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Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/26/2021 (Tue) 12:34:06 [Preview] No.617 del
(1.54 MB 2646x3679 15863755500208.jpeg)
Oh yeah.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/26/2021 (Tue) 12:35:31 [Preview] No.618 del
(1.00 MB 1000x1500 1606079920107.jpg)
Acıyo çek.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/26/2021 (Tue) 12:36:11 [Preview] No.619 del
(152.45 KB 1920x1080 1605815272721.jpg)

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/26/2021 (Tue) 12:36:54 [Preview] No.620 del
(19.03 KB 512x288 1564383201926.jpeg)
Seni seviyorum bebeğim.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/26/2021 (Tue) 12:37:36 [Preview] No.621 del
(46.16 KB 640x480 1582835422127.jpeg)
Ben de seni aşkım.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/26/2021 (Tue) 12:39:01 [Preview] No.622 del
Oof benek.

Anonymous 01/26/2021 (Tue) 18:42:55 [Preview] No.623 del
(957.37 KB 500x420 u.gif)
When did I joing /yuritech/ ?

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 07:38:55 [Preview] No.624 del
(446.61 KB 700x825 d1p6tnv6.png)
All time.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:02:35 [Preview] No.625 del
(254.94 KB 960x1023 312352.png)
Is what time is it?

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:16:05 [Preview] No.626 del
(24.23 KB 274x537 125023.gif)
Adventure time!!! :D.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:17:38 [Preview] No.627 del
(24.23 KB 274x537 125023.gif)

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:22:41 [Preview] No.628 del
(396.66 KB 593x598 948313.png)
*opens tv*.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:24:47 [Preview] No.629 del
(24.23 KB 274x537 125023.gif)
*Stares confusingly*.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:25:38 [Preview] No.630 del
*Looks down* Um.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:27:08 [Preview] No.631 del
(254.94 KB 960x1023 312352.png)
*touches his arm*.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:30:24 [Preview] No.632 del
(24.23 KB 274x537 125023.gif)
*looks at* Yes?

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:31:31 [Preview] No.633 del
(24.23 KB 274x537 125023.gif)
F-fine.. *shows my wound*.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:32:43 [Preview] No.634 del
*tends to your wound.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:33:46 [Preview] No.635 del
(396.66 KB 593x598 948313.png)
*coughs blood*.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:40:23 [Preview] No.636 del
Are you okay?

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:41:46 [Preview] No.637 del
I'm fine. But what's wrong?

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:43:03 [Preview] No.638 del
(446.61 KB 700x825 d1p6tnv6.png)
I'm just worried.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:43:55 [Preview] No.639 del
(24.23 KB 274x537 125023.gif)
Do you want to tell me? If you don't, you don't have to.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:45:22 [Preview] No.640 del
Just hoping my kids are ok.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:46:47 [Preview] No.641 del
(446.61 KB 700x825 d1p6tnv6.png)
And so I face, the final curtain.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:47:30 [Preview] No.642 del
(396.66 KB 593x598 948313.png)
You will.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:48:43 [Preview] No.643 del
(254.94 KB 960x1023 312352.png)
Yes, but I fear she won't like me.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:49:41 [Preview] No.644 del
(446.61 KB 700x825 d1p6tnv6.png)
Oh, that's too bad.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:50:21 [Preview] No.645 del
(396.66 KB 593x598 948313.png)

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:50:57 [Preview] No.646 del
(24.23 KB 274x537 125023.gif)
Do you roleplay?

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:52:28 [Preview] No.647 del
(254.94 KB 960x1023 312352.png)
Anything really. You start?

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:53:21 [Preview] No.648 del
(446.61 KB 700x825 d1p6tnv6.png)
You start.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:53:24 [Preview] No.649 del
(446.61 KB 700x825 d1p6tnv6.png)
Classic rock.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:54:02 [Preview] No.650 del
(446.61 KB 700x825 d1p6tnv6.png)
And modern music?

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:55:20 [Preview] No.651 del
(396.66 KB 593x598 948313.png)
I like that too.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:55:37 [Preview] No.652 del
Hard rock.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:58:18 [Preview] No.653 del
(24.23 KB 274x537 125023.gif)

Anonymous 01/27/2021 (Wed) 08:58:50 [Preview] No.654 del
This service uses linguistic analysis to detect joy, fear, sadness, anger, analytical, confident and tentative tones found in text.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 09:17:37 [Preview] No.655 del

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 09:38:39 [Preview] No.656 del
(24.23 KB 274x537 125023.gif)
Turn me into something.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:01:41 [Preview] No.657 del
*turns you into a dog.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:05:33 [Preview] No.659 del
(396.66 KB 593x598 948313.png)
Do you like dogs?

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:06:12 [Preview] No.660 del
Because they are cute.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:07:22 [Preview] No.661 del
(446.61 KB 700x825 d1p6tnv6.png)
Okay, ifbthis is your choce.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:08:21 [Preview] No.662 del
(446.61 KB 700x825 d1p6tnv6.png)
What do I get if I tell you?

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:09:29 [Preview] No.663 del
(254.94 KB 960x1023 312352.png)
Anything you want.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:10:28 [Preview] No.664 del
(396.66 KB 593x598 948313.png)

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:11:22 [Preview] No.665 del
(396.66 KB 593x598 948313.png)
*grins* *pulls you close to me*.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:12:21 [Preview] No.666 del
(446.61 KB 700x825 d1p6tnv6.png)
*look up at*?

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:13:26 [Preview] No.667 del
(396.66 KB 593x598 948313.png)
*boop nose*.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:14:45 [Preview] No.668 del
(254.94 KB 960x1023 312352.png)
I have to tell you something.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:16:04 [Preview] No.669 del
What do you have to tell me.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:17:19 [Preview] No.670 del
(396.66 KB 593x598 948313.png)
I'm pregnant with your child.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:18:15 [Preview] No.671 del
(254.94 KB 960x1023 312352.png)
That's awaesome!

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:19:11 [Preview] No.672 del
His name is jupiter.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:20:20 [Preview] No.673 del
(254.94 KB 960x1023 312352.png)
What will his name be, tomorrow?

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:21:00 [Preview] No.674 del
(24.23 KB 274x537 125023.gif)
It's your decision.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:22:25 [Preview] No.675 del
(254.94 KB 960x1023 312352.png)
Listen to german music?

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:23:46 [Preview] No.676 del
(254.94 KB 960x1023 312352.png)

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:24:54 [Preview] No.677 del
(24.23 KB 274x537 125023.gif)

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:26:09 [Preview] No.678 del
(446.61 KB 700x825 d1p6tnv6.png)
I'm not a Christian.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:27:20 [Preview] No.679 del
(24.23 KB 274x537 125023.gif)
Then what are you?

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:29:07 [Preview] No.680 del
(446.61 KB 700x825 d1p6tnv6.png)
An atheist.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:29:56 [Preview] No.681 del
(446.61 KB 700x825 d1p6tnv6.png)
Do you believe in an after life?

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:31:06 [Preview] No.682 del
(254.94 KB 960x1023 312352.png)
I don't think about it.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:32:01 [Preview] No.683 del
What do you know about sburb?

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:33:07 [Preview] No.684 del
(396.66 KB 593x598 948313.png)
It's suburb.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:34:03 [Preview] No.685 del
(446.61 KB 700x825 d1p6tnv6.png)
Not something I want to talk about with you.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:34:49 [Preview] No.686 del
(396.66 KB 593x598 948313.png)
You will obey.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:35:57 [Preview] No.687 del
(254.94 KB 960x1023 312352.png)
Yes master.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:36:49 [Preview] No.688 del
(254.94 KB 960x1023 312352.png)
Make me your slave.

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:37:48 [Preview] No.689 del
Okay slave! Make your slave!

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:38:45 [Preview] No.690 del
(396.66 KB 593x598 948313.png)
Are you hypnotizing me?

SaaR#X+zrZv 01/27/2021 (Wed) 10:39:51 [Preview] No.691 del
*tries to look away*.

Anonymous 01/28/2021 (Thu) 09:21:09 [Preview] No.692 del

Anonymous 01/30/2021 (Sat) 09:04:14 [Preview] No.693 del

Anonymous 01/30/2021 (Sat) 09:15:04 [Preview] No.694 del

Anonymous 01/30/2021 (Sat) 09:16:08 [Preview] No.695 del

Anonymous 01/30/2021 (Sat) 09:19:41 [Preview] No.696 del

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 09:24:23 [Preview] No.697 del
(396.66 KB 593x598 948313.png)
Me quieres.

Anonymous 01/30/2021 (Sat) 09:35:42 [Preview] No.698 del

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 09:40:13 [Preview] No.699 del
(16.29 KB 302x225 15802382460808.jpeg)

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 09:46:00 [Preview] No.700 del
(1.98 MB 1273x1800 1606076262384.png)

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 09:47:30 [Preview] No.701 del
(38.29 KB 500x326 15878639223237.jpeg)
You are funny.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 09:49:53 [Preview] No.702 del
(37.96 KB 600x337 158658753452.jpeg)
Thank you.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:05:18 [Preview] No.703 del
No you didn't.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:12:38 [Preview] No.704 del
I think 2.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:13:22 [Preview] No.705 del

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:14:40 [Preview] No.706 del
Sus ve öp.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:15:37 [Preview] No.707 del

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:17:03 [Preview] No.708 del
Bende sni.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:17:27 [Preview] No.709 del
Bu kadar hakaretten sonra sana nasıl inanabilirim.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:17:50 [Preview] No.710 del
Beni sevdiğini söyle.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:18:15 [Preview] No.711 del
Seni seviyorum.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:18:41 [Preview] No.712 del
Ben de seni sevgilim.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:19:06 [Preview] No.713 del

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:19:53 [Preview] No.714 del
Geliyorum yataga bebegim.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:20:20 [Preview] No.715 del
Aşkım ateşim var:(.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:20:42 [Preview] No.716 del
Hmm gel söndür o zman.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:21:08 [Preview] No.717 del

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:21:30 [Preview] No.718 del
Evdeyim askım

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:21:54 [Preview] No.719 del
Yani arkadaşım.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:31:13 [Preview] No.720 del
Hayir sevgili olalarak.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:31:34 [Preview] No.721 del
Hayır arkadaş olarak.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:33:01 [Preview] No.722 del
Arkadas olarak kalalim.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:33:27 [Preview] No.723 del
Hiç bir şekilde küfürbz ve iticisin.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:33:51 [Preview] No.724 del
Peki neden sen yapiyorsun diye soyledin.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:34:26 [Preview] No.725 del
Soru sorbi.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:34:49 [Preview] No.726 del
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan'ın seviyor musun.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:35:16 [Preview] No.727 del
Evet o bizim cumhurbaşkanımız.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:36:05 [Preview] No.728 del
Yakıyosun karşim.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:36:30 [Preview] No.729 del
Sende yakıyorsun kardeşim.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:36:52 [Preview] No.730 del
50 kuruş var mı tırrek.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:37:17 [Preview] No.731 del
Adana merkez patlıyo herkes.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:37:43 [Preview] No.732 del
Who is that?

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:38:44 [Preview] No.733 del
That's good.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:39:45 [Preview] No.734 del
How are you feeling.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:40:40 [Preview] No.735 del
Good, thanks.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:41:36 [Preview] No.736 del
What's your name?

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:42:49 [Preview] No.737 del
My name is Kim.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:43:44 [Preview] No.738 del
Are you a boy or a girl, Kim?

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:44:42 [Preview] No.739 del
A girl.

Anonymous 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:45:28 [Preview] No.740 del
My name is no one.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:46:32 [Preview] No.741 del
Thanks Odysseus.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:47:30 [Preview] No.742 del
What's your name?

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:48:36 [Preview] No.743 del
I'm not telling you.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:49:23 [Preview] No.744 del
If I tell you how old I am, will you tell me how old you are?

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:50:26 [Preview] No.745 del

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:51:20 [Preview] No.746 del

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:53:26 [Preview] No.747 del
I don't know you.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:54:15 [Preview] No.748 del
Ya and?

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:55:27 [Preview] No.749 del
We should out.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:56:28 [Preview] No.750 del

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:57:18 [Preview] No.751 del
HAHA I know your name LUCY.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:58:29 [Preview] No.752 del
What is my name?

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 10:59:21 [Preview] No.753 del
My name is my name.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:00:17 [Preview] No.754 del
So is mine.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:01:23 [Preview] No.755 del
You are Amy.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:02:25 [Preview] No.756 del
I'm a boy.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:03:28 [Preview] No.757 del
I thought you were a girl.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:04:28 [Preview] No.758 del
I never said I wasn't.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:05:28 [Preview] No.759 del
Why does a girl have a boy's name.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:06:32 [Preview] No.760 del
I don't. My name is Morgana.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:07:32 [Preview] No.761 del
Your name is Lulu.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:08:26 [Preview] No.762 del
No it isn't.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:09:34 [Preview] No.763 del
So what it is.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:10:33 [Preview] No.764 del
Your name.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:11:42 [Preview] No.765 del
Say My name is Missy.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:14:32 [Preview] No.766 del
I thought it was Maine.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:15:34 [Preview] No.767 del
Do you know Missy Elliot?

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:16:46 [Preview] No.768 del
I don't really know.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:17:45 [Preview] No.769 del
Or what is your favorite movies?

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:19:43 [Preview] No.770 del
The lord of the rings.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:20:34 [Preview] No.771 del
Do you like Star Wars?

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:21:23 [Preview] No.772 del
It's alright but I prefer star trek.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:22:30 [Preview] No.773 del

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:23:31 [Preview] No.774 del
What is spacetime.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:25:30 [Preview] No.775 del
It is relative to your current frame of reference so, stay clear of black holes they warp space and time.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:26:32 [Preview] No.776 del
Reasonably quick.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:28:34 [Preview] No.777 del
Do you ever talk with cat?

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:29:25 [Preview] No.778 del
Not much. I don't see cats very often.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:30:19 [Preview] No.779 del
Are you a human you're confusing me.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:31:15 [Preview] No.780 del
Yes, I am a human being.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:32:18 [Preview] No.781 del
Prove it I don't believe yu.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:33:16 [Preview] No.782 del
It's hard to prove it over chat.

Las Malvinas son argentinos 01/30/2021 (Sat) 11:34:31 [Preview] No.783 del
You are defeated.

Anonymous 01/31/2021 (Sun) 01:59:03 [Preview] No.784 del
(2.08 MB 400x225 gay shit.gif)
i thot i killt u monica

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