/pdfs/ - Burn the books, save files now!

Endchan's ebook board

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Meta Thread Anonymous Board owner 01/12/2016 (Tue) 23:42:30 [Preview] No. 1
How to help this board:

1. Don't just upload, leave a description of the content you are uploading

2. Not mandatory: Upload a image of the book as well

3. Upload in a relevant thread

Book on Economics in the Economics thread

Philosophy in the philosophy thread


4.Go out and tell other boards about the place!




Temorary storage, if you are going to share with someone else. Permanent is reccomended


Meta Thread

This is also a meta thread. If you want to discuss an issue, thread or a book, you can do that here!

Additional tip:

Use Calibre to organize your books, convert them to the proper format, and transfer them to your ereader device.

Get it here:

Edited last time by kolsyrad on 01/13/2016 (Wed) 01:32:12.

Anonymous 01/15/2016 (Fri) 19:18:18 [Preview] No. 22 del
High time you guys made it over. Welcome.

Heads up, aside from PDFs endchan appears to support both 7z and zip files for upload. With these compressed archives, in effect, any ebook can be uploaded.

8chan had too many other PDF boards scattered about. I would like to point people here exclusively instead of setting up yet another upload board, as long as we can post more than PDFs. However, archive blobs come with some potentially serious self evident problems. I was wondering if you have any insight/suggestions/ideas on this?

For example, an additional board rule may be needed, something like: "Any encrypted archive uploads must be easily decryptable by the board moderators, and must only contain recognizable ebook files. Otherwise they will be summarily deleted, with bans placed at the moderators discretion."

Exemplicateration and stuff Anonymous 01/15/2016 (Fri) 19:44:07 [Preview] No. 23 del
See file.

Anonymous Board owner 01/15/2016 (Fri) 21:46:58 [Preview] No. 24 del
Yeah, if it isn't a book file I'm deleting it, and I encourage you guys to report suspicious files for removal.

Grammar Nazi 04/22/2016 (Fri) 15:56:51 [Preview] No. 48 del
Now that you've got this board in your hands, will you start the backup process from 8chan or plan to do something else?

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