/monster/ - monstergirls

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Violated Hero 01/04/2016 (Mon) 21:44:44 Id: d81466 [Preview] No. 280 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
>tfw we're in the top 6 boards
40 posts and 19 images omitted.

Violated Hero 01/11/2016 (Mon) 02:08:27 Id: 9d9d71 [Preview] No. 598 del
Unfortunately, Teridax seems to be involved in some capacity. Unless the owners explain this and he turns out to barely have any importance, I'm not going to be staying for too long.

Violated Hero 01/12/2016 (Tue) 19:31:04 Id: 93c476 [Preview] No. 701 del
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There is also this guy.

Violated Hero 01/12/2016 (Tue) 20:29:14 Id: 9d9d71 [Preview] No. 702 del
At least he was stripped of his modhood, but still kind of weird that he seems to be friends with a guy here. Does not bode well.

back to work on justicechan, I guess

Violated Hero 01/12/2016 (Tue) 23:17:25 Id: e93f85 [Preview] No. 704 del
Yeah i saw that, mostly wary about his presence.
jesus christ.

Violated Hero 07/18/2016 (Mon) 11:34:35 Id: c59925 [Preview] No. 977 del
smug bump

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Anonymous 01/03/2016 (Sun) 18:18:00 Id: a045ff [Preview] No. 8 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Making the first holstaur thread before beardicus does.
I'll miss multi-image posting though.
18 posts and 16 images omitted.

Violated Hero 01/04/2016 (Mon) 12:47:00 Id: 4009f5 [Preview] No. 242 del
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Violated Hero 01/06/2016 (Wed) 22:37:40 Id: a045ff [Preview] No. 437 del
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I think it's still possible, I just don't know how to do it.

Violated Hero 01/06/2016 (Wed) 22:53:36 Id: fa3fac [Preview] No. 438 del
You Ctrl+click a maximum of three images, friend.

Violated Hero 01/13/2016 (Wed) 17:45:34 Id: e05219 [Preview] No. 727 del
I don't know why, but I really love the pussy lips on this picture.

Violated Hero 07/18/2016 (Mon) 11:34:17 Id: 5a0a4a [Preview] No. 976 del
milky bump

Foot thread Violated Hero 01/03/2016 (Sun) 19:29:02 Id: 90e474 [Preview] No. 16 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Was going to make this thread when the migration happened, but since that's clearly never happening, I'm doing it here. Still wish this place had multi-image posting, but it's comfy enough for now.
22 posts and 27 images omitted.

Violated Hero 01/14/2016 (Thu) 16:39:51 Id: eccc1a [Preview] No. 734 del
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Violated Hero 07/18/2016 (Mon) 11:34:05 Id: b4d777 [Preview] No. 975 del
faggot bump

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Dullahans Violated Hero 01/04/2016 (Mon) 00:19:25 Id: 73894b [Preview] No. 77 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Because it's nice to have a good head off your shoulders.
10 posts and 13 images omitted.

Violated Hero 01/16/2016 (Sat) 03:19:24 [Preview] No. 748 del
>her face is right above her ass

Violated Hero 01/16/2016 (Sat) 03:30:46 Id: 6bd1a2 [Preview] No. 750 del
The head and body aren't the same, too. They got mixed up. It's technically a threesome.

Violated Hero 01/16/2016 (Sat) 04:03:44 [Preview] No. 754 del
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Violated Hero 01/16/2016 (Sat) 04:43:55 Id: 6bd1a2 [Preview] No. 755 del
Ms. Fortune is the best thing to ever come out of Skullgirls.

Violated Hero 07/18/2016 (Mon) 11:33:53 Id: d49f78 [Preview] No. 974 del
headless bumpsman

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Scanlation Thread Violated Hero 05/10/2016 (Tue) 06:00:09 Id: dc18f8 [Preview] No. 928 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Scanlation Thread
8ch is kill and this place looks cozy edition

Post requests or try fulfilling them, if you can.

Violated Hero 05/10/2016 (Tue) 06:08:31 Id: dc18f8 [Preview] No. 929 del
I didn't want to clutter the OP with shit so I'll just post it in the thread.
>8ch is kill
>a big part of the site can't post anymore because of a continent-wide shadow ban
>site is bleeding users and I'm scared
this place looks good so I'll try to liven it up, you faggots like translated lewds and I want to do them so I'll start by that.
I'll be busy for the next two weeks, but I'll probably be able to start doing shit from the 23rd, so just request and sit back. Here's the last one I did for reference:
btw I suck at fonts, so if you have a specific one in mind, please do tell.
Also, while I'll try get everything in this thread translated, I'll prioritize smaller ones (20- pages), so don't worry if it looks like I'm skipping yours.

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Violated Hero 01/05/2016 (Tue) 00:17:11 Id: f9cbbf [Preview] No. 285 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I wish I had a monstergirl to love

Violated Hero 03/29/2016 (Tue) 16:54:09 Id: b76674 [Preview] No. 881 del
>That oni

Why do you tease me Anon?

Violated Hero 04/19/2016 (Tue) 04:32:52 Id: 783763 [Preview] No. 920 del
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Violated Hero 04/21/2016 (Thu) 03:08:58 Id: 5355b2 [Preview] No. 921 del
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F-forgive me.

I don't know the name.

Violated Hero 04/21/2016 (Thu) 17:04:45 Id: cec959 [Preview] No. 922 del
They're cyclopes, for future reference. Though monoeyes are usually shorter than them, granted.

Chitin and alloy Violated Hero 01/16/2016 (Sat) 22:07:58 Id: dc9404 [Preview] No. 760 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Post that thing that happens when you put materials that aren't puffy and fluffy over other materials that are not puffy and fluffy.

Thread extremely general.

Violated Hero 01/16/2016 (Sat) 22:46:31 Id: fb0275 [Preview] No. 761 del

Violated Hero 02/06/2016 (Sat) 19:44:19 Id: 06fae5 [Preview] No. 870 del

Mental CYOA Violated Hero 01/15/2016 (Fri) 03:29:45 Id: 6a68b5 [Preview] No. 736 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hey /Monster/,

Just throwing ideas around for a CYOA based on a crazy student in a monster-girl inclusive society.

Maybe some kinda schizophrenic / bipolar dude who has to try to keep things stable despite Shoggoths and Mindflayers deciding to rape help?

I'm unsure if they'd have any desire to help folk with mental issues, or just exacerbate them.

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Violated Hero 01/08/2016 (Fri) 18:38:10 Id: 3d640e [Preview] No. 502 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
To those who remember that I converted /mg/ into a shrine to Ammit back on 8chan, I have made /ammit/ on this site as a backup.

Just letting everyone know that for now.

Violated Hero 01/08/2016 (Fri) 20:58:43 Id: d368a7 [Preview] No. 505 del
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Excellent, gotta keep the worship of our goddess alive!

Violated Hero 01/09/2016 (Sat) 00:43:38 Id: 984cec [Preview] No. 513 del
Fuck off autistic cunts

Violated Hero 01/09/2016 (Sat) 13:33:25 Id: ac795a [Preview] No. 518 del
Ammit will dominate the world.

Violated Hero 01/09/2016 (Sat) 22:05:54 Id: d368a7 [Preview] No. 525 del

Violated Hero 01/13/2016 (Wed) 13:10:13 Id: dca06b [Preview] No. 711 del
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Anonymous 01/03/2016 (Sun) 18:03:12 [Preview] No. 2 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Stay warm this season

Violated Hero 01/12/2016 (Tue) 02:52:52 Id: 79cf07 [Preview] No. 691 del
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It's always warmer with a yeti

Violated Hero 01/13/2016 (Wed) 04:10:39 [Preview] No. 708 del
I wish I had a cute yeti to keep me warm on these long winter nights