/q/ - The Akashic Records

Every question, has an answer

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Ask a question
And ye shall be answered

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Akasha 01/05/2016 (Tue) 04:44:19 [Preview] No. 1 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
1. What is this board about?
/q/ - Questions is meant to be a board about giving answers to questions you anons might ask.

2.What kind of questions can I ask?
Any kind, if a question has already been asked you will be redirected to the previous thread if it exists or given the answer from our archives.
Unless of course you declare that you want a completely new answer.

3.Who will answer these questions?
A. Board personnel
B. Other anons
Every question will get at least one answer.

4.What is not allowed on this board?
Spamming is not allowed
Image dumping is only allowed if somebody asked for it.
Global rules of course are active here as well

Wanderer 06/09/2016 (Thu) 20:40:17 [Preview] No. 2 del
why is op such a faggot?

SNOWDEN NSA LEAKED FILES COLLECTIONS .zip 2.4GB Download Wanderer 04/14/2023 (Fri) 18:30 [Preview] No. 6 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]


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Mr Hands anon8 02/06/2022 (Sun) 04:59:20 [Preview] No. 5 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I have been tasked with finding this video of the mr Hands incident, i figured asking you lovelies would be the best place.

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Daniel 12:1 Wanderer 01/25/2022 (Tue) 22:43:12 [Preview] No. 4 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
What would happen if I drank a single wine with Clonazepam, Hydrocodone and Citalopram? Mind you, I am a heavy smoker of both cigarettes and weed...

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Wanderer 05/19/2019 (Sun) 04:15:13 [Preview] No. 3 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
pee pee poo poo