Insert Other Intel OPs Here. Worst of all is that the Japs there egg him on in his insanity and run along with his bullshit.

Hey delusional BO who wants to be a tranny, but is too manly to do so! Sticky this thread and make it the official 8ch to Endch migration thread. Since let's face it, /AM/ is a shithole for serious discussions due to freech, Libre, and 76chan rejects.

仲間 06/06/2017 (Tue) 17:10:08 [Preview] No. 88 del
Yeah fuck that guy, but I don't think that swiss is the BO. The BO is a swiss nah?

仲間 06/06/2017 (Tue) 17:10:45 [Preview] No. 89 del
Meant to say Canuck

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