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Fascism and the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie Anonymous 05/14/2023 (Sun) 08:31 Id: ba15a0 [Preview] No. 90462
Dear colleagues: Today I want to talk to you about the relationship between fascism and anarcho-capitalism. Historically, it has been postulated that a left-wing political party, such as communism, can lead to the anarchy of the proletariat through the dictatorship of the proletariat. This idea has been known for quite some time. But what is the link between fascism and anarcho-capitalism?

Basically, the principles of fascism are held to offer a means by which capitalists can achieve their goal of an ungoverned economic system by regulating individual wallets through a dictatorship inherent in bourgeois ideals. Under this logic, fascist programs would allow the promotion of business practices that are less and less regulated or controlled while maintaining social order. That is, the fascists advocated an authoritarian way to achieve anarcho-capitalist goals while rationally managing the laws of the free market without government intervention.

In conclusion, it is evident that fascism could be a useful instrument in the construction of a society directed by capital and organized by anarcho-capitalism through the bourgeois dictatorship. This does not necessarily imply supporting any of these principles or justifying them as valid; however, we must admit that there are ways to achieve the same thing with different political stances.

It is an evolution parallel to Marxism but inverse. The Marxists said that through the dictatorship of the proletariat and communism, the abolition of the State would be reached as the last step.
This is the same but in a parallel way, seeing fascism and the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie as a path to anarcho-capitalism after a subsequent abolition of the State.

Anonymous 05/14/2023 (Sun) 09:27 Id: 866f49 [Preview] No.90464 del
Anarcho Capitalism is an oxymoron. You can't be an Anarchist and a Capitalist. It's one or the other. The Anarchist seeks to destroy Capitalism. Without attempting to end Capitalism, they are not Anarchists. I'm not sure whether you're preaching for or against this, as you only make the entire idea sound fucking awful, but Anarchy came from kikes. Both Anarchy and Capitalism are despised here due to both being heavily jewish in nature.

Anonymous 05/14/2023 (Sun) 10:47 [Preview] No.90465 del
Do you imply that any idea that was created or touched by Jews can't be good and we must avoid it? That's nice, all the Jews need to do then is just create new ideas for us to avoid and control us that way towards non-Jewish bad ideas.

Anonymous 05/14/2023 (Sun) 17:11 Id: 866f49 [Preview] No.90470 del
>"follow jewish ideas because jews control you if you don't follow jews"
What a load of shit. Jews do not create ideas and do not possess creativity. They co-opt ideas from pre-existing ones and corrupt them. Kikes did not invent Communism (ancient Greeks and earlier nomadic societies) but have corrupted the concept worldwide through Marx. Nor Socialism (Mazdak the Zoroastrian) nor Anarchy (ancient Greeks) nor Capitalism (Adam Smith) nor Christianity (ancient and post AD Greeks). Jews take, they author in vile changes and the stupid masses eat it up.

Anonymous 06/15/2023 (Thu) 16:59 Id: eb94a2 [Preview] No.90621 del
Anarchy is just a concept of society without an official government. The danger to this is the "power vacuum" concept. The concept is rather simple, if you were to take away power from A, B or C, other groups and organizations (X, Y or Z) would arise to claim that same power over others at some point in time. Human power is simply a source of energy and energy is always transferred from one node to another node. There is a reason our Founding Fathers warned us we would have to feed the tree of liberty with blood from time to time unless we wish to perish.

Anonymous 06/16/2023 (Fri) 04:09 Id: 866f49 [Preview] No.90623 del
The only time it is not a danger is when National Socialists rise to power in that vaccum. The last time this happened, the President (Paul Hindenburg) flat out gave up during an extreme economic recession. The other type rising in the vacuum was of course Bolsheviks in Russia after slaughtering the last Tsar along with his entire family. It's just too bad the Silver Legion of America didn't rise in the same era.

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