/miku/ - Miku

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(66.68 KB 266x350 da6whdi.png)
Attic 3 Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 15:02:10 [Preview] No. 3339
Lapis edition
Old thread: >>1991

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 15:53:22 [Preview] No.3342 del
(1.14 MB 1400x1050 65734915_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 15:58:02 [Preview] No.3343 del
(51.79 KB 480x756 12021184.jpg)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 15:59:01 [Preview] No.3344 del
(370.25 KB 960x539 72638679_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 16:20:39 [Preview] No.3345 del

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 16:49:52 [Preview] No.3346 del
(425.40 KB 1536x2048 DeAhZGZV0AAUFgR.jpg)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 17:02:19 [Preview] No.3347 del
Have you heard Miku song where she sings Akane Sasu?

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 17:16:09 [Preview] No.3348 del
(340.16 KB 998x568 67972979_p0.png)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 17:24:20 [Preview] No.3349 del
(372.29 KB 1086x1755 76966791_p0.png)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 17:38:13 [Preview] No.3350 del
(1.18 MB 2048x1772 65245421_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 17:45:17 [Preview] No.3351 del
(553.72 KB 940x1350 76974287_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 17:46:54 [Preview] No.3352 del
(206.96 KB 928x1730 DnB3OeKVsAInhkT.jpg)
How is :moon:?

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 17:48:59 [Preview] No.3353 del
(2.03 MB 1500x1216 76541031_p0.png)
I'm okay, just not sure what to do.

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 17:50:32 [Preview] No.3354 del
(997.28 KB 900x1217 68690647_p0.png)
About :akari:?

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 18:27:21 [Preview] No.3355 del
(2.41 MB 1800x2300 76663913_p0.png)
Well yeah that too...

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 18:31:25 [Preview] No.3356 del
(130.54 KB 800x800 72285551_p1.png)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 18:39:32 [Preview] No.3357 del
(893.22 KB 1000x1414 76354277_p0.png)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 18:52:57 [Preview] No.3359 del
(1.20 MB 2321x1799 76399389_p0.png)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 18:56:13 [Preview] No.3360 del
of all the boards i didn't think miku would be one of the one's that lasted

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 19:00:08 [Preview] No.3361 del
(731.47 KB 720x900 50147756_p0.png)
this is /yukari/

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 19:02:55 [Preview] No.3362 del
(1.14 MB 1500x844 71388964_p0.jpg)
Our need to post Miku is too strong

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 19:05:37 [Preview] No.3363 del
(649.11 KB 1000x1000 37841984_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 19:06:21 [Preview] No.3364 del
i respect it

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 19:10:11 [Preview] No.3365 del
(372.57 KB 800x1173 67897012_p0.jpg)
We even have another backup ready just in case this place goes down.

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 19:11:03 [Preview] No.3366 del
where there's literally no place left unless it some really obscure place

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 19:15:55 [Preview] No.3367 del
(7.14 MB 3342x3402 55715985_p0.png)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 19:17:13 [Preview] No.3369 del
(3.95 MB 2000x2860 50779906_p0.png)
Spacechan is obscure, but it just shows that more derivatives exist, there will always be more.

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 19:18:32 [Preview] No.3370 del
i don't think they let people make boards there?

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 19:19:23 [Preview] No.3371 del
(74.38 KB 416x591 28946091_p3.jpg)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 19:22:58 [Preview] No.3372 del

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 19:24:26 [Preview] No.3373 del
(762.18 KB 926x976 60488939_p0.jpg)
People can, you just have to ask for it I think.

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 19:35:46 [Preview] No.3374 del
(595.24 KB 1156x1156 411056_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 19:51:40 [Preview] No.3375 del
(986.11 KB 1544x1124 76934571_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 19:52:18 [Preview] No.3376 del
(481.46 KB 1050x1200 52549263_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 19:57:12 [Preview] No.3377 del
(1016.32 KB 2000x2000 75864574_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 19:59:32 [Preview] No.3378 del
(494.57 KB 1000x1000 45055521_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 20:02:13 [Preview] No.3379 del
(1.73 MB 2002x2784 76611657_p0.png)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 20:03:44 [Preview] No.3380 del
(1013.45 KB 1000x1421 64036009_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 20:17:33 [Preview] No.3383 del
(1.45 MB 2070x2002 76076172_p0.png)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 20:19:45 [Preview] No.3385 del
(864.72 KB 1024x1024 64704722_p0.png)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 20:36:19 [Preview] No.3387 del
(2.98 MB 2419x1310 64984702_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 20:39:41 [Preview] No.3388 del
How is :akane:

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 20:40:46 [Preview] No.3389 del
(164.39 KB 550x550 62564831_p0.png)
sleepy :akane:

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 20:41:57 [Preview] No.3390 del
(131.66 KB 1000x1000 76654019_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 20:45:33 [Preview] No.3392 del
(1.94 MB 1398x1399 65035943_p0.png)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 20:51:59 [Preview] No.3393 del
(549.07 KB 1428x1378 75424726_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 20:56:25 [Preview] No.3394 del

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 20:57:14 [Preview] No.3395 del
(251.86 KB 800x800 65231792_p0.jpg)
:akane: sleep

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 21:03:22 [Preview] No.3396 del
(435.87 KB 1000x824 17506475_p0.jpg)
tell :akane: if you want to play

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 21:09:06 [Preview] No.3397 del
(708.83 KB 1003x1416 69568631_p0.png)
Good night :akane:

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 21:10:43 [Preview] No.3398 del
Sleep well :akane:💜
It's pretty late for Yuzzy too...

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 21:12:45 [Preview] No.3399 del
(473.27 KB 1200x1400 43462077_p0.png)
Don't go to sleep yet! Here, have some cozzy

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 21:17:06 [Preview] No.3400 del
Just what I needed!

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 21:20:26 [Preview] No.3401 del
(385.54 KB 720x1196 56409222_p0.jpg)
(385.54 KB 720x1196 56409222_p0.jpg)
Sugar, cream?

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 21:33:10 [Preview] No.3403 del
(404.42 KB 950x713 28307929_p0.jpg)
Good cozzy

How did I post two?

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 21:41:10 [Preview] No.3405 del
(1.39 MB 1200x1600 76980781_p0.jpg)
A happy little accident?

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 21:44:36 [Preview] No.3406 del
Let's call it that.

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 21:50:47 [Preview] No.3407 del
(2.10 MB 1809x1237 67219712_p0.png)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 21:53:40 [Preview] No.3408 del
I should really go now.
Have a nice day Bizzy!💜

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 21:58:12 [Preview] No.3409 del
(1008.67 KB 1124x1988 76853573_p0.jpg)
Not enough cozzy...
Sweet dreams :yukari:💜

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 22:17:44 [Preview] No.3411 del
(219.65 KB 597x883 EDfgIV2VAAADbV5.png)
Ehhhhhhhhhh!? Attic 3?

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 22:30:20 [Preview] No.3412 del
(4.72 MB 2480x3508 76763435_p0.png)
We're really going through attics

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 22:33:53 [Preview] No.3413 del
I made a thread :3

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 22:41:09 [Preview] No.3414 del
(207.91 KB 1920x1080 ED70eP0VUAA-Obl.jpg)
How many are there?


Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 22:48:25 [Preview] No.3415 del
(372.20 KB 2000x1337 74917460_p0.jpg)
3 indeed
It's attics, all the way up

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 23:03:32 [Preview] No.3416 del
(1.32 MB 2400x1800 1060542.jpg)
Its supposed to be colder tonight so I'm kinda preparing for it

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 23:04:04 [Preview] No.3417 del
(428.38 KB 2818x2279 ED8h4l-U4AANIh5.jpg)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 23:11:15 [Preview] No.3418 del
(1000.54 KB 1107x1449 72612789_p0.jpg)
Sounds comfy

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 23:11:52 [Preview] No.3419 del
(554.55 KB 2000x2500 ED7JjH4UUAE-hRt.jpg)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 23:14:11 [Preview] No.3420 del
(911.65 KB 2400x1800 1731855.jpg)
I've been having some fun on spacechan today

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 23:20:38 [Preview] No.3421 del
(527.15 KB 620x877 70108432_p0.png)

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 23:25:00 [Preview] No.3422 del
(138.42 KB 750x1334 ED3kZ3jUEAA2CS3.jpg)
On hover?


Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 23:33:57 [Preview] No.3423 del
(40.42 KB 256x256 219189.jpg)
Yeah and the /lounge/ board
The /b/ board got wiped/deleted 2 times in about a span of a day

Anyway I'm off for now, later~

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 23:45:12 [Preview] No.3424 del
(568.13 KB 778x1085 75205259_p0.png)
See you later :lapis:💜

Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 23:51:11 [Preview] No.3425 del
(267.59 KB 1500x1401 ED3baJKUEAAFiJZ.jpg)
<3 See you Lapis!


Anonymous 09/27/2019 (Fri) 23:59:11 [Preview] No.3426 del
(422.17 KB 620x877 69918606_p0.png)
Yellow text!?

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 00:03:39 [Preview] No.3427 del
(81.42 KB 1074x1525 ECX6xhsU0AAaa8k.jpg)
<Gold text!

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 00:20:16 [Preview] No.3428 del
(234.08 KB 450x520 76625342_p0.png)
No fair, I can't purple text!

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 00:22:00 [Preview] No.3429 del
You can't?

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 00:30:03 [Preview] No.3430 del
(547.45 KB 1228x1377 76795331_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 00:33:08 [Preview] No.3431 del
(276.08 KB 2024x2048 ECU1KC3UIAAIbgu.jpg)
You figured it out! You're not a newbun as I thought!

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 00:41:19 [Preview] No.3432 del
(1.22 MB 1500x2121 75703821_p0.png)
Grr, I'm more oldbun than anyone else!

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 00:42:55 [Preview] No.3433 del
(204.32 KB 900x1200 ECTVeArVUAEkDhz.jpg)

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 00:47:56 [Preview] No.3434 del
(675.83 KB 1126x1590 76853573_p12.jpg)

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 00:50:00 [Preview] No.3435 del
(178.35 KB 1024x889 ECQXsioUYAARtJr.jpg)

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 01:03:27 [Preview] No.3436 del
(715.18 KB 1126x1190 76853573_p16.jpg)

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 01:06:21 [Preview] No.3437 del
I just posted that! >>3431


Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 01:29:58 [Preview] No.3438 del
(772.24 KB 1124x1650 76853573_p10.jpg)
Don't blame me, blame the site for allowing it...
And for being a cute image!

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 01:32:33 [Preview] No.3439 del

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 01:41:52 [Preview] No.3440 del
(1.46 MB 1730x2448 76853573_p11.jpg)

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 01:49:46 [Preview] No.3441 del

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 01:50:02 [Preview] No.3442 del
How are you today?

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 02:16:53 [Preview] No.3443 del
(3.95 MB 2000x2860 50779906_p0.png)
I'm okay, just doing homework and playing some games.

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 02:19:22 [Preview] No.3444 del
(1.41 MB 1200x1453 65757992_p0.jpg)
Ah, what are you playing?

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 02:24:38 [Preview] No.3445 del
(571.98 KB 900x963 43884241_p0.jpg)
A Finland simulator, aka UnReal World.

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 02:24:54 [Preview] No.3446 del
I'm going to get going now to print some pictures for my grandmother. See ya <3

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 02:25:12 [Preview] No.3447 del
Isn't that my summer car?

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 02:28:30 [Preview] No.3448 del
(1.29 MB 1620x2070 76996781_p0.png)
This one came way before that!

See ya :gold: <3

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 03:05:02 [Preview] No.3449 del
(593.43 KB 650x791 1443728586643.jpg)

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 03:39:49 [Preview] No.3450 del
(593.50 KB 990x1188 48348584_p0.png)

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 03:42:12 [Preview] No.3451 del

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 03:50:35 [Preview] No.3452 del
(2.36 MB 2508x3541 73685167_p0.png)
How are you?

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 04:01:58 [Preview] No.3453 del
I'm pretty good. I had a good day. Was blessed by RNGesus with my gacha pulls.

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 04:25:23 [Preview] No.3454 del
(3.74 MB 3233x2150 73941955_p0.png)

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 04:29:46 [Preview] No.3455 del
Don't you know what a gacha game is?

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 04:31:46 [Preview] No.3456 del
(680.55 KB 1131x1600 72555963_p0.jpg)
I do... but gacha is bad civilization!

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 04:32:58 [Preview] No.3457 del
I only spent $15 I regret nothing

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 04:34:18 [Preview] No.3458 del
(1.17 MB 2410x1599 75387522_p0.png)
Which gacha?

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 04:57:07 [Preview] No.3459 del
(129.34 KB 1000x1000 C3UjKBGUoAAfPHW.jpg)
Dragalia Lost

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 05:05:28 [Preview] No.3460 del
(1.10 MB 1124x1370 74743758_p0.jpg)
I-I see...

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 05:07:34 [Preview] No.3461 del
(497.60 KB 900x900 49392807_p0.jpg)
it's good
one of the only gachas i've found where you're nearly discouraged from buying things because they give away so much shit

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 05:24:40 [Preview] No.3462 del
(7.00 MB 2894x4093 75317366_p0.jpg)
I guess that's not as bad, but still, poor 15 dollars...

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 05:30:12 [Preview] No.3463 del
No ragrets
I'm going to bed. Goodnight :heart:

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 05:33:17 [Preview] No.3464 del
(5.14 MB 2894x4093 75049503_p0.jpg)
Sweet dreams :rin: :heart:

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 05:39:31 [Preview] No.3465 del
(199.67 KB 863x1200 EA_Sli8U0AAst8-.jpg)

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 05:47:48 [Preview] No.3466 del
(1.02 MB 1157x1637 76113337_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 05:48:25 [Preview] No.3467 del
(274.30 KB 2048x1152 69584789_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 05:52:36 [Preview] No.3468 del
(90.00 KB 659x659 75594345_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 05:54:25 [Preview] No.3469 del
(1.48 MB 1500x951 33567088_p0.jpg)
How is :bunny:?

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 06:04:45 [Preview] No.3470 del
(655.37 KB 756x1080 76547395_p0.png)
Stats homework is too easy.

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 06:05:24 [Preview] No.3471 del
(957.63 KB 800x1273 59316214_p0.png)

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 06:07:32 [Preview] No.3472 del
(384.11 KB 781x1080 76547395_p4.png)

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 06:09:13 [Preview] No.3473 del
(3.47 MB 1750x1729 47626815_p0.png)

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 06:25:48 [Preview] No.3474 del
(357.03 KB 761x1000 76707167_p0.png)

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 06:30:32 [Preview] No.3475 del

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 07:58:35 [Preview] No.3476 del
Does no one want to play :meiko: games?

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 08:29:21 [Preview] No.3477 del
(1.38 MB 1965x3000 75373870_p0.png)
Sorry :akane: but I need to get to bed

Good night

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 12:11:55 [Preview] No.3478 del
(140.89 KB 1000x1000 EFjAAPpU0AEeVUl.jpg)

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 14:39:02 [Preview] No.3479 del
(500.23 KB 686x800 49160743_p0.png)

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 16:21:14 [Preview] No.3481 del
(114.37 KB 540x764 11292.jpg)

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 16:38:56 [Preview] No.3483 del
(45.25 KB 558x716 3t1s8y.jpg)
(1.86 MB 1920x1080 cant-post-on-miku.webm)
I was thinking maybe we could play games sometime

Also for some reason I couldn't post this until I went to the bottom of the page and wrote it in quick reply instead
Is endchan just that bad?

Anonymous 09/28/2019 (Sat) 21:20:17 [Preview] No.3484 del
(311.54 KB 750x684 EFc90oWVUAAwN-j.png)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 02:06:52 [Preview] No.3486 del
(2.64 MB 1377x2039 36583210_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 02:14:33 [Preview] No.3487 del

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 02:15:50 [Preview] No.3488 del
(424.52 KB 800x879 36386858_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 02:21:37 [Preview] No.3490 del
(180.77 KB 836x1180 EFDXceWVAAEnS01.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 02:24:42 [Preview] No.3491 del

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 02:39:00 [Preview] No.3492 del
(103.48 KB 888x1200 EFgAGr3VUAAsA5J.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 02:42:54 [Preview] No.3494 del
(122.96 KB 943x1358 EEXsNSVU8AAOK7I.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 02:45:34 [Preview] No.3495 del
I want to hug a Tooru!

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 02:48:14 [Preview] No.3496 del
(111.32 KB 926x1354 EEjx0FwUYAA1TB9.jpg)
I want to hug a Jidao!

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 02:52:47 [Preview] No.3497 del
Tooru is cuter!

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 02:54:09 [Preview] No.3498 del
(380.02 KB 2500x3000 EFdJU0jVUAExQ5N.jpg)
What's the difference?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 02:57:38 [Preview] No.3499 del
Tooru has bigger boobs!

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 03:00:20 [Preview] No.3500 del
(241.67 KB 899x656 EFmJSlXU4AANptQ.png)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 03:01:11 [Preview] No.3501 del
You asked!

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 03:02:29 [Preview] No.3502 del
(78.72 KB 818x1200 EFjVx-_UwAg6URl.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 03:04:22 [Preview] No.3503 del
Check out Mysteria Friends. Grea id a cute dragon.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 03:06:18 [Preview] No.3504 del
(804.04 KB 566x800 D9xOWdhVUAAp8uy[1])
I want to hug wounds404!
I only know Grea and Anne from back when I used to play Shadowverse.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 03:07:43 [Preview] No.3505 del
(421.14 KB 2048x2013 EFJ5x2CVAAEw0a4.jpg)

You like the artist?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 03:10:25 [Preview] No.3506 del
It's a comfy and cute anime.


Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 03:12:59 [Preview] No.3507 del
(169.14 KB 988x1600 Dz0t1brUUAEUv5N[1])
Yeah. They seem like they could use a hug or ten.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 03:14:31 [Preview] No.3508 del
(182.93 KB 1500x1000 EEyFrs0VUAAe6RC.jpg)


Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 03:20:20 [Preview] No.3510 del
(30.07 KB 1043x444 EFJ-EciUwAYZ5KS[1])
People who don't need a hug don't usually draw things like this.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 03:21:22 [Preview] No.3511 del
(189.74 KB 1000x1400 EEWdJlFVUAAh9ff.jpg)


Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 03:26:38 [Preview] No.3512 del
(3.47 MB 2186x3080 76237510_p0.png)


Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 03:27:38 [Preview] No.3513 del
(3.45 MB 2406x1600 75266322_p0.png)
I worry about them sometimes.They say some disturbing things on their Twitter account.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 03:31:23 [Preview] No.3514 del
(81.04 KB 800x800 EEvES4VX4AEEc3z.jpg)

O-Oh.... I don't think I've seen their twitter posts. Why don't you try saying something to them then?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 03:37:19 [Preview] No.3515 del
(747.81 KB 1032x1100 76327952_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 03:39:32 [Preview] No.3516 del
(4.43 MB 2000x1122 75830167_p0.png)
I have. They've never acknowledged me at all.Their pinned tweet is "生きる意味がない。".
Is this a :madoka:?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 03:42:23 [Preview] No.3517 del
(284.40 KB 467x692 51537917_p50.png)


Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 03:44:18 [Preview] No.3518 del
No it's Momo from "The demon girl next door. Happy Birthday!


Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 03:44:42 [Preview] No.3519 del
(387.51 KB 800x800 76354939_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 03:45:33 [Preview] No.3520 del
(1.01 MB 1200x1536 44013992.png)
Thanks, but it was yesterday, not today.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 03:47:48 [Preview] No.3521 del
(1.40 MB 1200x1679 55203883_p0.jpg)

I'm so sorry....

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 03:48:12 [Preview] No.3522 del
(176.84 KB 963x1555 76539269_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 03:49:40 [Preview] No.3523 del
(412.83 KB 925x925 76340467_p2.png)
(372.23 KB 925x925 76340467_p1.png)
(430.17 KB 925x925 76340467_p0.png)



Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 03:55:30 [Preview] No.3524 del
(150.78 KB 1000x1200 42695830.jpg)
Don't worry about it.
Don't worry about it.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 03:56:30 [Preview] No.3525 del
(185.12 KB 1000x707 55405423_p0.jpg)



Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 04:01:51 [Preview] No.3526 del
(788.61 KB 800x1231 75708682_p0.jpg)
yours birthday?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 04:06:17 [Preview] No.3527 del
(1.06 MB 1358x1359 76691324_p0.png)

I'm going to carve a jack-o-lantern. See everyone later.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 04:09:24 [Preview] No.3528 del
(310.68 KB 473x700 42661338.png)
Yesterday was my birthday.
It's not even October!
See ya.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 04:11:52 [Preview] No.3529 del
But the fall festival contest is next weekend and I need to practice.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 04:13:48 [Preview] No.3530 del
(632.16 KB 2150x1536 57635933_p0.jpg)

How long do they even last for? Won't they rot by Halloween?

See you <3



Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 04:15:11 [Preview] No.3531 del
(661.09 KB 685x1000 76878423_p0.png)
that sounds fun, see you later :)
well, late happy birthday!

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 04:27:56 [Preview] No.3532 del
I see.
thank you!

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 04:35:45 [Preview] No.3533 del
(1.02 MB 1136x916 59029742_p0.png)
Do you like cheongsam?

You dropped your :rin:!

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 04:38:32 [Preview] No.3534 del
(7.09 MB 2507x3546 76545935_p0.png)
not especially

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 04:40:27 [Preview] No.3535 del
(195.31 KB 1358x1855 EES09dmXoAEkd6y.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 04:41:06 [Preview] No.3536 del
i just burnt my pan when i tried to make grilled cheese

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 04:43:59 [Preview] No.3537 del
(105.59 KB 654x262 ED9T_FHUcAEvXa1.png)
But pans are metal? How do you burn that? Also how do you grill something on a pan?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 04:48:10 [Preview] No.3538 del
(689.39 KB 720x1089 44536088.png)
My posts keep not going through...

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 04:55:58 [Preview] No.3539 del
(79.65 KB 728x668 DrkqyMRVYAE6Vt0.jpg)
It can be annoying sometimes.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 04:57:09 [Preview] No.3540 del
(864.65 KB 2560x1440 EFJxGhyU8AMBXlF.jpg)
the bread just sticks to the pan now, fucking hard to clean

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 04:59:15 [Preview] No.3541 del
(390.27 KB 777x590 1407797841959.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 05:02:10 [Preview] No.3542 del
But you're learning!


Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 05:05:59 [Preview] No.3543 del
(316.79 KB 1910x2048 EAKhkmwVUAQa3fK.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 05:06:00 [Preview] No.3544 del
(51.47 KB 512x512 1318680515345.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 05:09:15 [Preview] No.3545 del
(13.67 MB 4093x2894 76937824_p0.png)
I guess I will have instant noodles for every meal when I live alone

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 05:11:03 [Preview] No.3546 del
I had instant yakisoba for dinner today. No regrets.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 05:12:16 [Preview] No.3547 del
No smoking!



You can get that instantly?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 05:20:27 [Preview] No.3549 del
(77.61 KB 600x966 EFLt_nCUEAAgCg4.jpg)
yes, we had those here too

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 05:21:54 [Preview] No.3550 del
(117.21 KB 700x583 1318809328968.jpg)
Happy Birthday!

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 05:23:46 [Preview] No.3551 del
(271.33 KB 900x1200 64648079_p0.jpg)
No taking shirts off in public!
thank you!

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 05:26:05 [Preview] No.3552 del
(3.21 MB 3840x2160 76939806_p0.jpg)
I go make my lunch, see u guys later~

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 05:27:20 [Preview] No.3553 del
(869.21 KB 1377x2039 48428880_p0.jpg)
What about /meiko/ games?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 05:31:35 [Preview] No.3554 del
(299.78 KB 1920x1080 EDkTBL4WkAUMAaB.jpg)


What were you wanting to play?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 05:36:08 [Preview] No.3555 del
(88.42 KB 600x800 DPUo4e-UIAYsOEv.jpg)
have a good day :miku:

I'm actually going to bed. Goodnight all :heart:

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 05:36:31 [Preview] No.3556 del
(262.23 KB 729x729 126670585770.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 05:37:34 [Preview] No.3557 del
Have a nice lunch ♥

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 05:43:44 [Preview] No.3558 del
(527.88 KB 750x1064 72808074_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 05:48:04 [Preview] No.3559 del
(277.31 KB 566x573 54246144_p9.png)
<3 Sweet dreams!



Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 05:53:01 [Preview] No.3560 del
Good night ♥

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 05:57:03 [Preview] No.3561 del
(104.32 KB 780x780 DeJCvZ3VAAAUZ8C.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 06:00:15 [Preview] No.3562 del
(465.58 KB 802x1567 60819965_p0.png)

Cute :aria:!

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 06:09:42 [Preview] No.3563 del
(1.19 MB 2500x2500 72444539_p0.jpg)
What about the games?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 06:17:27 [Preview] No.3564 del
(89.51 KB 600x597 12387717_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 06:18:21 [Preview] No.3565 del
(875.69 KB 1280x960 61785269_p0.png)
Yeah, what did you want to play?


Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 06:20:22 [Preview] No.3566 del
:akane: already asked at >>3304 and >>3396

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 06:24:47 [Preview] No.3567 del
(144.60 KB 768x1024 71513641_p1.jpg)
I missed that second post...
I'll try to get vassal installed now and look up the rules.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 06:26:28 [Preview] No.3568 del
(387.58 KB 788x516 1333491537010.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 06:26:54 [Preview] No.3569 del
I'm asking now because we might find 3 others by the time a release will be ready.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 06:28:31 [Preview] No.3570 del
(93.60 KB 768x768 55472064_p0.jpg)

3 others!?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 06:31:59 [Preview] No.3571 del
(225.12 KB 918x1024 6783141_p0.png)
:heart teto:
The game can be played by 2, 3, or 6, remember?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 06:37:43 [Preview] No.3572 del
(252.79 KB 1000x1085 76818916_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 06:41:21 [Preview] No.3573 del
(1.20 MB 1200x790 59472805_p0.png)
I meant who are the other 3?


Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 06:42:42 [Preview] No.3574 del
(260.21 KB 800x515 14271014_p0.jpg)
Does :cat teto: want to play :meiko: games?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 06:50:06 [Preview] No.3575 del
(598.71 KB 1000x826 31463829.png)
Sorry, but :cat teto: is feeling sleepy.

Good night ♥

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 06:52:29 [Preview] No.3576 del
(634.00 KB 760x1140 62382582_p0.jpg)

<3 Oyasumi

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 06:53:40 [Preview] No.3577 del
(300.47 KB 1519x1100 65947107_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 06:56:51 [Preview] No.3578 del
(660.33 KB 747x1000 63311047_p0.jpg)
Is this a :koe:?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 07:00:53 [Preview] No.3579 del
(281.47 KB 1080x607 69136752_p0.png)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 07:02:44 [Preview] No.3580 del
(1.65 MB 1191x1684 65196406_p0.jpg)
:uta:'s younger sister.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 07:06:35 [Preview] No.3581 del

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 07:11:01 [Preview] No.3582 del
(670.00 KB 1507x1324 76930819_p15.jpg)
Luo Tianyi!

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 07:13:43 [Preview] No.3583 del
This :luo:?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 07:20:00 [Preview] No.3584 del
(3.58 KB 512x512 EFXzKfXUYAAIor6.png)
Looks like a :chocomint: to me.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 07:22:54 [Preview] No.3585 del
:aoi: doesn't sing in Chinese
Who else could play :meiko: games?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 07:24:37 [Preview] No.3586 del
(432.21 KB 1920x1370 EFWMWufU8AAjX4x.jpg)
(680.18 KB 790x696 EFYHm9BUUAEUl0o.png)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 07:27:35 [Preview] No.3587 del
(1.57 MB 1500x1061 63259254_p0.jpg)
There's a Korean manual though
Is that :one:?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 07:31:56 [Preview] No.3588 del
(546.12 KB 1000x1200 64106257_p0.jpg)
Yes, and :akane:

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 07:33:56 [Preview] No.3589 del
(1.53 MB 848x1200 60392608_p0.png)
Who could we get to play Here I Stand?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 07:41:23 [Preview] No.3590 del
(1.13 MB 1200x850 61764538_p0.png)
I'll ask, it might take a while to get a response.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 07:46:10 [Preview] No.3591 del
(268.37 KB 424x600 72795472_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 07:47:52 [Preview] No.3592 del
(1.10 MB 900x1600 32923297_p0.jpg)
Cute :chocomint:

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 07:51:07 [Preview] No.3593 del
(85.72 KB 846x764 EBTP_M7UEAEzW68.jpg)
That's :ia:.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 07:53:19 [Preview] No.3594 del
(667.18 KB 666x666 32402383_p0.png)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 07:57:36 [Preview] No.3595 del
(1.45 MB 1500x2211 74108289_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 08:02:38 [Preview] No.3596 del
(316.66 KB 1000x1333 27164084_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 08:05:07 [Preview] No.3597 del
(241.43 KB 1191x1684 EDJ3Bs8UYAAJTf7.jpg)
We could try to play Kotonoha Struggle, Carcassonne, or Twilight Sparkle.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 08:09:46 [Preview] No.3598 del
(271.16 KB 688x1200 16063127_p0.jpg)
That's fine too

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 08:19:24 [Preview] No.3600 del
(1.11 MB 1250x1234 13940654_p0.jpg)
No, that's :yukari:
Any. I guess I'll mainly see when Meimei wakes up It'll be their birthday today. I only really know the rules to Carcassonne currently though.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 08:26:19 [Preview] No.3601 del
(672.21 KB 1500x1250 13568360_p0.jpg)
I meant another long email game. Kotonoha Struggle is a two player game anyway. :meiko: hasn't responded in a few days.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 08:33:17 [Preview] No.3602 del
(455.31 KB 576x970 10703367_p0.jpg)
Oh, were you wanting to play something now? Let me read the rules to that first...

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 08:34:26 [Preview] No.3603 del
(715.83 KB 1875x1301 3276688_p0.jpg)
Doesn't have to start now.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 08:37:40 [Preview] No.3604 del
(119.64 KB 800x600 6271634_p0.jpg)
Might be best if you play USSR and set up first. Then just send me the log file.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 08:42:14 [Preview] No.3605 del
(441.31 KB 1254x1771 EDLmIy_VAAAHOxX.png)
Don't make the same mistakes and read about a few playthroughs and card count.
Doesn't Twilight Sparkle look just like Yukari?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 08:46:01 [Preview] No.3606 del
(78.29 KB 604x900 EFmXKADUYAEZiu7.jpg)
No, but a :unicorn: does.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 08:50:00 [Preview] No.3607 del
You can always see which cards have been played. You can use this to figure out what's still in play.
Looks the same to me.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 08:55:02 [Preview] No.3608 del
Well I don't think I've ever played a game before.
But that's not a bunny...

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 09:00:14 [Preview] No.3609 del
(1.04 MB 1280x987 57763122_p0.jpg)
They're in the manual and on the internet. You didn't use the table in the Carcassonne manual?
Sharks are bunnies too.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 09:02:45 [Preview] No.3610 del
Oh, I see what you mean now. The table?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 09:07:07 [Preview] No.3611 del
(479.92 KB 1200x750 39491967_p0.jpg)
The pieces are tabulated in the manuals.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 09:16:50 [Preview] No.3613 del
(828.37 KB 1024x1280 68225508_p0.jpg)
How is :yellow: and the :itako:?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 09:18:37 [Preview] No.3614 del
Well mainly my hardware projects are on hold because I don't have any money to build them. I've mainly been reading about RF stuff today.

What about yourself?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 09:25:52 [Preview] No.3616 del
What are you going to eat?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 09:27:30 [Preview] No.3617 del
(2.10 MB 2840x1240 50976072_p0.jpg)
I have to eat all the eggs.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 09:30:44 [Preview] No.3619 del
(446.69 KB 900x680 76098630_p0.png)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 09:36:49 [Preview] No.3620 del
Have you been working on any projects?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 09:42:25 [Preview] No.3622 del
Any interesting papers or other things that caught your eye?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 09:47:55 [Preview] No.3623 del

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 09:50:30 [Preview] No.3624 del
Don't really want to talk about it?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 09:53:06 [Preview] No.3625 del
(294.37 KB 1230x912 69168935_p17.png)
It's not supposed to silently drop my picture just because it's too big uuuu.
Didn't see anything special.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 09:57:53 [Preview] No.3626 del
Ah, Alright.
Cute Oneko!

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 09:59:35 [Preview] No.3627 del
(78.05 KB 715x1000 D9kXTPtU4AA3djP.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 10:00:18 [Preview] No.3628 del
(219.68 KB 1000x1000 VOCALOID.full.1712088.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 10:03:15 [Preview] No.3629 del
(135.96 KB 800x800 16439392_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 10:06:07 [Preview] No.3630 del

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 10:13:55 [Preview] No.3631 del
(1.28 MB 696x976 23276999_p0.png)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 10:17:00 [Preview] No.3632 del
(288.47 KB 1200x1200 VOCALOID.full.977411.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 10:20:12 [Preview] No.3633 del
(413.60 KB 1400x1050 12358218_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 10:37:03 [Preview] No.3634 del

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 10:47:06 [Preview] No.3635 del
(11.96 KB 255x248 ah, how unpleasant.jpg)
OpenJDK13 doesn't like VASSAL. I don't see the source for the update so I can check out the stack trace.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 10:51:58 [Preview] No.3636 del

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 10:54:50 [Preview] No.3637 del
(239.04 KB 1280x720 heaven.jpeg)
:yellow ai-chan:

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 10:58:53 [Preview] No.3638 del
(770.28 KB 807x1080 Seana.png)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 11:04:29 [Preview] No.3641 del

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 11:10:51 [Preview] No.3642 del

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 11:18:09 [Preview] No.3643 del
(315.19 KB 793x1284 65629165_p0.jpg)
No source for the modules either if you want to fix the bugs in Kotonoha Struggle.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 11:22:02 [Preview] No.3644 del
(144.08 KB 1000x1000 FB_IMG_1560366059163.jpg)
The twilight struggle vmod doesn't work?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 11:22:55 [Preview] No.3645 del
(479.56 KB 1429x1000 72904497_p0.jpg)
It had some errors.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 11:27:50 [Preview] No.3646 del
(137.61 KB 809x1174 EFYrfPgU8AA7aMt.jpg)
It seems find with openjdk8 which I have installed. I haven't really done any java development for quite a while now, so I don't particularly need the newest version.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 11:33:53 [Preview] No.3647 del
(316.83 KB 700x989 34230042_p0.png)
Not Java errors, implementation mistakes.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 11:36:38 [Preview] No.3648 del
(402.60 KB 1181x1181 EFYKxAIUYAEUIXG.jpg)
Isn't the main issue that vassal relies on deprecated features?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 11:38:59 [Preview] No.3649 del
Undocumented implementation details. Konotoha Struggle has its additional bugs.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 11:42:19 [Preview] No.3650 del
(88.24 KB 1122x839 EFYbodhU0AAR9g4.jpg)
Oh, that's another issue then.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 11:47:25 [Preview] No.3651 del
(284.94 KB 1500x1800 EEEFGEUU0AAD11z.jpg)
The old version still works. Deluxe is supposedly better balanced. The US may also get an handicap of an extra influence point or two.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 11:49:27 [Preview] No.3652 del
(205.88 KB 1411x988 EFVDldxUUAAOnkz.jpg)
Version "Deluxe -3.0.11c" then?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 11:52:47 [Preview] No.3653 del
3.1.2 includes Deluxe. Just want to know if you want a handicap.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 11:57:00 [Preview] No.3654 del
(922.73 KB 2893x2893 EFUd9cZVAAM8u0y.jpg)
Not the PBEM version then? I'll be fine without a handicap well not really, you make the decision based if you think its fair.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 12:07:25 [Preview] No.3655 del
(332.03 KB 800x800 42531821_p0.jpg)
That's just if you want to use ACTS.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 12:13:40 [Preview] No.3656 del
(9.97 KB 175x175 13452.jpg)
Imagine posting something and then your post gets ignored and drowned in over a 100 posts so no one will even bother to look for it

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 12:17:17 [Preview] No.3657 del
(2.10 MB 1500x1900 38341301_p0.png)
I thought you wanted to play Heroes and Minecraft.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 12:18:22 [Preview] No.3658 del
(247.67 KB 2008x1470 EFT5ds1VAAAoA8K.jpg)

D-Did I forget something again....?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 12:24:37 [Preview] No.3659 del
(1.53 MB 2892x4093 65356380_p0.jpg)
It says that module is for the Automated Card Tracking System. I sent you my turn.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 12:30:59 [Preview] No.3660 del
(299.23 KB 1300x900 EFPYLgLUYAAi4cZ.jpg)
I'll get started tomorrow though (sorry). Its pretty late at night here, and I'm reading a book.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 12:32:25 [Preview] No.3661 del
:meiko: still didn't come.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 12:38:18 [Preview] No.3662 del
(8.79 KB 512x512 EFmKfIoUcAMqpRh.jpg)
They just woke up I think. I'm pestering him now about it.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 12:39:46 [Preview] No.3663 del
(2.65 MB 2000x1125 72987748_p0.jpg)
On dicsord?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 12:40:57 [Preview] No.3664 del
(147.17 KB 1600x1200 EFLb_anUEAANrbV.jpg)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 12:43:27 [Preview] No.3665 del
(1011.78 KB 1158x760 67069309_p0.png)
Who would go there instead of coming to /yukari/?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 12:50:06 [Preview] No.3666 del
(14.20 KB 714x528 EFjKLB-U4AMNs9a.png)
A lot....

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 12:57:58 [Preview] No.3668 del
(226.69 KB 1003x1417 EFJ9mW_UUAAKJay.jpg)
I always try to put the board first, but a lot of other posters don't have the same ideals. I can still invite you if you've changed your mind and would like to join it.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 13:08:33 [Preview] No.3669 del
(1.39 MB 1511x2149 73044423_p14.png)
Is that where :luka: and :meiko: are?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 13:14:38 [Preview] No.3670 del
(423.02 KB 3445x3445 EFFldFXU0AAqWwe.jpg)
They're both a part of it.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 13:17:28 [Preview] No.3671 del
fuck discord

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 13:21:17 [Preview] No.3672 del
(1.80 MB 3840x2160 68326926_p0.png)
I should ask :luka: to play. Would pester the others too if I had their emails.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 13:23:57 [Preview] No.3674 del
(61.15 KB 450x1004 EFFG7B9UwAEqUQB.jpg)

Maybe ask Bizzy as well?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 13:27:24 [Preview] No.3675 del
(3.13 MB 1900x1461 73599583_p0.png)
The leather club is a couple of boards down.
Don't have it. Just :aoki: :ss: :meiko: :luka: :gold:.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 13:27:48 [Preview] No.3676 del
there's more people here?
who are you guys
i only know goldrin and akane n teto

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 13:28:21 [Preview] No.3677 del

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 13:31:26 [Preview] No.3678 del
(195.53 KB 970x1080 EFEo39hVUAAstQL.jpg)

Bizzy's email? I don't think so either actually. He and I usually talk through steam's chat.

Its gold and akane!
Who is this?

Yeah you jabroni, its two blocks down!

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 13:33:01 [Preview] No.3679 del
who is this lapis person
i don't think leatherclub has a board here
thank god

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 13:37:26 [Preview] No.3681 del
(859.09 KB 2000x3665 EFEkCNuUUAAnhSU.jpg)
This is :lapis: Lapis Aoki >>3656

That's a :mukyu:
Yeah. Did you want a link to their account profile?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 13:40:50 [Preview] No.3682 del
(214.51 KB 831x831 71970958_p1.jpg)
it's here >>>/reddit/
Don't have a profile. Isn't :yellow: sleepy?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 13:41:46 [Preview] No.3683 del
fuck you too kid
i hate leatherclub why are you being hostile toward me

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 13:46:06 [Preview] No.3684 del
(79.10 KB 486x680 EFc1yeQU4AA7UP9.jpg)
Well... yes

Please don't fight

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 13:50:09 [Preview] No.3685 del
(533.33 KB 1063x598 hothead.png)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 13:54:42 [Preview] No.3686 del
(401.69 KB 1500x2121 EEWPpYzUwAEWzEJ.jpg)
You be nice too!

<3 Oyasumi.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 13:57:35 [Preview] No.3687 del
(496.49 KB 1200x750 763861_p0.jpg)
Dream of :orange:.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 14:05:54 [Preview] No.3688 del
(16.31 KB 259x224 1569085.png)
Or worms or something, but I guess you can't play any of those? What can you play?
Maybe its my fault for even posting or doing my best to post
Is someone new around?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 14:15:54 [Preview] No.3689 del
Maybe its also because almost no one is on when I'm on most of the time

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 14:22:17 [Preview] No.3690 del
I'm just not interested in Minecraft. If a game doesn't require multiple players to be online at the same time, I can play it.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 14:38:03 [Preview] No.3691 del
(78.58 KB 900x675 d4nkupn.jpg)
I wasn't really thinking about playing it this time
That's pretty limiting, I don't think I play any games like that
Are they like text based dice rolling games?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 14:48:31 [Preview] No.3692 del
I already played Carcassonne and Twilight Struggle in this way. Might play Decisive Campaigns too.
I don't know if Worms can be played in this way.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 14:55:27 [Preview] No.3693 del
I was hoping to have 6 of us to play Here I Stand. Its handbook says that even though it's easier to play together, all the playtesting was done through emails.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 15:13:31 [Preview] No.3694 del
(5.35 KB 161x149 lapis-advance.png)
Heroes of might and magic and Worms are both turn based games, they could potentially be adapted to your kinda style of play, but I've only ever played it with friends being present while playing. But I once played a variant of worms which wasn't the computer game, so it would be possible (but it wouldn't be the same)
Another fun turn based game is advance wars, but yeah I think it would be a chore to play these games as text games or board games since they're more computer/video games

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 15:26:18 [Preview] No.3695 del
did you post in the 8ch threads?
i don't recall seeing you before

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 15:30:45 [Preview] No.3696 del
(354.86 KB 1920x1080 981273.jpg)
Yeah I've been with /miku/ since 2016 (I'm the board owner of /hover/)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 15:32:00 [Preview] No.3697 del
did you stop posting there or something why havent i seen you before
iv'e been semilurking there for about a year and a half

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 15:38:59 [Preview] No.3698 del
I even started some upstairs threads, like the moonbunny threads
Did you just arrive from an alternate worldline?
You don't seem to have a flag or any pics so I have no idea

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 15:43:15 [Preview] No.3699 del
most people forget about me pretty quick im not suprised no one knows me

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 15:51:47 [Preview] No.3700 del
(310.56 KB 1224x879 remember-this.png)
(159.59 KB 909x737 yade-yade.png)
I know Iku, I know the american Rin, I know that poster who appeared from /robowaifu/ but I'm not sure who you might be, no flags and no pics

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 16:27:05 [Preview] No.3701 del
(12.11 KB 259x224 1569091.png)
Well excuse me for being tiny and unnoticable!

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 16:30:05 [Preview] No.3702 del
im not ignoring you im just sad no one ever remembers me
everyone here knows and likes you
hardly tiny and unnoticeable
nah i stopped going to miku for a few months before 8ch shutdown maybe thats when you started posting more/
idk how i missed you completely

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 16:33:51 [Preview] No.3703 del
I even made a /miku/ highlights collage for 2018
I might make another one for this year

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 16:34:07 [Preview] No.3704 del
(1.94 MB 1794x2000 77033861_p0.jpg)
I remember you. I'm just not sure how to refer to you.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 16:40:16 [Preview] No.3705 del
(229.58 KB 888x1280 1__03102.1484884156.jpg)
i used this
i only really talked with meiko
i stopped posting around the time we watched your name on rabb.it

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 16:49:35 [Preview] No.3706 del
(1.76 MB 1429x2494 77029182_p0.png)

Ah, rabb.it. A shame that place shut down.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 17:11:06 [Preview] No.3707 del
(562.22 KB 900x1273 lapis_aoki_d5ipogm.png)
Vaguely familiar but don't know
I was on rabb.it before occasionally, I think I originally showed it to Bizzy?
Did it get shut down?
Oh that's too bad, but I didn't use it much

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 17:17:22 [Preview] No.3708 del
(274.95 KB 1418x620 hmm.png)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 17:27:15 [Preview] No.3709 del
(638.50 KB 900x1000 76683256_p0.png)
Me neither, but it was really useful for the times I did use it.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 17:29:43 [Preview] No.3710 del
(2.76 MB 2000x2000 VOCALOID1170383.jpg)
Yeah that was me (post on spacechan lounge)
Its probably why it was shut down, because it was only used occasionally

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 17:47:59 [Preview] No.3711 del
(411.84 KB 1189x2000 76691413_p0.jpg)
Poor :rabb.it:...

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 17:58:30 [Preview] No.3712 del
(397.81 KB 884x600 VOCALOID1267811.jpg)
I originally found it through tumblr I think, they had a lot of vocaloid art and stuff on there, like that "Do not interact if you hate Hatsune Miku" thingy we made into a banner at some point (its in the /miku/ collage)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 18:07:59 [Preview] No.3713 del
(181.49 KB 1754x1240 76577703_p0.jpg)
I didn't notice we had our banners at the top here. Now if only we could get the Miku greenblue color back.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 18:14:45 [Preview] No.3714 del
(24.02 KB 277x350 d60ux7s.jpg)
I could do that, but I don't have mod/vol/admin/bo access here so I can't apply it and there's a chance of 8ch coming back soon
Would all of you stay here if it did come back or would you go back to it?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 18:20:32 [Preview] No.3715 del
(1.26 MB 1293x1190 76817243_p0.png)
Upstairs has all of our previous threads, so I'd go back to it.

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 18:43:34 [Preview] No.3716 del
(413.31 KB 900x506 g181851.png)
I'd go back too most likely..
if the content is still there

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 18:52:55 [Preview] No.3717 del
(1.35 MB 1557x1615 76670033_p0.png)
It better or I'll be a :madbunny:

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 19:47:55 [Preview] No.3718 del
(698.05 KB 1600x900 lalala-lapis.png)

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 19:49:45 [Preview] No.3719 del
if i see another person talk about demon slayer im going to punch my fucking screen

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 19:55:14 [Preview] No.3720 del
(25.31 KB 622x350 lapis-197246724.jpg)
You're in luck, I have no idea what you're referring to

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 20:37:29 [Preview] No.3721 del
(4.63 MB 2893x3582 75921410_p0.png)
What's a demon slayer?

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 22:39:07 [Preview] No.3722 del
Check out this cover
https://youtube.com/watch?v=WgJl-Ansl08 [Embed]

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 23:45:44 [Preview] No.3723 del
(221.91 KB 1355x2048 EEVun1IUEAASMw2.jpg)
Ah, :sadmiku:!

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 23:57:35 [Preview] No.3724 del
(123.76 KB 730x1095 sparklie.jpg)
Do I have cloak on or something which renders me invisible to Rins?

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 00:00:23 [Preview] No.3725 del
(405.44 KB 1403x2048 EErMccbVAAI7iSF.jpg)
Well you are pretty transparent
No! What's wrong :lapis:?

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 00:02:37 [Preview] No.3726 del
(2.02 KB 400x400 invisible.png)
You never seem to respond after I've posted, maybe its because you think I'm gone and wont reply

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 00:12:25 [Preview] No.3727 del
(68.31 KB 524x1200 EEMVatnUEAAQg6e.jpg)
No I probably just missed the question. Which post was it exactly?

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 00:24:44 [Preview] No.3728 del
(506.41 KB 1436x2048 EELYEbXVAAApwe_.jpg)
Good night Lapis <3

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 00:25:17 [Preview] No.3729 del
(625.35 KB 1280x768 1020546.jpg)
It was
Well whatever I guess it was the other Rin
Anyway I'm off for now, later Gold

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 00:29:52 [Preview] No.3730 del
(180.54 KB 607x2417 EEkoZ-rUwAAcw9i.jpg)
I did make that post after yours....
I dunno what the problem is. Usually after I hit it after a few time the new reply button decides to work.

See ya <3

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 03:41:25 [Preview] No.3731 del
I do remember you. I'm sorry you feel like no one does, but I very much do. I'm glad you decided to stop by again.

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 04:06:19 [Preview] No.3732 del
(205.05 KB 540x852 36597958.jpg)

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 04:23:01 [Preview] No.3733 del
(336.40 KB 900x627 EEGMK5KU4AEyZs_.png)


Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 04:26:44 [Preview] No.3734 del
(223.05 KB 1920x1080 EFiOTavUwAUsPFe.jpg)
(38.64 KB 500x282 EFpm3JtWsAYlZW4.mp4)
Hi :gold:

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 04:34:44 [Preview] No.3735 del
(312.74 KB 840x473 EEGcs1QU8AIppZn.png)
I wanna headpat Shiro!

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 04:36:28 [Preview] No.3736 del
(50.77 KB 600x600 EFm5vUmUwAAeV1l.jpg)
(294.64 KB 480x270 EFplZ_YXkAEKGg7.mp4)
Don't we all.

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 04:38:29 [Preview] No.3737 del
(582.49 KB 2248x3541 EEBt5LdU0AAWOeW.jpg)
No smug!

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 04:42:22 [Preview] No.3738 del

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 04:44:26 [Preview] No.3739 del
(263.75 KB 632x800 36612367.jpg)
Too late. All aboard the smug train! Choo choo

Nice smug.

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 04:52:36 [Preview] No.3740 del
(121.26 KB 1000x1480 EEbNNWSUEAAQf_S.jpg)

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 04:54:39 [Preview] No.3741 del

Happy smug MM

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 04:56:17 [Preview] No.3742 del
Hmmm I should of said smug aboard instead of all aboard...


Happy smug MM

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 05:02:02 [Preview] No.3743 del
(1.24 MB 900x1141 9LVMPr5.png)
Happy smug MM guys

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 05:11:42 [Preview] No.3744 del
(268.04 KB 1270x1600 EEBB6o4UcAYqU_G.jpg)

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 05:15:37 [Preview] No.3746 del
Happy smug MM

Join us we're all smug here.


Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 05:26:33 [Preview] No.3747 del
(180.17 KB 1102x1533 EEax8UiUUAAEV9D.jpg)

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 05:34:04 [Preview] No.3749 del
(726.24 KB 1141x1183 34708645.jpg)

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 05:40:02 [Preview] No.3752 del
(448.12 KB 1000x1000 35597825.png)

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 05:44:14 [Preview] No.3753 del
(863.92 KB 1640x1230 35759472_p0.jpg)
....Okay maybe just a little


Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 05:50:52 [Preview] No.3755 del
(976.92 KB 1000x1280 1420458831610.png)
See that's adorable


I'm going to draw a little before bed. Happy MM and See you later.

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 05:54:02 [Preview] No.3756 del

Good luck and happy not smug! MM!

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 05:55:22 [Preview] No.3757 del
Goodnight :teto:


Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 05:58:09 [Preview] No.3758 del

How have you been holding up lately?

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 06:00:37 [Preview] No.3759 del
Haven't been feeling well off and on. I am enjoying the cool weather though.

How about you?

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 06:03:07 [Preview] No.3760 del
Sick? I hope you get better soon if so. Also, I thought you didn't like winter?

Mainly have just been preparing for starting work next Monday. Tomorrow will be the last time I'll be able to join the cytube/plugdj unfortunately

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 06:09:20 [Preview] No.3761 del
(123.94 KB 292x400 ミク - みつき.jpg)
Something like that.
I enjoy cold weather but I'm not a fan of snow.

Good luck! That sucks, hopefully you'll be able to still show up on occasion, like Yu

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 06:12:09 [Preview] No.3762 del
Maybe you should ask Yu to stop giving you so much.

I might be able to join temporarily in the morning, but won't be able to stay long.

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 06:21:20 [Preview] No.3763 del
I'll just pass it along to Bizzy.

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 06:26:47 [Preview] No.3764 del
(208.51 KB 696x614 34378275_p0.jpg)
Has that ever worked?

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 06:30:25 [Preview] No.3765 del
You should ask Bizzy.

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 06:34:42 [Preview] No.3766 del
Good point

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 06:38:04 [Preview] No.3767 del
I'm going to go.
Goodnight :gold:

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 06:42:29 [Preview] No.3768 del
(288.58 KB 500x679 34292397_p0.png)
<3 Sweet dreams :cat:

Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 18:09:49 [Preview] No.3836 del
The games I mentioned already support playing them without being together. Minecraft also fits because you don't need to be at the same time. Most turn based games are not text based or board games. Board games assume that the players are together and may easily interrupt each others' turn, whereas computers can mediate long uninterrupted turns.

Anonymous 10/01/2019 (Tue) 09:44:46 [Preview] No.3976 del

Anonymous 10/01/2019 (Tue) 17:47:05 [Preview] No.3977 del
(186.23 KB 800x1080 DbrnEfPVMAAYBsh.jpg)
Either you die an UTAU, or you live long enough to see yourself become the Voiceroid.

Anonymous 10/01/2019 (Tue) 23:38:22 [Preview] No.3978 del
(185.39 KB 868x1228 EFqHl-7U4AE-jq1.jpg)

Anonymous 10/02/2019 (Wed) 03:14:04 [Preview] No.3979 del
(141.51 KB 550x863 50771931_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/02/2019 (Wed) 07:41:53 [Preview] No.3980 del
(107.20 KB 900x1400 EFyWqYeUcAAyceQ.jpg)

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 00:19:59 [Preview] No.3981 del
(207.17 KB 1976x1336 EFXD5rjUUAA6FDw.jpg)

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 02:01:35 [Preview] No.3982 del

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 02:11:22 [Preview] No.3983 del
(409.39 KB 900x1000 75493688_p0.jpg)
:rin:-chan now!
Sorry about yesterday, I ended up spending all day playing stellaris...

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 02:17:09 [Preview] No.3984 del
(803.34 KB 2480x3507 51381622_p0.jpg)
You're not under any obligation to be here everyday. I'm certainly not.

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 02:22:36 [Preview] No.3985 del
(375.29 KB 900x1000 76192281_p0.jpg)
But I want to!

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 02:37:27 [Preview] No.3986 del

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 02:39:00 [Preview] No.3987 del

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 02:54:25 [Preview] No.3988 del
this website sucks

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 02:55:10 [Preview] No.3989 del
(1.33 MB 1440x1047 61996989_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 02:56:05 [Preview] No.3990 del
(140.35 KB 543x1200 1439705028075.jpg)

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 02:58:03 [Preview] No.3991 del
(391.00 KB 1922x2143 69278135_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 03:03:27 [Preview] No.3993 del
(155.60 KB 1146x1454 EBSsJbTUYAAufZM.jpg)
How are you today?

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 03:07:47 [Preview] No.3994 del
I had a good day. You?

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 03:11:21 [Preview] No.3995 del
(147.16 KB 1049x1275 EBSrnsIVUAAa31s.jpg)
Yay! Anything special happened today.

Just need to wash my clothes and want to study today.

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 03:18:44 [Preview] No.3996 del
I was blessed by RNGesus on my gacha pulls.

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 03:19:57 [Preview] No.3997 del
(1.53 MB 4000x3000 EBR_WFyVAAAfZcs.jpg)

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 03:26:33 [Preview] No.3998 del
Don't jii me. It's fun.

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 03:34:59 [Preview] No.3999 del
(686.73 KB 2500x3200 EBQx_ePVAAUq-p7.jpg)
What gacha game is it?

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 03:37:17 [Preview] No.4000 del
(1.98 MB 1000x1500 1444336430972.png)
Dragalia Lost

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 03:39:43 [Preview] No.4001 del
(313.47 KB 2255x1708 EBPIVJwWwAMWinW.jpg)
Never heard of it

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 03:41:54 [Preview] No.4002 del
(633.21 KB 1022x968 76621318_p0.png)
It's a relatively new one, only a year old. It's definitely Nintendo's best gacha by a lot.

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 03:51:15 [Preview] No.4003 del
(192.38 KB 1200x1500 EBm-vTtUYAAkm9h.jpg)

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 03:53:55 [Preview] No.4004 del
(245.33 KB 671x900 73882405_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 03:56:15 [Preview] No.4005 del
(478.29 KB 2048x2048 EBkzfziU4AA1X76.jpg)

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 04:06:43 [Preview] No.4006 del

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 04:22:54 [Preview] No.4007 del
(201.44 KB 1005x1401 EBKgaivVUAATRar.jpg)

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 04:25:03 [Preview] No.4009 del
(284.83 KB 1488x1488 EBIRh7gUYAAeb9C.jpg)
I'm going to eat her Pu:rin:!

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 04:28:18 [Preview] No.4010 del

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 04:30:17 [Preview] No.4011 del
(55.45 KB 670x475 EBim8gXU0AEzXR3.jpg)

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 04:34:36 [Preview] No.4012 del

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 04:38:34 [Preview] No.4013 del
(129.43 KB 574x765 EBDO7uYUYAEguxt.jpg)

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 04:45:30 [Preview] No.4014 del

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 04:54:10 [Preview] No.4015 del
Good night

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 05:05:53 [Preview] No.4016 del
(110.76 KB 800x625 EBCzOlUUYAAOw64.jpg)
Sweet dreams <3

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 11:31:03 [Preview] No.4017 del
(106.25 KB 1920x1080 lapis-break.jpg)

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 11:35:23 [Preview] No.4018 del
(445.37 KB 2048x1784 EF4nHEvWwAQ3xkG.jpg)

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 13:18:26 [Preview] No.4019 del

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 13:24:13 [Preview] No.4020 del
(137.49 KB 900x506 d4jilt4.jpg)
Gold Rin
Its stormy and its supposed to be stormy through the weekend

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 13:25:26 [Preview] No.4021 del
(172.15 KB 905x670 EBc--FAUIAA2mON.jpg)
Aww. Its going to be raining here tomorrow.

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 20:58:08 [Preview] No.4022 del
(107.50 KB 1280x1024 1x34384o1.jpg)
Rainy drainy
Stormy formy

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 21:06:36 [Preview] No.4023 del
(109.28 KB 600x600 EBBfRrFUEAIeprw.jpg)
It rained overnight....

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 21:13:35 [Preview] No.4024 del
(112.43 KB 900x563 1f6as481ty.jpg)
It'll be most stormy here tomorrow

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 21:23:11 [Preview] No.4025 del
(82.44 KB 728x500 EB1mtcPU8AEoWiM.jpg)

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 21:33:49 [Preview] No.4026 del
(172.87 KB 850x1169 1247326.jpg)
Is that a summoning command or is stormy weather more sad?

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 21:45:49 [Preview] No.4027 del
(353.48 KB 1933x2044 EB1dVAzVUAAbZgv.jpg)
Storms suck!

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 21:53:36 [Preview] No.4028 del
(589.99 KB 884x705 1033455.jpg)
Its sometimes cozy to be inside during storms

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 22:17:02 [Preview] No.4029 del
(263.04 KB 2217x2987 EAzyCXIXoAAQeMm.jpg)

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 22:31:42 [Preview] No.4030 del
(50.22 KB 878x640 186745421.jpg)

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 22:39:52 [Preview] No.4031 del
(52.85 KB 929x1000 EAZbhKgUwAEjbEi.jpg)

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 22:55:49 [Preview] No.4032 del
(21.46 KB 512x384 aoki_lapis_d4jfv84.jpg)

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 23:06:21 [Preview] No.4033 del
(174.80 KB 1442x2048 EAsi-tWU0AIyShi.jpg)

Anonymous 10/04/2019 (Fri) 15:29:51 [Preview] No.4035 del
(1.38 MB 1255x940 41056717_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/04/2019 (Fri) 21:27:15 [Preview] No.4037 del

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 00:43:50 [Preview] No.4038 del
(42.15 KB 486x680 EAQXfOBUYAAEPZt.jpg)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 06:26:37 [Preview] No.4040 del
(579.38 KB 752x1062 71118810_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 06:28:26 [Preview] No.4041 del
(570.37 KB 790x1216 14308118_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 06:31:37 [Preview] No.4042 del
(341.98 KB 1429x1811 EGEzNsbVUAAB8P7.jpg)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 06:33:15 [Preview] No.4043 del
(107.08 KB 773x1054 26076514_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 06:36:42 [Preview] No.4044 del
(116.40 KB 1200x1200 EGFIXW3VAAA_kX2.jpg)
How is :letty:?

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 06:39:27 [Preview] No.4045 del
(295.54 KB 900x701 7740347_p0.jpg)
Needs :akane:. How is :yellow:?

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 06:47:35 [Preview] No.4046 del
(1.85 MB 1550x1760 70721376_p0.png)
Just making some food right now.

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 06:50:05 [Preview] No.4047 del
(1.24 MB 1300x1823 47579879_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 06:55:45 [Preview] No.4048 del
(151.03 KB 1200x1600 EGCNOV5VUAEaLLL.jpg)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 06:58:17 [Preview] No.4049 del
(362.31 KB 700x963 24210577_p0.jpg)
Is :yellow: going to play Kotono Struggle?

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 06:59:19 [Preview] No.4050 del
(759.46 KB 848x1200 70504907_p0.png)
I'm sorry....
Yeah I'll try to get into it after dinner.

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 07:02:07 [Preview] No.4051 del
(1.44 MB 1920x1356 66056266_p3.png)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 07:05:08 [Preview] No.4052 del
(678.61 KB 1111x990 70480225_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 07:14:24 [Preview] No.4053 del

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 07:37:56 [Preview] No.4054 del
(400.63 KB 1341x1100 70404823_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 07:39:34 [Preview] No.4055 del
(3.85 MB 2894x4093 64152663_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 07:44:22 [Preview] No.4056 del
(702.87 KB 1000x757 70389324_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 07:48:15 [Preview] No.4057 del
(909.57 KB 980x800 14275895_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 07:55:21 [Preview] No.4058 del
(562.62 KB 1500x1732 69845176_p1.jpg)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 07:58:49 [Preview] No.4059 del
(1.93 MB 1200x1700 41297026_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 08:00:33 [Preview] No.4060 del

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 08:00:52 [Preview] No.4061 del
(1.06 MB 901x1200 69717973_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 08:03:43 [Preview] No.4062 del
(580.51 KB 533x800 65028746_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 08:05:56 [Preview] No.4063 del
(27.18 KB 1078x596 69200458_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 08:09:33 [Preview] No.4064 del
(299.61 KB 600x834 49594354_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 08:11:03 [Preview] No.4065 del
(526.91 KB 906x648 69145335_p0.jpg)
Getting up to anything lately?


Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 08:18:29 [Preview] No.4066 del
(606.90 KB 1214x1720 62485153_p0.jpg)
Kotono Struggle

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 08:21:19 [Preview] No.4067 del
(434.96 KB 876x1096 68729328_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 08:25:41 [Preview] No.4069 del
(997.28 KB 900x1217 68690647_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 08:33:52 [Preview] No.4071 del
(2.74 MB 1771x1020 68656540_p11.png)

Which version of koto struggle again?

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 08:35:54 [Preview] No.4072 del
(93.32 KB 1024x768 1412137904655.jpg)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 08:38:52 [Preview] No.4073 del
(1.05 MB 652x787 68476581_p0.png)
Patche, Noooooo!

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 08:50:14 [Preview] No.4075 del
(1.69 MB 2048x1466 68305998_p0.jpg)
...Isn't that copyright infringement?

You didn't answer my question from before...

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 08:52:43 [Preview] No.4076 del
I linked to >>3653 which does.

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 08:54:43 [Preview] No.4077 del
(763.43 KB 800x1116 68210050_p0.jpg)
Oh. I didn't see that.

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 09:03:04 [Preview] No.4079 del
(847.21 KB 800x1094 67678146_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 09:07:34 [Preview] No.4080 del
(173.86 KB 800x600 53504057_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 09:08:55 [Preview] No.4081 del
(1.22 MB 750x1000 66717904_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 09:12:14 [Preview] No.4082 del
(766.80 KB 708x1048 54772183_p0.png)
Is :yellow: having trouble with the game?

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 09:13:25 [Preview] No.4083 del
(2.63 MB 4680x3400 66584839_p0.png)
No... just don't know the rules yet

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 09:17:50 [Preview] No.4084 del
(721.85 KB 1066x972 69546584_p8.png)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 09:26:13 [Preview] No.4085 del
(220.75 KB 1600x1524 75820457_p0.png)
I'm reading them still!

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 09:40:22 [Preview] No.4087 del
(79.65 KB 728x668 DrkqyMRVYAE6Vt0.jpg)
I can't refuse to spend my extra influence points?

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 09:42:46 [Preview] No.4088 del
Don't think so. Maybe you can place them in the Chinese War, otherwise just use them.

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 09:57:30 [Preview] No.4089 del
(2.04 MB 1782x1312 66289410_p0.jpg)
I'm confused with the headline cards. Have you already gone first, or should I end my log here?

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 09:59:08 [Preview] No.4090 del
(2.80 MB 1707x2560 73012443_p0.jpg)
When you're not sure just try something and see if the game lets you. I think I place my headline first.

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 10:00:25 [Preview] No.4091 del
I also have the asia scoring card in my hand?

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 10:03:04 [Preview] No.4092 del
(1.48 MB 1338x1165 22653268_p0.png)
You're not supposed to tell me that

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 10:05:01 [Preview] No.4093 del
(366.26 KB 1600x2200 66165271_p0.jpg)
Well it has a title saying "MAY NOT BE HELD" so....?

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 10:06:36 [Preview] No.4094 del
Alright, try playing on from here.

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 10:07:20 [Preview] No.4095 del
(314.39 KB 558x361 1436609226671.png)
May not be held at the end of the turn. You usually keep one card between turns.

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 10:08:29 [Preview] No.4096 del
(3.46 MB 3092x3379 66086140_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 10:15:10 [Preview] No.4097 del
You paid attention to the rules about Battleground Countries, right? Knowing what scoring cards you have is a big advantage. Do you want to start again?

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 10:17:13 [Preview] No.4098 del
(455.66 KB 897x1344 65946897_p0.jpg)
I'm confused. What do scoring cards do?

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 10:19:11 [Preview] No.4099 del
(1.12 MB 716x1012 56807336_p0.png)
They trigger scoring a region. The manual has the calculations and an example.

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 10:22:35 [Preview] No.4100 del
(609.06 KB 1755x2048 65847868_p0.jpg)
Ohh, I thought that was done automatically. I'll probably play that card then...

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 10:27:33 [Preview] No.4101 del
But knowing that the region will be scored is a big advantage for me. I made a new game. This is a save rather than a log. I placed influence in Finlan and Polan You can also make a save or start logging yourself.

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 10:34:12 [Preview] No.4102 del
(1.41 MB 1200x1453 65757992_p0.jpg)
It is? How come?

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 10:39:55 [Preview] No.4103 del
(296.46 KB 2048x1231 DaGtWnzVAAAoPnK.jpg)
Not knowing which cards the opponent has, and by extension what Regions will be scored during the turn is an important part of the game. The USSR always has the China card at the beginning of the game, and Vietnam Revolts is another Early Game event. If I know Asia will be scored, I know I should focus on it.

Also pay attention to DEFCON suicide cards.

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 10:49:16 [Preview] No.4104 del
(981.37 KB 768x1024 64919793_p0.png)
This game is confusing...

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 10:56:50 [Preview] No.4105 del
(548.18 KB 1000x714 70462757_p0.png)
It's not hard. The US player can't play Lone Gunman at DEFCON 2. If he does, the USSR will just coup a battleground, which drops DEFCON to 1 during the US' turn. This means automatic USSR victory. The USSR can't play CIA Created for the same reason. In one game I read about, the US forced the USSR to discard during the last turn of the game, which forced the USSR to play CIA Created at DEFCON 2.

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 11:04:21 [Preview] No.4106 del
Okay, I've tried

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 11:09:56 [Preview] No.4107 del
I usually use File > Close Game before File > Load Game to make sure nothing strange happens with VASSAL.

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 11:18:33 [Preview] No.4108 del

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 11:22:37 [Preview] No.4109 del
Is :rin: sleepy?

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 11:33:51 [Preview] No.4110 del
I've been a bit exhausted today, but its only 9:30.

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 11:36:52 [Preview] No.4111 del
Do you want to continue the game on the server?

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 11:38:23 [Preview] No.4112 del
Might be the best that way.

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 13:50:22 [Preview] No.4113 del
(4.40 MB 2310x3071 64154881_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 14:15:54 [Preview] No.4114 del
(1.17 MB 1400x950 49416911_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 14:42:27 [Preview] No.4115 del
(432.65 KB 600x847 63240348_p86.jpg)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 14:44:06 [Preview] No.4116 del
(1.31 MB 1686x1386 53048340_p0.png)
Please be kind and load my gun
Please be brave and kill for fun

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 14:50:46 [Preview] No.4117 del
(484.76 KB 600x762 63240348_p17.jpg)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 14:54:25 [Preview] No.4118 del
A lot of these card games is knowing what cards are going to come up, which regions will be scored twice, how to hold on to what you have.

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 14:55:19 [Preview] No.4119 del
(225.50 KB 600x780 63240348_p6.jpg)
Well I guess that somewhat comes naturally after playing.

Is this a :rin:?

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 14:59:59 [Preview] No.4120 del
Maybe. Meiko said she's read the rules for Here I Stand. I would have wanted to have 6 of us playing.

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 15:03:12 [Preview] No.4121 del
(794.30 KB 1194x654 60558253_p0.jpg)
Did you ask Bizzy?

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 15:05:13 [Preview] No.4122 del
(650.71 KB 700x632 71899239_p0.jpg)
I mentioned it when she was here. I didn't ask the ones who don't usually come here.

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 15:10:42 [Preview] No.4123 del
(241.69 KB 800x1000 59525408_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 15:11:30 [Preview] No.4124 del
(2.84 MB 2600x2200 71205587_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 15:12:18 [Preview] No.4125 del
(312.06 KB 612x865 59331945_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 15:15:02 [Preview] No.4127 del
(1.02 MB 777x1087 57300680_p0.jpg)
Bizzy is a :yukari:, but not Yukari!

And this is a :yukari: too!

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 15:17:23 [Preview] No.4128 del
(179.07 KB 800x550 50449788_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 15:19:21 [Preview] No.4129 del
(561.85 KB 800x1234 55729603_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 15:21:56 [Preview] No.4130 del
(393.09 KB 800x600 33964398_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 15:25:50 [Preview] No.4131 del
(625.46 KB 710x1000 54809287_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 15:31:16 [Preview] No.4133 del
(250.73 KB 712x801 54309138_p0.jpg)
Cute :shanghai:

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 15:35:51 [Preview] No.4135 del
(348.29 KB 833x500 51624001_p0.png)
I wanna mofu the :arisu:!

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 15:38:46 [Preview] No.4136 del
(285.95 KB 1024x1446 59659700_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 15:44:00 [Preview] No.4137 del
(460.42 KB 1890x2300 44971994_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 15:46:59 [Preview] No.4139 del
(1.79 MB 1238x2000 43980772_p0.png)
<3 Night good

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 19:33:26 [Preview] No.4141 del
(98.18 KB 849x744 43508713_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/06/2019 (Sun) 11:52:27 [Preview] No.4144 del
(863.12 KB 2098x2050 EDwkBULVUAAtmo-.jpg)

Anonymous 10/06/2019 (Sun) 19:34:12 [Preview] No.4146 del

Anonymous 10/07/2019 (Mon) 04:16:26 [Preview] No.4151 del

Anonymous 10/08/2019 (Tue) 17:33:16 [Preview] No.4411 del
(216.37 KB 729x1041 53064525_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/08/2019 (Tue) 19:40:32 [Preview] No.4412 del

Anonymous 10/08/2019 (Tue) 20:21:34 [Preview] No.4413 del
Off to work

Anonymous 10/09/2019 (Wed) 01:09:02 [Preview] No.4414 del
(1.25 MB 1264x1780 73594136_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/09/2019 (Wed) 01:28:28 [Preview] No.4415 del

Anonymous 10/09/2019 (Wed) 01:47:43 [Preview] No.4416 del
(283.63 KB 502x890 75381343_p0.png)
im just about to take a nap

Anonymous 10/09/2019 (Wed) 01:48:13 [Preview] No.4417 del
alright, see you later then

Anonymous 10/09/2019 (Wed) 01:50:40 [Preview] No.4418 del
(1.18 MB 2376x1680 69415518_p0.png)
6 hours of sleep is never enough, I have to take nap everyday now
see you in 30 mins~ if i can wake up

Anonymous 10/09/2019 (Wed) 05:11:34 [Preview] No.4419 del
lmao i had a 3 hour nap

Anonymous 10/09/2019 (Wed) 06:38:23 [Preview] No.4420 del
(166.93 KB 1000x1333 EFIRO-dU0AAr7hn.jpg)

Anonymous 10/09/2019 (Wed) 12:18:48 [Preview] No.4421 del
(140.43 KB 1280x1024 EGa4c3TU0AAFQgH.jpg)

Anonymous 10/09/2019 (Wed) 13:07:49 [Preview] No.4422 del
(663.77 KB 1400x1542 75335879_p1.jpg)
Night good <3

Anonymous 10/09/2019 (Wed) 13:26:06 [Preview] No.4423 del
(411.02 KB 1200x1697 64723379_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/09/2019 (Wed) 16:13:19 [Preview] No.4424 del

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 04:18:39 [Preview] No.4428 del
(693.58 KB 694x982 71327640_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 04:21:01 [Preview] No.4429 del
Happy 10/10

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 04:24:10 [Preview] No.4430 del
(148.08 KB 400x565 43638411_p0.jpg)
Happy 10月10日 :yukari:

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 04:27:39 [Preview] No.4432 del

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 04:33:38 [Preview] No.4433 del
(5.56 MB 2894x4038 75324687_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 04:38:02 [Preview] No.4435 del
(514.18 KB 640x680 EGd7RCWUcAAbe8s.png)
Happy Teto Day

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 04:44:59 [Preview] No.4437 del
(1.15 MB 1328x974 50924583_p0.png)
Uhh, I mean, :rin:!

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 04:48:20 [Preview] No.4438 del

Sorry, gotta get to work on time today
See you later everyone!💜

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 04:49:17 [Preview] No.4439 del
I wish you could stay.
Have a good day :yu: :heart:

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 04:52:16 [Preview] No.4440 del


Have a nice day :ゆ:💙


Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 04:56:10 [Preview] No.4441 del
(1.41 MB 1052x1345 51482389_p0.png)
Don't goooo...
Have a nice day :yukari:💜

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 04:59:22 [Preview] No.4442 del
I'm gonna marry Yukari!

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 05:01:38 [Preview] No.4443 del
(21.68 KB 512x384 DiwDJfsVMAA3czg.jpg)

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 05:06:44 [Preview] No.4444 del
(2.40 MB 1500x2000 70105158_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 05:08:43 [Preview] No.4445 del
Legalize Yukari marriage!

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 05:10:03 [Preview] No.4446 del
(54.29 KB 600x600 EGcguWJVUAAORpO.jpg)
Happy Teto day.

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 05:12:08 [Preview] No.4447 del
(822.96 KB 800x762 手と手を - ia.png)
Nice get



Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 05:16:12 [Preview] No.4448 del
(822.13 KB 1133x1600 76035898_p0.jpg)
Polygamy is still illegal!

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 05:19:16 [Preview] No.4449 del
(834.89 KB 1476x1804 75597445_p2.png)
But what if I only married Yukari?

Goodnight all :heart:

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 05:21:00 [Preview] No.4450 del
(780.19 KB 2000x2056 77202564_p0.jpg)
Goodnight :heart:

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 05:22:20 [Preview] No.4451 del
So you're already married then?

Goodnight :rin:💙


Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 05:23:46 [Preview] No.4452 del
(3.97 MB 2510x3543 75725002_p0.png)
Sweet dreams :rin:💜
N-not yet

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 05:26:39 [Preview] No.4453 del
(666.71 KB 1000x1315 77196298_p0.jpg)
Can you marry a bunny?

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 05:31:22 [Preview] No.4454 del
Then it wouldn't be polygamy.

I think so, it wouldn't be much different than marrying a chimera would it?

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 05:35:13 [Preview] No.4455 del
(2.41 MB 1800x2300 76663913_p0.png)
If you can marry drills, then I don't see why not.
Then I'm gonna marry Yukari!

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 05:41:13 [Preview] No.4456 del
(3.05 MB 3200x1675 77202280_p0.jpg)
I guess not.

I don't know what you are talking about.

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 05:42:58 [Preview] No.4457 del
(99.91 KB 1200x1147 Dz_Ck6_UYAA0Vhx.jpg)

Marrying buns is the same as marrying chimeras, or sharks.

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 05:45:07 [Preview] No.4458 del
(626.51 KB 1131x1600 74668237_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 05:46:46 [Preview] No.4459 del
(487.75 KB 1011x1500 77202362_p0.png)

There you go Bizzy you can marry a shark!

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 05:54:29 [Preview] No.4461 del
(504.81 KB 962x1130 71683908_p0.png)
No! I'll die if I marry a shark!
Like a... shark?

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 05:58:47 [Preview] No.4462 del
(460.05 KB 2048x2048 77202837_p0.jpg)
Why would you die?

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 06:01:14 [Preview] No.4463 del
There's another shark?


Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 06:05:59 [Preview] No.4464 del
(533.51 KB 1131x1600 77209607_p0.jpg)
It'll eat me on the honeymoon!
There has to be, only sharks like sharks

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 06:11:34 [Preview] No.4465 del
(70.55 KB 1280x720 EGcytBcUcAAlBZK.jpg)
:smugteto: A couple of love bites never hurt anyone.

If you're that worried you just have to teach them Bunnies are friends not food.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=TQ-LiUNegws [Embed]

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 06:14:50 [Preview] No.4466 del
I haven't seen many sharks around though. Maybe there really is only one.


Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 06:19:27 [Preview] No.4467 del
(67.68 KB 826x1310 77188654_p0.jpg)
Horribly sharp love bites...
If there's only one, can we stop it? It can't eat all of us... right?

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 06:23:08 [Preview] No.4468 del
(2.14 MB 3840x2160 9720266.png)
Poor lonely shark.

Sharks need love too. Think of how sad it has to be being the last of her kind. :sadteto:

I need to go Goodnight :heart:

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 06:24:30 [Preview] No.4469 del
Maybe it's just lonely because it's the last one and it's trying to be closer to you.

Happy Teto Day💙

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 06:29:08 [Preview] No.4470 del
(1.59 MB 1199x1820 74460777_p0.png)
Good night :teto:. Happy you day💜
Closer to eat me!?

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 06:35:37 [Preview] No.4471 del
Maybe that's how sharks say 'hi'?


Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 06:41:18 [Preview] No.4472 del
(743.69 KB 1440x1248 71962292_p0.png)
But I don't want もぐもぐs I want もふもふs!

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 06:46:09 [Preview] No.4473 del
(108.28 KB 1280x1024 無題 - sheri-s.jpg)
Have to told the shark that?


Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 06:49:09 [Preview] No.4474 del
(57.00 KB 370x320 59859635_p0.jpg)
Would it even listen to food?


Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 06:53:37 [Preview] No.4475 del
Maybe it won't think of you as food anymore if you tell it first.

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 07:02:21 [Preview] No.4476 del
(160.41 KB 443x443 46395696_p0.png)
But... what would the shark eat instead?

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 07:02:56 [Preview] No.4477 del
(1.36 MB 2480x3508 66212332_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 07:10:02 [Preview] No.4478 del
Good question...
Maybe carrots?


Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 07:22:46 [Preview] No.4479 del
(3.16 MB 2525x2596 58260259_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 07:34:36 [Preview] No.4481 del
(219.32 KB 1106x1200 57016562_p0.jpg)
No, that's a :rin:

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 07:42:54 [Preview] No.4482 del
(145.04 KB 317x400 yellow - mm.png)

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 07:45:41 [Preview] No.4483 del
(4.35 MB 2480x3507 58165848_p0.jpg)

Would you like some dangokaki?

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 07:46:37 [Preview] No.4484 del
(1.74 MB 1200x1600 26808903_p0.jpg)
That doesn't seem right...

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 07:50:14 [Preview] No.4486 del
(335.75 KB 960x540 67861951_p0.png)

Sweet dreams <3

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 08:03:05 [Preview] No.4487 del
(1.03 MB 1088x1013 68957579_p0.jpg)
Sweet dreams :cat:💜

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 08:05:40 [Preview] No.4488 del
(696.04 KB 1000x1035 58189326_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 08:36:21 [Preview] No.4489 del
(1.03 MB 1088x1013 68957579_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 08:41:12 [Preview] No.4490 del
(185.12 KB 1000x707 55405423_p0.jpg)
You just posted that!

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 08:55:18 [Preview] No.4491 del
(1.16 MB 1181x1508 65770914_p0.jpg)
Curse my aim and this site!

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 08:58:07 [Preview] No.4492 del
(1.01 MB 888x1243 54361456_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 09:01:04 [Preview] No.4493 del
(932.97 KB 1000x1000 69104038_p0.jpg)
Don't Jii~ me...

Good night :gold:

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 09:09:19 [Preview] No.4494 del
(2.29 MB 2000x1125 53722478_p0.png)
Sweet dreams

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 13:16:56 [Preview] No.4495 del
(842.26 KB 1200x1200 55878245_p0_master1200.jpg)

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 15:38:32 [Preview] No.4496 del
(784.99 KB 1024x768 13627589_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 20:38:07 [Preview] No.4501 del
(1.09 MB 1385x1700 77064089_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 20:53:20 [Preview] No.4503 del
(550.77 KB 696x1000 76829697_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 20:58:03 [Preview] No.4505 del
(111.66 KB 486x507 75336321_p0.jpg)
How are you?

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 21:02:10 [Preview] No.4506 del

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 21:06:52 [Preview] No.4507 del
(333.45 KB 550x895 56559028_p0.png)
A little bored

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 21:12:50 [Preview] No.4508 del
Doesn't sound like a good idea before bed.

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 21:13:51 [Preview] No.4509 del
(390.88 KB 910x828 56971166_p0.png)
It's always a good idea!

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 21:17:24 [Preview] No.4510 del
But how am I going to sleep

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 21:23:19 [Preview] No.4511 del
(102.92 KB 1024x767 71947376_p9.jpg)
You could sit next to me until you get tired again

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 21:30:49 [Preview] No.4512 del
But don't you have classes?

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 21:33:13 [Preview] No.4513 del
(112.71 KB 1073x730 71947376_p11.jpg)
Not on Thursday!

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 21:40:13 [Preview] No.4514 del

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 21:42:49 [Preview] No.4515 del
(108.92 KB 959x1046 70810614_p0.jpg)
Poor Wage:yukari:...

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 21:52:30 [Preview] No.4516 del
A-at least I'm not a NEET

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 21:59:12 [Preview] No.4517 del
(564.24 KB 744x1052 72610555_p0.png)
But being NEET's the best!

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 22:11:03 [Preview] No.4518 del
Sure was.
But I must go now.
Have a nice no-class day Bizzy

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 22:14:00 [Preview] No.4519 del
(5.14 MB 2894x4093 75049503_p0.jpg)
Sweet dreams :yu:💜

Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 23:20:49 [Preview] No.4520 del
(108.47 KB 900x700 sea18f16.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 00:42:46 [Preview] No.4521 del

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 02:12:20 [Preview] No.4522 del
(5.05 MB 4000x5656 77190942_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 02:29:28 [Preview] No.4523 del

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 02:46:45 [Preview] No.4524 del
(140.43 KB 1280x1024 EGa4c3TU0AAFQgH.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 02:51:24 [Preview] No.4525 del
(2.71 MB 2072x2700 69269008_p21.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 02:56:04 [Preview] No.4526 del
(164.56 KB 750x1060 EGV9LUxU4AEMTZ1.jpg)
no nap today because i got classes later

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 03:00:05 [Preview] No.4527 del
You should sleep more at night if you have to nap every day.

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 03:01:46 [Preview] No.4528 del
(1.89 MB 2006x1418 77126954_p0.jpg)
i always thought 6 hours is enough. And sleeping more than that is unproductive

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 03:05:58 [Preview] No.4529 del
6 hours is most certainly not enough. You should try for closer to 8 hours.

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 03:16:01 [Preview] No.4530 del
I can’t post pic on mobile...
maybe I’ll try to sleep earlier tonight
I have to go to school now, see u

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 03:36:02 [Preview] No.4532 del
(2.18 MB 2000x2588 24969028_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 03:38:49 [Preview] No.4533 del

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 03:49:25 [Preview] No.4534 del
(1.38 MB 800x1423 56130718_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 03:50:38 [Preview] No.4535 del

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 03:52:14 [Preview] No.4536 del
(182.42 KB 900x506 38996714_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 03:59:08 [Preview] No.4537 del
Rin-chan is cute!

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 04:01:33 [Preview] No.4538 del
(721.55 KB 780x900 64702387_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 04:13:08 [Preview] No.4539 del
(654.31 KB 2000x2000 39003666_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 04:14:16 [Preview] No.4540 del
Goodnight :seyana:

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 05:59:17 [Preview] No.4541 del
(581.09 KB 600x800 77215640_p0.jpg)
A little late, but Happy Teto day!

And good night ♥

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 07:15:31 [Preview] No.4542 del
(327.13 KB 675x660 53277364_p11.png)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 17:31:21 [Preview] No.4543 del
(554.58 KB 1920x1080 DT_bwEEWAAIx4MA.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 17:39:44 [Preview] No.4544 del
(110.18 KB 1142x1167 EGmr-0OWkAAqpX_.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 19:11:22 [Preview] No.4546 del
(112.46 KB 1000x1000 EGbmrohUEAECGBo.jpg)
How's it going?

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 19:16:02 [Preview] No.4547 del
(1.93 MB 3840x2160 75649189_p1.png)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 19:18:53 [Preview] No.4548 del
(43.94 KB 724x1024 EGlnrVrU8AAQE3B.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 19:22:05 [Preview] No.4549 del
(783.83 KB 1632x1274 70239903_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 19:24:49 [Preview] No.4550 del
(766.40 KB 880x888 EGK9LP7UwAUk-aK.png)
No smug!

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 19:38:41 [Preview] No.4551 del
(527.59 KB 1300x1147 56947699_p0.jpg)
How is :yellow:?

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 19:43:45 [Preview] No.4552 del
(348.16 KB 693x584 EGl9PNoU4AAgN__.png)
I'm alright, I fell asleep early yesterday. You?

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 19:46:33 [Preview] No.4553 del
(917.95 KB 1176x882 74152241_p0.png)
:akane: sleepy

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 19:52:20 [Preview] No.4554 del
(159.56 KB 1197x1531 EGgX9GTU4AAqzUS.jpg)
Leave the same alone!

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 20:01:15 [Preview] No.4555 del
(142.37 KB 657x942 EEm7BJqUUAE2x5C.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 20:03:56 [Preview] No.4556 del
(1.48 MB 929x1300 71427185_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 20:06:07 [Preview] No.4557 del
(1.55 MB 1200x1600 66258419_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 20:07:04 [Preview] No.4558 del
(619.68 KB 678x950 72297557_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 20:09:11 [Preview] No.4559 del
(741.95 KB 740x1035 74630083_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 20:10:18 [Preview] No.4560 del
(432.08 KB 2500x2500 EGg9hGMUUAAIdeV.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 20:11:38 [Preview] No.4561 del
(160.59 KB 1500x1000 DgwOJzGUYAAQ3tZ.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 20:14:42 [Preview] No.4562 del
(710.24 KB 707x1000 77197992_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 20:17:42 [Preview] No.4563 del
(255.47 KB 1198x1198 73437218_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 20:20:18 [Preview] No.4564 del
(196.23 KB 1000x1414 77126347_p0.jpg)
I wanna mofu her tail!

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 20:21:33 [Preview] No.4565 del
(966.92 KB 847x1200 75408867_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 20:24:59 [Preview] No.4566 del
(3.01 MB 2000x3665 76918791_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 20:30:00 [Preview] No.4567 del
(1.15 MB 1062x1500 76260645_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 20:33:03 [Preview] No.4568 del
(431.77 KB 571x800 76204590_p18.png)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 20:35:44 [Preview] No.4569 del
(482.08 KB 1240x1754 71703308_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 20:39:06 [Preview] No.4570 del
(305.73 KB 730x751 69116336_p2.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 20:44:26 [Preview] No.4572 del
(84.27 KB 800x640 EEW54mEUEAAS38M.jpg)
:mariali: day is coming soon!?

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 20:54:01 [Preview] No.4574 del
(635.78 KB 906x1100 70665263_p0.png)
Is it possible for you to link an alternative website?

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 20:58:40 [Preview] No.4576 del
(386.41 KB 1024x1280 76782877_p0.jpg)
Sorry, but I don't feel comfortable with using that website.

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 21:07:00 [Preview] No.4578 del
(156.55 KB 1500x2000 EEJYdkIUwAAh69p.jpg)
I don't want to associate myself with porn websites

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 21:07:53 [Preview] No.4579 del
(60.04 KB 570x800 53206294_p0.jpg)
It's a Minoriko website.

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 21:12:35 [Preview] No.4580 del
(177.88 KB 1500x1500 EEDSDcKVUAAMTG-.jpg)
Unless you can find an alternative website, I'm not interested. Sorry

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 21:18:28 [Preview] No.4582 del
(8.79 KB 512x512 EFmKfIoUcAMqpRh.jpg)
I've been playing imperishable night a bit lately.

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 21:19:28 [Preview] No.4583 del
(413.36 KB 600x600 61342581_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 21:24:22 [Preview] No.4584 del
(200.90 KB 600x426 EEBQMI4UYAEduuA.png)
I've gotten up to Eirin a few times, but can't beat her.

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 21:26:03 [Preview] No.4586 del
(395.73 KB 1700x1900 EEAwHikU4AAYqDc.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 21:29:56 [Preview] No.4588 del
(140.31 KB 595x462 EE22pfqUcAA3WRQ.png)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 21:35:53 [Preview] No.4589 del
(488.56 KB 2417x1500 25774282_p0.gif)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 21:37:07 [Preview] No.4590 del
(154.22 KB 1200x1200 EE05CY6UwAA8KHU.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 21:45:03 [Preview] No.4592 del
(107.16 KB 1152x1080 EE1h9a_U8AAqfAX.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 21:47:56 [Preview] No.4593 del
(578.36 KB 888x888 19822744_p0.png)
:purple rin:

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 21:51:12 [Preview] No.4594 del
(212.45 KB 1920x1080 ED_lwKlUcAI45Hh.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 21:57:11 [Preview] No.4596 del
(83.44 KB 600x912 EDjRWRyXUAIulYu.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 22:07:38 [Preview] No.4597 del
(3.78 MB 2000x2500 72804226_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 22:29:41 [Preview] No.4598 del
(1.42 MB 1500x2118 984888.jpg)
I got a get :3[/spoiler]

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 22:32:10 [Preview] No.4599 del
(73.04 KB 680x680 EDIunzBU8AAR_DY.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 22:34:19 [Preview] No.4600 del
(4.60 MB 1658x2000 72070695_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 22:47:48 [Preview] No.4602 del
(402.17 KB 715x1000 74522446_p3.png)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 22:49:12 [Preview] No.4603 del

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 22:59:53 [Preview] No.4605 del
(121.60 KB 350x350 cute-lapis-drawing.png)
I'm off for now, pretty much
Later Gold and Soyana

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 23:01:42 [Preview] No.4606 del
(256.71 KB 731x500 74480785_p0.jpg)

See you <3

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 23:03:37 [Preview] No.4607 del
You missed out on the translated Spas jokes on the :minoriko: site.

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 23:11:53 [Preview] No.4608 del
(340.73 KB 600x622 74455857_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 23:19:14 [Preview] No.4609 del
(940.29 KB 1075x1518 72803282_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 23:36:52 [Preview] No.4610 del
(726.96 KB 3541x2508 EGn1bY5UcAAWvP-.jpg)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 23:37:45 [Preview] No.4611 del
(2.43 MB 1556x2000 74243024_p0.jpg)
:akane: bed

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 23:44:26 [Preview] No.4612 del
(679.23 KB 858x1216 74439460_p0.jpg)
Sweet dreams <3

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 23:45:53 [Preview] No.4613 del
(1.61 MB 1450x1250 72402088_p2.png)

Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 23:51:34 [Preview] No.4614 del
(95.05 KB 579x360 74367583_p0.jpg)
Ehhhh!? You're sleep posting now?

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 01:07:45 [Preview] No.4615 del

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 01:19:59 [Preview] No.4616 del
(3.96 MB 2001x2865 71574959_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 01:20:18 [Preview] No.4617 del

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 01:22:37 [Preview] No.4618 del
(2.68 MB 1736x1417 76617253_p0.png)
i'm safe

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 01:26:43 [Preview] No.4619 del
I'm glad.

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 01:35:34 [Preview] No.4620 del
(3.12 MB 1433x2062 76967430_p0.png)
well I dont go out often anyways

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 01:36:15 [Preview] No.4621 del
(4.20 MB 5787x4093 74309037_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 01:39:55 [Preview] No.4622 del
These days, that's probably for the best.

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 01:53:22 [Preview] No.4623 del
(658.32 KB 1300x1458 76957863_p0.png)
well i wished to go protest too

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 01:57:24 [Preview] No.4624 del
(6.19 MB 2894x4093 74295255_p0.png)


Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 02:00:12 [Preview] No.4625 del
Please, please, don't put anything online that indicates you would ever involve yourself in any of that. Even if you would, or did. Can you delete this post, please?

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 02:04:32 [Preview] No.4626 del
(64.34 KB 764x1080 77026873_p0.jpg)
how to delete the post...

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 02:09:48 [Preview] No.4627 del
(1.94 MB 1050x1028 74205505_p0.png)
I wanna become a member of the USPRPRC!

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 02:10:23 [Preview] No.4628 del
I guess Tetomod would have to do it. I should really ask if he'll give me mod privileges or something one of these days.
As much as I understand and support that cause, if you left one day and never came back, I would never forgive myself for having done anything other than beg you to stay away from it all. It's too dangerous, and I really don't want you to get hurt, or worse.

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 02:20:21 [Preview] No.4629 del
(1.77 MB 1308x1920 76739033_p0.png)
well dont worry, i got a pro-china parent who doesnt let me to go out :)
lets talk some casual stuffs

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 02:24:22 [Preview] No.4630 del
(3.38 MB 3840x2160 73949814_p0.png)
How are you?

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 02:26:09 [Preview] No.4631 del
(662.20 KB 900x1307 73805385_p0.png)
As long as you're safe.

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 02:29:49 [Preview] No.4632 del
(1.63 MB 1920x1080 77132183_p1.jpg)
im fine, thank you :)
ill stay safe

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 02:32:49 [Preview] No.4633 del
(1.06 MB 1367x1080 68803121_p0.jpg)


Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 02:34:50 [Preview] No.4634 del
(127.17 KB 850x1209 1433076675590-2.jpg)

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 02:36:25 [Preview] No.4635 del
(3.37 MB 1320x2091 76803365_p0.png)
I slept by 0000 yesterday and i guess i had enough sleep lastnight

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 02:44:00 [Preview] No.4636 del
(367.24 KB 996x1585 68959804_p0.jpg)
You didn't mention how you were...


brb, shower.

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 02:44:58 [Preview] No.4637 del
I usually try to go to bed by 1am.
I don't really have anything to say.

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 02:51:26 [Preview] No.4638 del
(3.15 MB 1980x1800 76990652_p0.png)
see u later~
well... I am usually the most productive in the night. But if I want to wake up by 7am i have to sacrifice my productive time.

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 02:56:48 [Preview] No.4639 del
Got to make sacrifices somewhere.

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 03:07:31 [Preview] No.4640 del
(643.70 KB 768x1024 76860004_p0.png)
I stopped drinking coffee now because its irritating

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 03:11:33 [Preview] No.4641 del
(2.37 MB 1500x1500 68229982_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 03:17:12 [Preview] No.4642 del
I don't care much for coffee myself. I drink a coffe-adjacent beverage that's more cocoa and milk than coffee most mornings.

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 03:24:33 [Preview] No.4644 del
(8.13 MB 2500x1768 76882882_p0.png)
welcome back~
can cocoa wake you up?

btw this pic is beautiful

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 03:26:16 [Preview] No.4645 del
(1.45 MB 1125x1440 67424904_p0.png)
Be careful about cocoa drinks. I've been wanting to try some for myself buy have always been put off once I realised they're basically just sugar.

Cute :cow:

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 03:28:39 [Preview] No.4646 del
Not really but the espresso shot I put in it does.
Believe me, I'm well aware it's all sugar. I don't really care.

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 03:39:09 [Preview] No.4647 del
(2.63 MB 1160x1734 76876923_p0.png)
well, stay healthy

I need something to keep me awake other then coffee

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 03:44:46 [Preview] No.4648 del

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 03:49:44 [Preview] No.4649 del
(473.95 KB 1000x1000 66943074_p18.png)

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 03:50:02 [Preview] No.4650 del

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 03:53:53 [Preview] No.4652 del
(10.04 MB 4004x2456 76948090_p0.png)
I wish to take a nap now

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 03:58:00 [Preview] No.4653 del



Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 04:00:44 [Preview] No.4654 del
(510.84 KB 660x890 66942277_p2.png)

Don't do it!


I want a Yufu heart attack!

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 04:05:38 [Preview] No.4655 del
I'm going to marry Nekomiku!

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 04:10:30 [Preview] No.4656 del
(939.57 KB 1080x764 77149133_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 04:12:55 [Preview] No.4657 del

https://youtube.com/watch?v=XP90Wnj0LTo [Embed]


Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 04:14:11 [Preview] No.4658 del
(764.20 KB 800x749 66730727_p52.png)


brb, touhou.

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 04:27:30 [Preview] No.4660 del
lunch time, then its productive time, see u guys~

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 04:30:33 [Preview] No.4661 del
(919.76 KB 849x1200 76765658_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 04:34:13 [Preview] No.4662 del
(1.01 MB 1280x720 2.png)

A bit different than in the song though...

See you later.

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 04:37:51 [Preview] No.4663 del
(201.43 KB 650x560 66730727_p21.png)

See ya <3



Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 04:38:34 [Preview] No.4664 del
(321.32 KB 966x2048 76535024_p0.jpg)
See you later :heart:
I didn't mean for things to end this way...

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 04:44:10 [Preview] No.4665 del
(259.65 KB 800x725 無題 - のん.jpg)

You should be more careful then

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 04:47:46 [Preview] No.4666 del
(2.47 MB 1600x1536 65946770_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 04:52:45 [Preview] No.4667 del
(2.27 MB 1447x2047 Clau.full.2405998.jpg)
Is this a :miku:?

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 04:57:50 [Preview] No.4668 del

She doesn't sing

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 05:01:58 [Preview] No.4669 del
(827.17 KB 2048x1441 65818371_p0.jpg)
Looks like one to me


Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 05:05:54 [Preview] No.4670 del
(179.59 KB 1024x1024 210094_01_base[1].png)
Is this a :miku:? She has long blue twintails and is a pop star!
https://youtube.com/watch?v=HEout2YH-uQ [Embed]

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 05:11:41 [Preview] No.4671 del

Looks more like an eel to me.

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 05:15:09 [Preview] No.4672 del
(143.83 KB 860x850 65655150_p0.jpg)
Nope, that's an :eel:


Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 05:16:23 [Preview] No.4673 del
I guess she does live underwater...
Is this a gay couple?

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 05:21:21 [Preview] No.4674 del
(678.67 KB 1104x1103 76418132_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 05:28:07 [Preview] No.4676 del
(174.80 KB 1442x2048 EAsi-tWU0AIyShi.jpg)
Do you typically kiss your friends...?

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 05:28:57 [Preview] No.4677 del
(1.37 MB 1730x2362 76138028_p1.jpg)

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 05:33:39 [Preview] No.4678 del
Only if they taste good.


I'm going to go find some dinner.
See you later

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 05:36:38 [Preview] No.4679 del
(115.87 KB 1200x845 D4SW-3OVUAUKeHQ.jpg)
See you later :heart:

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 05:40:55 [Preview] No.4680 del
(2.56 MB 1500x1800 50993806_p0.png)
<3 See ya later :bunny:


Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 05:46:16 [Preview] No.4681 del
(68.35 KB 500x500 42673927.jpg)
Good night :heart:

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 05:53:19 [Preview] No.4682 del
(853.68 KB 1199x700 50237792_p0.jpg)
<3 sweet dreams

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 09:02:18 [Preview] No.4684 del
(383.07 KB 2048x1909 EE8vs5yXUAAnl4g.jpg)

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 09:16:41 [Preview] No.4686 del
(719.61 KB 1486x2048 ED2dO06VAAEQxkX.jpg)

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 09:21:50 [Preview] No.4687 del
(2.08 MB 1361x930 72874093_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 09:25:45 [Preview] No.4688 del
(109.78 KB 858x1200 ECTjJAuUYAE26U8.jpg)
How is :chocomint:?

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 09:35:38 [Preview] No.4689 del
(292.20 KB 1448x2048 D0LewZ-UUAA188v.jpg)
Need :akane:.

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 09:38:58 [Preview] No.4690 del
I hope this suffices

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 09:46:09 [Preview] No.4691 del
(181.87 KB 720x900 67465233_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 10:02:57 [Preview] No.4692 del
(1.18 MB 1700x1500 55421301_p0.png)
Its spring

Sorry, internet went out for a moment.

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 10:07:16 [Preview] No.4693 del
(52.42 KB 700x1000 EEOUgogUcAUAQW0.jpg)
(57.12 KB 700x1000 EEOUdreUEAA0Y1m.jpg)
(56.25 KB 700x1000 EEOUbo8U0AA7rvK.jpg)

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 10:09:09 [Preview] No.4694 del
(227.40 KB 1600x1900 EGq4CkIUUAMgnp_.jpg)

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 10:25:13 [Preview] No.4696 del
(195.31 KB 1358x1855 EES09dmXoAEkd6y.jpg)
I beat Eirin today twice

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 10:32:08 [Preview] No.4697 del
(281.66 KB 724x1023 71118911_p0.jpg)
This Eirin?

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 10:45:08 [Preview] No.4698 del
(139.66 KB 700x1196 EEnx6GMUcAA2KuO.jpg)
That's an Akari, not an Eirin!

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 10:52:16 [Preview] No.4699 del
(896.63 KB 800x1129 72504044_p0.jpg)
This one?

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 11:06:03 [Preview] No.4700 del
(567.70 KB 1000x800 48803704_p0.png)
No, that's a :shiburin:

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 11:09:43 [Preview] No.4702 del
No... that's a :futo:!

This is an Ei:rin:!

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 11:15:59 [Preview] No.4703 del
(6.63 MB 640x360 MONONOBE_NO_FUTO.webm)

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 11:18:13 [Preview] No.4704 del
(1.12 MB 1000x1414 48903802_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 11:24:10 [Preview] No.4705 del
(857.22 KB 1344x1740 48139880_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 11:26:36 [Preview] No.4706 del
(915.71 KB 1000x864 77219200_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 11:33:06 [Preview] No.4708 del
(64.39 KB 523x680 EGqmYqeUUAAHiDz.jpg)

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 11:37:53 [Preview] No.4709 del
(68.74 KB 600x633 30459938_p0.jpg)
How is :marisa:?

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 11:43:57 [Preview] No.4710 del
(133.35 KB 800x1130 EGq_jAPUcAIzuIH.jpg)
I'm alright, I feel good about cleaning my room though. How art thou?

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 11:48:38 [Preview] No.4711 del
(281.12 KB 800x992 19076158_p0.jpg)
need :akane: games

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 11:52:25 [Preview] No.4712 del
(360.74 KB 1448x2048 EGLjbYXVAAElWiB.jpg)
When's the next voiceroid game jam?

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 11:54:01 [Preview] No.4713 del
(304.89 KB 2000x1124 77240951_p0.jpg)
Happy Birthday Ritsu🎉

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 12:04:01 [Preview] No.4714 del
(146.78 KB 999x1740 EB2r-oSWsAMhY9v.jpg)
happy 10th Ricchan!

is this a :ritsu:?

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 12:05:24 [Preview] No.4715 del
When :akane: makes a game.

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 12:14:45 [Preview] No.4716 del
(357.42 KB 768x768 71268344_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 12:25:11 [Preview] No.4718 del

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 12:26:17 [Preview] No.4719 del
(1.36 MB 2082x1434 72308612_p1.png)

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 12:27:35 [Preview] No.4720 del
(524.41 KB 1991x1676 EGrNG2bU4AEnDh4.jpg)

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 12:33:28 [Preview] No.4721 del
(152.70 KB 1024x1024 51511916_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 12:41:01 [Preview] No.4722 del

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 12:44:50 [Preview] No.4723 del
(1.67 MB 1476x1282 74125480_p0.jpg)
Why does Ran wear the fox mask?

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 12:49:43 [Preview] No.4724 del
(128.69 KB 1200x1003 DvVxnTNVYAA_T58.jpg)
for you

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 12:51:34 [Preview] No.4725 del
(21.18 KB 225x350 ran.jpg)

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 12:52:32 [Preview] No.4726 del
(261.16 KB 1447x2039 DvangP2VsAAaxYq.jpg)
Sleepy :flower:...

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 12:55:55 [Preview] No.4727 del
(430.76 KB 600x768 DSDIg4yVQAANy_q.png)

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 12:57:19 [Preview] No.4728 del

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 12:59:10 [Preview] No.4729 del

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 13:02:56 [Preview] No.4730 del

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 13:08:43 [Preview] No.4732 del
(599.93 KB 560x850 DqlTBXIV4AAeWHk.png)
Is this an :udonge: then?

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 13:10:55 [Preview] No.4733 del
(192.97 KB 550x550 63900812_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 23:06:56 [Preview] No.4734 del
(275.29 KB 1656x2000 EGsfIevVAAEzEFC.jpg)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 03:39:12 [Preview] No.4735 del
(5.52 MB 2480x3507 51738404_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 03:57:34 [Preview] No.4736 del
(116.98 KB 750x1059 EGNGZqQUUAAMEMe.jpg)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 04:08:53 [Preview] No.4737 del

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 04:10:29 [Preview] No.4738 del
(326.84 KB 2051x1507 EDyGHjuVAAAF9Ir.jpg)
:flower: not :oni:!

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 04:19:20 [Preview] No.4739 del

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 04:21:22 [Preview] No.4740 del
How are you?

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 04:25:09 [Preview] No.4741 del
I've been worse. You?

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 04:30:56 [Preview] No.4742 del
(2.29 MB 3050x4328 74778512_p1.png)
Thinking about what to do

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 04:40:27 [Preview] No.4744 del
Food time at least for now!

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 04:53:56 [Preview] No.4746 del

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 04:58:48 [Preview] No.4747 del
(407.08 KB 1247x1740 D7leAHtUcAEXvA-.jpg)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 05:02:37 [Preview] No.4748 del
Going to celebrate halloween?

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 05:09:21 [Preview] No.4749 del
Nope. Are you?

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 05:17:23 [Preview] No.4750 del
Nah, its not that big of a thing over here. Its nothing like what Teto said it is like for them.

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 05:21:14 [Preview] No.4751 del
I've never really cared about Halloween at all.

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 05:25:57 [Preview] No.4752 del
Is this a :rin:?

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 05:32:07 [Preview] No.4753 del

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 05:37:38 [Preview] No.4754 del

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 05:44:08 [Preview] No.4755 del

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 05:51:38 [Preview] No.4756 del
(44.16 KB 516x768 DjsNM6tUwAAPXoI.jpg)
<3 Sweet dreams

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 06:08:49 [Preview] No.4757 del
(763.80 KB 585x827 50792979_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 06:16:28 [Preview] No.4758 del

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 06:27:47 [Preview] No.4760 del
(701.49 KB 990x1147 Di-UGX5VAAA6MN5.png)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 06:41:41 [Preview] No.4762 del
:purple akane:!?

Is this a :sanae:?

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 06:44:26 [Preview] No.4763 del
(648.98 KB 860x1100 37627266_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 06:45:12 [Preview] No.4764 del
How's it going?

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 06:57:40 [Preview] No.4766 del
(773.20 KB 2026x2865 Dgyi8sNVQAEYvi8.jpg)
How has that been going?

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 07:07:13 [Preview] No.4768 del
(85.11 KB 1017x1222 EAz3M_5XkAIfwLt.jpg)
Just exhausted.

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 07:14:30 [Preview] No.4770 del

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 07:18:59 [Preview] No.4771 del
(5.17 MB 2480x2300 57991488_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 07:20:40 [Preview] No.4772 del
No, that's a :chocomint:

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 07:23:03 [Preview] No.4773 del
(125.94 KB 1200x900 58271526_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 07:25:36 [Preview] No.4774 del

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 07:28:01 [Preview] No.4775 del
(4.07 MB 2400x1800 61636681_p0.png)
Is this an :aoi:?

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 07:30:35 [Preview] No.4776 del
(208.51 KB 1600x1700 EGp769pUEAExUmo.jpg)
No, that's an :una:

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 07:39:31 [Preview] No.4778 del
(132.73 KB 900x1200 71803586_p1.jpg)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 07:42:49 [Preview] No.4779 del
(1.38 MB 1084x1715 70138396_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 07:46:24 [Preview] No.4780 del
(85.01 KB 600x912 DawCglrU8AEkY9O.jpg)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 07:52:00 [Preview] No.4782 del
Looks like a :saigyouji: to me, but :saigyouji:s don't have wings.

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 07:56:08 [Preview] No.4783 del
(257.39 KB 1115x1470 47688165_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 08:01:18 [Preview] No.4784 del

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 08:04:00 [Preview] No.4785 del
(746.23 KB 1200x800 56516767_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 08:11:55 [Preview] No.4786 del
(1.58 MB 1193x1557 64876351_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 08:17:48 [Preview] No.4787 del
(1.15 MB 1300x912 41265514_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 08:18:54 [Preview] No.4788 del
(51.24 KB 463x624 EFUO-1NUcAEmTXC.jpg)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 08:21:43 [Preview] No.4789 del
(441.31 KB 1254x1771 EDLmIy_VAAAHOxX.png)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 08:44:10 [Preview] No.4790 del
(83.97 KB 591x699 ECKHjVeVUAEADgh.jpg)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 08:46:40 [Preview] No.4791 del
(1.14 MB 1794x2048 73527027_p5.png)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 08:49:26 [Preview] No.4792 del
Cute boy

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 08:52:07 [Preview] No.4793 del
(87.71 KB 598x800 D2HOz6FUcAEmkvF.jpg)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 08:53:23 [Preview] No.4794 del
(107.08 KB 773x1054 26076514_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 08:55:58 [Preview] No.4795 del
(272.93 KB 1200x2300 Dr48tajVYAAgt4h.jpg)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 09:16:32 [Preview] No.4796 del
(982.14 KB 1500x1800 70678381_p0.jpg)
I've been going through the book "the elements of computing systems"

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 09:24:57 [Preview] No.4797 del
(1.99 MB 1800x1090 33060621_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 09:36:05 [Preview] No.4798 del

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 09:40:38 [Preview] No.4799 del
(130.45 KB 1235x900 DdpEtGUVAAESeSb.jpg)
Is :yellow: making the :itako:?

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 09:46:05 [Preview] No.4800 del
(480.55 KB 3750x2368 ECOkxp6UcAEsVM6.jpg)
I'm learning to make it's CPU.

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 09:54:21 [Preview] No.4801 del
(796.65 KB 800x800 53642371_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 09:58:40 [Preview] No.4802 del
(732.06 KB 900x786 ECNNhS6VAAAsNMP.png)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 09:59:46 [Preview] No.4803 del
(2.87 MB 2024x1544 71801498_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 10:08:44 [Preview] No.4804 del
(66.52 KB 718x722 EClV_OHUIAANdb3.jpg)
:yukarin: is a :bunny: not a :struggle:!

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 10:11:08 [Preview] No.4805 del
(408.46 KB 395x750 54074224_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 10:19:21 [Preview] No.4806 del
(90.94 KB 1086x1085 ECltm5xUEAEgMXL.jpg)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 10:21:00 [Preview] No.4807 del
(3.03 MB 2000x3000 51541561_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 10:24:45 [Preview] No.4808 del
(160.90 KB 497x606 EGp_2AhU8AAYyPi.png)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 10:30:08 [Preview] No.4809 del
(604.99 KB 1050x1550 66409356_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 10:34:09 [Preview] No.4810 del
(76.29 KB 1050x1050 EGrrXVhU0AI1rvh.jpg)
I wanna see :rin: smile!

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 10:39:14 [Preview] No.4811 del
(633.77 KB 800x1129 67624117_p0.jpg)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 10:41:34 [Preview] No.4812 del
(559.09 KB 1536x2048 EGrhqf4UwAIUc_A.jpg)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 10:48:19 [Preview] No.4813 del
(168.78 KB 650x556 72338883_p81.png)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 10:50:03 [Preview] No.4814 del
(530.98 KB 800x800 76296369_p0.png)
Is this a :rin:?

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 10:54:20 [Preview] No.4815 del
(1.00 MB 1200x987 72374162_p0.png)
Looks like :senko:.

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 11:02:09 [Preview] No.4816 del
(5.32 MB 3508x2276 74778187_p0.png)
A :senko:!?

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 11:07:32 [Preview] No.4817 del
(169.74 KB 900x688 26262884_p31.jpg)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 11:11:26 [Preview] No.4818 del
(539.52 KB 727x870 EGraVwWUwAAUL0v.png)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 11:16:41 [Preview] No.4819 del
(1.08 MB 1000x1150 53070792_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 11:31:25 [Preview] No.4820 del
(1.93 MB 1551x2324 77006905_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 11:35:03 [Preview] No.4821 del
(316.83 KB 700x989 34230042_p0.png)

Anonymous 10/13/2019 (Sun) 11:37:13 [Preview] No.4822 del
(1.48 MB 1200x1200 34385833_p0.png)

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