/magick/ - Memetics

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Magus 05/30/2016 (Mon) 04:27:52 Id: 691be2 [Preview] No. 68
Watcha fags think of "La santa muerte"
Para gringos: http://www.santamuerte.org/english
Basically, she's lady death, and as long as you pray to her, she'll keep you safe, often, cartel members pray to her. Hell, how does religion in general relate to meme magick? The bible is essentially a concetrated book of magicks for it's followers.

Magus 08/07/2016 (Sun) 20:33:04 Id: 0efd83 [Preview] No. 70 del
Is this santaria?
Lady cottonmouth I'll pass huehue. Though There is rumer that in small town in Mehico there is a Bundel of blankets that nestles Lady Death and she is very ripe can barley open her eyes and that is how you talk to her. I don't reckon there is much to say in general.

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