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love anime 05/29/2024 (Wed) 14:30 [Preview] No. 19277
hey, im new here and i want to ask: how do i add a photo to a new thread? i use section file[s] and it didnt working, thanks

Anonymous 05/29/2024 (Wed) 16:10 [Preview] No.19278 del
You click on the thingy that says:
>Drag files to upload or click here to select them
It should pop up a window where you can browse the files on your system, select the one you want to upload, then click Open. It should list the file just below the text I quoted.
Then click New Reply and should upload.
There is a filesize limit however, so too large files aren't possible to upload. A size of a photo should upload fine.
It is possible that the Board Owner reduced the allowed file size, then it could fail.
If this process fail: do you get any error message?

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