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Anonymous Board owner 05/10/2024 (Fri) 23:55 [Preview] No. 3
POV: You're a 90 year old man stalking and harassing a 20 year old, just to make pointless and unfunny images/memes. And being into AI.

Anonymous Board owner 05/11/2024 (Sat) 00:13 [Preview] No.4 del
Among other stuff I'm not gonna bother typing out, but you know who you are.
I couldn't imagine being in the same scenario as you; even I would find it sad.
ALSO, imagine being an 18 year old getting angry at someone 2 years older than you, especially when they don't condone any harassment at minors. ESPECIALLY when you get angry at even the mere thought of drawing FICTION porn.
Jesus christ I dont know whats sadder, Thyla, or the old man and his "cronies".

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