/nord/ - Scandinavian discussion board

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Placeholder nafnlauss 01/02/2016 (Sat) 14:17:14 Id: 3513c5 [Preview] No. 6 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
/nord/ is an extended version of Nord/pol/
A board where we scandinavians can discuss problems & solutions around things going on in our countries.
Any ideas are welcome and feel free to lurk the board even if you decide not to contribute!

Bring in anyone with our kind of mentality

Please don't shitpost on this board and keep it polite so we can all enjoy good conversations about solutions to what the left and liberals have done to our countries.

(9.81 KB 636x242 fnord logo.gif)
nafnlauss 01/04/2016 (Mon) 00:03:55 Id: f06b67 [Preview] No. 7 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

nafnlauss 01/04/2016 (Mon) 23:11:40 Id: d4e1dd [Preview] No. 8 del
As in you're being ironic, you like Illuminatus! or as in you just found that pic?

Banner thread Anonymous 01/02/2016 (Sat) 14:01:23 Id: 0a5d3f [Preview] No. 5 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Banner thread
Banderoll tråd
Borði þráður
Banneret tråd
Banner tråd
Bannerin langan

(939.33 KB 495x738 49e92Gs.png)
SVERIGE! Anonymous 01/02/2016 (Sat) 00:21:30 [Preview] No. 1 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Anonymous 01/02/2016 (Sat) 01:38:07 [Preview] No. 2 del

Anonymous 01/02/2016 (Sat) 13:44:25 Id: 7eb812 [Preview] No. 3 del
Hej på er, kul att någon brevat.

Har fixat flaggor nu (finns ingen möjlighet att köra dem automatiskt dock utan man får välja själv)

Hojta till om ni tycker någon flagga saknas så ska jag göra vad jag kan.

Anonymous 01/02/2016 (Sat) 13:50:02 Id: 24f207 [Preview] No. 4 del
Trevligt, trevligt.