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Obligatory Sticky AEtheling Board owner 01/08/2016 (Fri) 22:04:16 [Preview] No. 1
Welcome to /new/
This is a news discussion board dedicated to freedom of speech. What I mean by freedom of speech is that You will never be banned for expressing an opinion.
Now of course, if you're a shitposting baitmaster, don't be surprised if you're told to fuck off and your thread is saged. This is called "self-moderation." It means that you, the users, are the ones primarily responsible for keeping out both shills and insufferable faggots. Noone will be banned for expressing an opinion. However, you're encouraged to convince people with wrong opinions that they're wrong.

That said, freedom of speech requires that we put a few rules in place to keep the standard of discussion high. As high as it can get on an anonymous imageboard anyway. If you break one of the following rules while expressing your opinion, you might get banned.
Edited last time by AEtheling on 01/09/2016 (Sat) 00:13:57.

AEtheling Board owner 01/09/2016 (Sat) 00:14:40 Id: 76b35d [Preview] No. 2 del
1. Obviously, don't break the global rules. Don't post CP or anything else that's illegal in the US.
2. All thread OPs must include a link to a news article. Archive or donotlink is fine. There must also be at least 100 characters in addition to the link.
3. All posts must have at least 16 characters.
4. No porn/lewd/suggestive/disgusting images.
5. Do not tripfag or namefag unless your identity is relevant to the discussion. Do not avatarfag at all.
6. No more than one logical fallacy per post. A meme used as an argument counts as a logical fallacy. You can't say "You're wrong because you're a [meme]." You can say "You're wrong, [meme], and here's why:"
7. No generals. No exceptions. A general is a constantly recurring thread dedicated to one topic. It normally has the same subject every time, usually with slight variations in the form of a number and an "edition". For example: Meme General #420: Ebin Edition. If a thread hits the bump limit and you feel that the discussion needs to go on, come to this sticky to request that it be made a cyclical.
8. No duplicate threads. Check the catalog before posting to see if anyone else has already posted the story you want to post.
9. Do not abuse the report button. A report is not an argument; reports should only be sent when one of the above rules is broken.
Edited last time by AEtheling on 01/09/2016 (Sat) 14:18:48.

AEtheling Board owner 01/09/2016 (Sat) 00:15:53 Id: 76b35d [Preview] No. 3 del
These next few things aren't rules; they are advice:
>Check the source, gullible /new/sman!
>If you sound mad, there's a good chance you're losing the argument.
>A good source never hurt anyone's argument.
>If you detect sliding, locate the thread being slid and link to it in the sliding threads. If you can't find a thread worth being slid, then there is no sliding.

Feel free to post banners, flags, questions, concerns, and other relevant stuff in this thread.

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