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Non ICAAN controlled domains Anonymous 01/02/2017 (Mon) 18:30:10 [Preview] No. 760 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I have a website but I'm afraid that it won't stay up within the first year that Trump gets in. I would eventually pay for my own static IP but before then, I need to really decide on what website domains I should use that isn't too expensive. Some territorial domains have specifications as to what can and can't be done while other domains are controlled by FVEY. .is BTW, is super expensive, I was told that the price is around $500.

Anonymous 01/02/2017 (Mon) 18:33:10 [Preview] No. 761 del
mispelt ICANN

Anonymous 01/06/2017 (Fri) 22:33:59 [Preview] No. 770 del
.is Is great, archive.is people are smart people.

Anonymous 01/07/2017 (Sat) 04:06:07 [Preview] No. 772 del
Come to think of it, I think that pricing was an error on their part, should be 89 to 99 USD per year.

I wish I was Norwegian so that I can get a .no instead. Besides .no, I was thinking of .fi but then I realized that EU nations are potentially bad. .tv is under Australia but I might have to settle for that if I really don't want to pay up for .is

Anonymous 01/07/2017 (Sat) 18:42:17 [Preview] No. 774 del

Real answer is "onion".

Anonymous 01/08/2017 (Sun) 19:22:37 [Preview] No. 781 del
or .i2p

Anonymous 10/18/2016 (Tue) 22:11:53 [Preview] No. 615 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]