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(70.38 KB 1024x912 1498616801379.jpg)
Anonymous 09/27/2017 (Wed) 23:35:13 [Preview] No. 43
What's stopping normanfaguts and homosexual gays from shitting up this board Mr.Mod?
Are you gonna ban them at first sign of trouble?

Pic not related

PS: why is everyhing so small?

PPS: the layout is a bit weird

Anonymous 09/27/2017 (Wed) 23:38:30 [Preview] No. 49 del
(113.56 KB 485x769 99c.jpg)
>What's stopping normanfaguts and homosexual gays from shitting up this board Mr.Mod? Are you gonna ban them at first sign of trouble?

Pretty much. If you're a trouble maker you'll be banned in accordance with the rules. Outing yourself as a female is an automatic permanent ban. I'm not going to go insane with moderation, nor am I going to establish an identity for myself.

Please, try to use the sticky for discussing the board itself. Don't want the catalog to be flushed with meta-threads.

>PS: why is everyhing so small?
What is too small?

>PPS: the layout is a bit weird
This site runs on LynxChan. This is probably the best frontend for it. I'll try to make it better overtime. Have a tasteful maymay related to LynxChan.

Anonymous 09/27/2017 (Wed) 23:49:44 [Preview] No. 59 del
(38.29 KB 466x414 gay.JPG)
>What is too small?
Well the text for starters.
At same zoom level it's quite smaller than 4chin's and moreover it appears to be much too small relatively to the layout's text

Ok for the rest bruh

Anonymous 09/27/2017 (Wed) 23:52:22 [Preview] No. 61 del
Noted. There are some CSS bugs that I'm aware of I'll fix. I'll try to balance the font-sizes where appropriate. Thanks for the feedback.

Anonymous 10/01/2017 (Sun) 18:47:58 [Preview] No. 565 del
Seems legit.

Anonymous 10/01/2017 (Sun) 21:20:51 [Preview] No. 566 del
(284.13 KB 1600x900 a tendie disaster.png)
nothing's going to stop normalfags. face it, without memes like the tendie stories, NEET threads, virgin/chad, shandshake dad, poems and other creative memey shit this boards nothing but a dry, dreary hugbox where people post their problems that they already know have no answers to.

/r9k/ has been acting like memes are the problem when in reality they are the only way we have to express our struggles and feelings all whist laughing at the obserdity of it all.

you wanted to get rid of redditfags but only brought in traps, roastie whores, orbiters and personality test fags. But redditers and normalfags are what circulate those memes and keep them fresh, like healthy bacteria.

Anonymous 10/01/2017 (Sun) 21:28:16 [Preview] No. 567 del
kek, i just stumbled across this on /r9k/ https://vocaroo.com/i/s0X5ZVsV3291

Anonymous 10/06/2017 (Fri) 08:29:31 [Preview] No. 694 del
sauce? (pic)

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