/normie/ - Normie Reservation

Where we sent the displaced Facebooking natives of this domain name.

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trip*** 04/19/2017 (Wed) 00:31:52 [Preview] No. 62
Hey guys did you watch that one giraffe blow another giraffe out of its vagina the other day? It was pretty much the most amazing thing ever.

Nancy C. 04/19/2017 (Wed) 04:13:29 [Preview] No. 63 del
(112.09 KB 500x363 003-FUNNY-CAT-MEME.jpg)
I love animals, especially cats. I don't know why but they're so funny. I love collecting pictures of cats with funny text, I have a few thousand. Yesterday I spent 4 hours saving mems, I'd say I spend 80 hours a week saving mems, that's what funny cat pictures are called. It keeps me busy now that I'm retired and can't get out of the retirement home often.

Here look at this one...cute right? They're make me laugh so hard! Hold on, let me show you my whole collection one by one.

Joshua L. 05/09/2017 (Tue) 17:46:44 [Preview] No. 70 del
You should go to >>>/AM/ they post cat memes all the time.

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