/ma/ - Manga and Anything

Books who spoils anime

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/ma/ meta Anonymous 09/19/2017 (Tue) 15:59:47 [Preview] No. 221
If the board owner of /ma/ is anywhere around, I'm asking you to change the poster name into SPOILER or SPOILERIZER or something of that nature, sometihng clear and visible. I'm thinking I may be posting spillover from /m/ on the topic of world creation, culture and storylines that are necessarily massive spoilers and shouldn't be read by anyone who isn't of the pedigree mindset that getting spoiled ever is just a novice mental condition you should grow out of.

I'm choosing /ma/ because of various reasons, mainly because manga alone doesn't carry a board but the topic correlates strongly with the real world consequence of being of that mindset, so this board could maybe harbor a userbase of writer-inclined minds who aren't just being drip-fed ebin plot twists by corporate media, but see through the False Proscenium.

I'm also pretty /tg/ tbh

Anonymous 09/19/2017 (Tue) 16:11:37 [Preview] No. 222 del
Of course I mean this for the purpose of affecting the tone of the entire board by making assumption spoilers specifically the default, instead of an option. Obviously individual posts can be renamed whatever.

Anonymous 09/19/2017 (Tue) 16:13:12 [Preview] No. 223 del
>assumption spoilers
*the assumption that there's going to be a lot of spoilers

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