05/23/2019 (Thu) 22:19:31
>>4142>I truly don't get this reaction when we already crossed this threshold with Lyra and Bon Bon.they would show fear of having a lesbian couple because I guess that the Legend of Korra did it, so MLP could be the next on the list......and it happens. Lyrabon was like a petition from the fandom so it´s like it doesn´t count for the drama (?) and they summarized it the "Just friends" phrase.
>I'll get the butter. Here comes the sun do do do
I mean, the drama ---->
>>4145I had already seen that thread but I didn´t know that it would get reported so soon on /endpone/
>>4146>I think /endpone/ position is pic season/year is free of drama from this fanbase. It´s an unwritten tradition to overreact quickly over certain things. The latest fresh material gets the hate while other previous dramas (Changedlings for example and they have stayed pretty silent towards them as a way to show the dislike towards them) get overshadowed by this years´ happenings.
Lastly, the shipping tag has over 150k pictures, a half of them (almost 75k) have the lesbian tag as well (pic related has received over 2100 upvotes by the way). I suppose that the seed planted has grown by now.
I don´t know what they were expecting....