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Dismounting homosexuality and transexuality and censorship terence 05/21/2023 (Sun) 16:21 [Preview] No. 90525
I am doing an extensive research to dismantle homosexuality and transexuality, and prove that it is a mental problem and disprove the unsubstantiated theories that society currently holds, a product of misinformation and manipulation.

I would also like to know information about the widespread censorship of this subject.

Anything you know, be it proof of why it is a mental illness or proof of the censorship towards this topic, or information about the companies and millionaire people promoting this movement, please post it in this thread.

Anonymous 05/22/2023 (Mon) 01:29 Id: cf65f6 [Preview] No.90527 del
This is not all information normies would easily swallow without their Pavlovian conditioning kicking in. I would say only the first two infographs wouldn't trigger the average brainwashed Joe as long as they're not a Leftist. As for the rest, you are on the board where we reveal jews.

terence 05/22/2023 (Mon) 05:57 [Preview] No.90529 del
Interesting, put all the information you have, to be able to disassemble it as much as possible.

Anonymous 05/28/2023 (Sun) 14:43 Id: c337ae [Preview] No.90548 del
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I can give you something but forward warn i can send something not fully directed to theme as mess in storage ks mess in storage but before sending more i must ask you if you are also desiring the content torugh their lens ie the degenerate lifestyles lived by them

Anonymous 05/28/2023 (Sun) 14:45 Id: c337ae [Preview] No.90549 del
One is not directed to what you wanted its a mistake during picking as it looked simmilar to the ther one

Anonymous 05/28/2023 (Sun) 15:44 Id: cf65f6 [Preview] No.90550 del
(174.76 KB 628x886 Joan the jew.jpg)
(377.45 KB 1395x870 Obama kikes.jpg)
>Joan Rivers
>"Michelle Obama is a tranny"
I have no love for Barack Obama that black kike, but this is only more proof that jews lie as reflexively and unthinkingly as humans breathe.

Anonymous 06/04/2023 (Sun) 18:45 Id: e886a8 [Preview] No.90576 del
>Anything you know, be it proof of why it is a mental illness or-
say no more

Anonymous 06/05/2023 (Mon) 00:06 Id: cf65f6 [Preview] No.90579 del
(54.72 KB 1140x565 Fi0-4LjXgAEXxMX.jpg)
Exactly. Sexual preference happens most of the time according to one's first sexual experience. Fags are raped. Pedophiles are molested. Dykes are just raging cunts that can't get dick because their personalities are shit so they play with plastic and rubber penises while pretending they hate dick. The origin of course proven here earlier is that jews started that cultural virus.

Anonymous 07/04/2023 (Tue) 17:25 Id: 5441c5 [Preview] No.90697 del
because they are degenerate and disgusting, just like when a schizophrenic person becomes cannibalistic and does something degenerate, homosexuals do also possess mental illness

Anonymous 09/24/2023 (Sun) 14:40 Id: 391922 [Preview] No.91131 del

Anonymous 10/21/2023 (Sat) 03:37 Id: 54c39d [Preview] No.91341 del
I wish you all the blessings and success. One of my ambitions is to scienfically prove that homosexuality and transgenderism are biologically nonexistent and impossible, and that these are adopted by individuals who are self-hating and sexually immature. I am currently studying physics, but I will be studying biology and chemistry very soon. Best of luck!!

Anonymous 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:48 Id: 0653db [Preview] No.91343 del
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I wish you that luck altrough just a basic anatomy and genetics at 4th grade debunkes trannymaniacs

Anonymous 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:47 Id: cf65f6 [Preview] No.91348 del
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You will find, should you become a noted figure in those circles, that "Peer Reviews" simply equal Peer Pressure By Jews. Peer Reviews are how they crush the truth. Many noted biologists have already released such documents and have been peer rejected. This is how their silly kike circles work. However, the flaw in trannies is not just biology, genetics and anatomy. The vast majority don't pass. "Passing", in case anyone's not aware, is how much a Male to Female or Female to Male transition tranny presents like the opposite gender they're trying to imitate.

(Pic related for the MtFs) FtMs sit down to pee in the Mens' restroom stall. They give straight men the cold shoulder, rejecting, not accepting. They easily talk to hot women. Never have any straight male bros. Never follow any bro code. They're not homophobic, instead always getting along with homosexuals. They nag, ramble, and express disgust at topics of a sexual nature. FtMs don't think about sex constantly. They're frigid prudes. FtMs are ashamed of their own genitals and would never show their genitalia. In short, they're women. Always women. These stupid bitches claim to have a male brain but can never behave like a man. The exact same for MtFs who can never behave like actual women. It's pathetic.
I submit that it's not gender which isn't real. Gender is not a social construct. Their delusions are not real. Rejection of their biological gender is a social construct. They are playing pretend. Dress up. Make believe. Then say everything fake they do is reality.

Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 18:09 Id: 84e9ca [Preview] No.92312 del
(752.03 KB 680x763 GigaSaiyan.png)

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