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Anonymous 02/04/2017 (Sat) 20:40:49 [Preview] No. 9
Why do people hate freedom? Why do they want a big daddy government to tell them what they can, can't say, can or can't do. Why do they want systems that seize the means of production and then bar them from the people?

Are people just too fucking retarded to exercise vigilance? Are people just not principled?

Anonymous 05/15/2022 (Sun) 22:27:44 [Preview] No.25 del
Every country is a police state now, but only countries that disobey the globalists are called dictatorships.

Anonymous 05/19/2022 (Thu) 02:44:12 [Preview] No.37 del
Americans say that there will be starvation because there is no more land, but maybe there will be starvation due to government lockdowns and regulations.


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