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(117.42 KB 1080x1060 vlasovdrip.jpg)
Anonymous 05/22/2021 (Sat) 12:33:44 Id: f70a4d [Preview] No. 84738
what is national socialism? why should I be a national socialist instead of a regular nationalist?

Anonymous 05/22/2021 (Sat) 16:42:47 Id: 6740ae [Preview] No.84739 del
Why would you start an entire thread instead of asking in Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread? It is directly above your OP. Given that you didn't even read Rule 3 from the Meta right in your face at the top of the page Because this is a slide thread, I'm not holding out hope you have much reading retention. These are the 25 points of National Socialism. This is Mein Kampf. More mandatory reading: https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com

Other Nationalist groups are almost always compromised. You can't compromise National Socialism without people asking questions as to why certain situations are fucked up. This is why Strasserists, Atomwaffen, the Alt kike Right, White Nationalist and Nazbol groups are highly suspect and typically infiltrated by Feds. Some kikes have tried to LARP as National Socialists such as Francis Cohen and Dan Burros. They were discovered quickly and either arrested (Cohen for typical jewish pedophilia)_or killed themselves (Burros).

Anonymous 05/22/2021 (Sat) 21:51:38 Id: c52d6a [Preview] No.84741 del
You can just lurk the threads here and you'll see it. Not really hard to figure it out. I don't get OPs picture though

Anonymous 05/23/2021 (Sun) 02:32:47 Id: 6740ae [Preview] No.84742 del
It's Andrey Vlasov who defected to National Socialist Germany and led the Russian Liberation Army, photoshopped in "Hypebeast Drip" over Nikolai Mikhailovich's painting "Vlasovites in the Village". Some of this took me awhile to figure out.

Anonymous 05/29/2021 (Sat) 05:49:39 Id: c52d6a [Preview] No.84781 del
yeah most of us aren't from Russia so we wouldn't know what you posted referenced. I'm surprised to see that Russians formed an impromptu army to fight against the USSR though. Wonder why nobody remembers it.

Anonymous 05/29/2021 (Sat) 12:49:42 Id: 6740ae [Preview] No.84783 del
>what you posted referenced
I'm not OP. I didn't post that strange image. It took me an entire afternoon to figure out and explain what it is, as OP seems to have one off posted and then left (as usual).

Anonymous 06/02/2021 (Wed) 23:36:12 Id: c52d6a [Preview] No.84787 del
>as OP seems to have one off posted and then left (as usual).

They always do that kike bullshit. They do it because they're yids themselves, or more insidiously try to gauge who uses the board and how active it is.

I don't really know

Anonymous 05/07/2023 (Sun) 12:32 [Preview] No.90425 del
sorry lads, forgot this site existed

Anonymous 05/18/2023 (Thu) 21:10 [Preview] No.90494 del
Because national socialism is based on the foundations of human existence.

As we evolved, over millions of years, human beings learned that settling in a fruitful geographic region with family members was the safest and most efficient way to survive. We hunt and fight for our genetic kin. If needed, we migrate with our kin to new lands. We become attached to the land, having spent hundreds and thousands of years settling and developing it. We base our culture on this land and on our own people, all genetically related to us. We live and enjoy such an existence because the survival of our kin means the survival of ourselves for many hundreds of years in the future.

National socialism is based on preserving our ancestral lands and uniting as genetic kin within these lands, and creating an economy of resources and culture that serve its existence without parasitism and infighting.

It's a political system that "just works" because it serves us in the exact way that we once served ourselves, for thousands and millions of years. Everyone in their heart craves national socialism.

Anonymous 05/20/2023 (Sat) 08:42 Id: fde32a [Preview] No.90518 del
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Then to that idiot who made that statement i at least for start recommend erectus walks amongst us to eternaly ruin his fantasies about nigs

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