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Anon 04/14/2024 (Sun) 07:04 [Preview] No. 10190
Can someone explain to me why they draw something like this? You want to look for pictures of ponies with just a fat belly, and the whole rendition on booru is littered with this shit.

Anon 04/14/2024 (Sun) 07:13 [Preview] No.10191 del

Anon 04/14/2024 (Sun) 18:13 [Preview] No.10193 del
The distinction you're looking for doesn't really have a separate tag from what you're not looking for.

Consider Twibooru's image #3205502 to their image #3204992, which you've posted above...
you'll have a spoiler alert to deal with because technically, if you look long enough, parts are showing.
Mostly because of how fat she is, it's all hanging down, is how I read that image.
anyway, yes naked pone if you click.

Anon 04/26/2024 (Fri) 06:07 [Preview] No.10255 del
I once was looking for a Princess Celestia image where it showed her with some meat on her bones. Not overweight, not morbidly obese, just a nice hefty mare. All I saw was too-fat Celestia. With other and probably also canonical depictions of Celestia, she looks to skinny.

(Ignore the following if you want. Thread maybe going to get deleted: >>10196 - I didn't post any thing there; I'm this guy: >>10254.)

Anon 04/26/2024 (Fri) 06:23 [Preview] No.10256 del
Found what I was looking for from searching "princess celestia,horse,solo":
1426016 977583 406604 919302

If it did exist, something like "chubby", or "overweight but not obese". For my Princess Celestia explanation: this would be "anatomically correct" in reference to the barrel of the pony. "Barrel" is "horse jargon"; it's akin to the trunk of a human. However, the anatomically correct tag mainly refers to genitals, so nope. The tag "horse" kinda means "anatomically correct". Maybe "anatomically correct barrel", but that sounds odd.

Anon 04/26/2024 (Fri) 06:29 [Preview] No.10257 del
https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/barrel n.
>The ribs and belly of a horse or pony.
"anatomically correct belly"
"anatomically correct ribs"
"anatomically correct ribs and belly"

Anon 04/26/2024 (Fri) 19:04 [Preview] No.10261 del
(455.26 KB 1131x707 1682735.png)
>Maybe "anatomically correct barrel"
The trick isn't deciding what's wrong with the tags as-used-now, the trick is convincing the unwashed hordes it's worth going back to re-tag all the backlog of artwork so you can find what you want and exclude what you don't.

If you weren't so very, very alone, this would be reasonable, because that same unwashed horde would realize they could sort, favorite, and blacklist with greater precision.

And then you find out there are bronies who are angry because their upload of some art they found somewhere on the interwebs was denied because they couldn't string four tags together to describe what they were uploading.

Anon 04/27/2024 (Sat) 03:06 [Preview] No.10264 del
The problem is those who have porn brain pollute things to freakish fetish territory. Kind of the way fetishes work. Anons who have more tastefull and moderate taste don't have good tags. You can find some attempts "reasonably sized X," but still their needs to be tagging work.

>(Ignore the following if you want. Thread maybe going to get deleted: >>10196 - I didn't post any thing there; I'm this guy: >>10254.)
I am not 100% familiar with the cultural norms here, but while they cluster to single threads I don't think they would delete this, at least right away, while your still asking a question.

Even if alone, it isn't completely undoable. Personal booru software and a some elbow grease you could amass a good collection of reasonable pony images. Keep a list and mass tag the shit when you get a good idea of what to look for.

Wasn't there a anon here who did talk about something like this once? I don't think it was fetish related though.

Anon 06/14/2024 (Fri) 05:18 [Preview] No.10454 del
>The trick isn't deciding what's wrong with the tags as-used-now, the trick is convincing the unwashed hordes it's worth going back to re-tag all the backlog of artwork so you can find what you want and exclude what you don't.
Behead those involved in horrible tagging systems and practices:
>>10453 (cross-thread)
>>"solo female" implies "solo"
>Dumbest thing ever. Feeling like tags on non-pony boorus are better.

Anon 06/14/2024 (Fri) 07:26 [Preview] No.10455 del
Solo_Female should, in my mind, imply solo.

Except I'd argue that isn't futa female but rule69, Bubble Berry; solo_male, which should also imply solo.
Also the shaft is reasonable, considering Bubble is a horse.

Your complaints have been summarily dismissed.

Anon 06/14/2024 (Fri) 15:57 [Preview] No.10458 del
>Also the shaft is reasonable, considering Bubble is a horse.
Horse penis is significant in size IRL. However, the proportions are off. It's unrealistically thick in terms of trying to be anatomically correct. Also that erect penis reaches to/past the forelegs. To be correct, it should reach around halfway to the forelegs. Reposting that pic here.

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