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We Want A Republic, Not A Democracy!!! Anonymous 03/24/2024 (Sun) 18:05 Id: a3af0c [Preview] No. 93019
We Want A Republic, Not A Democracy!!!

Its too late for that, after 4 generations of people who refused to take out the trash, everything has been rotten to the point of no repair. Just look around you, you got all those clowns babbling MAGA all day long because they can't think any longer than a freaking slogan and just won't see America isn't freaking America anymore. You all are waiting for a freaking savior but won't do anything for yourselves as long as you still beLIEve salvation can come from "somebody else".

You can thank all your "normal" people who would not ever consider ANY idea they haven't first heard on the freaking boob tube. You've been amused to death. And now, we're all paying the price for the BLIND comfort of at least 4 generations built on OUR back.

You had been warned, that you HAD a Republic, if you could keep it. And you've been warned that BANKS were more dangerous than standing armies but those Banksters sure knew how fake money could buy fake people and freaking did so. Now, what you gonna do about it?

My guess is NOTHING. You won't even educate yourselves on things that really matter like how the freak money gets "created" and (who is it owed to). If you did, EVERYTHING would start to make some freaking sense.

Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 01:33 Id: 967b6a [Preview] No.93021 del
Ok, and after education what then? We can still do NOTHING but educate others. We're not bulletproof. Marvel heroes do not exist. Nobody's gathering 9 other guys and going around door to door for 13 years again.

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