/slav/ - Slavs

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(44.95 MB 640x480 slavs.webm)
Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 12:57:25 [Preview] No. 1
Welcome slavic brothers

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 12:58:36 [Preview] No. 2 del
zabij siÄ™ kurwo

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 13:03:09 [Preview] No. 3 del
Why so mad Polebro?

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 13:12:34 [Preview] No. 4 del
(1.47 MB 1023x984 1403089618739.png)
Nice board. Here's a helpful infographic.

(Fuck off back to /pol/)
Edited last time by Slav on 05/26/2016 (Thu) 13:36:22.

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 13:26:06 [Preview] No. 5 del
(56.16 MB 640x480 language.webm)

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 13:52:29 [Preview] No. 6 del
Remember: Ethnicity isn't about a "race", it's about the language. Even a black man can be a Slav if his native language was slavic.

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 14:23:10 [Preview] No. 7 del
(80.84 MB 640x480 games.webm)
Top 15 games which were either made by slavs or are at least slavic themed

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 15:23:56 [Preview] No. 8 del
I want to kill myself will you help me?

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 15:24:44 [Preview] No. 9 del
Why do you want to kill yourself brother?

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 15:27:28 [Preview] No. 11 del
Quickest and best way to kill myself?

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 15:30:42 [Preview] No. 12 del
The slav way of killing yourself would be by alcohol overdose.

Anonymous 05/26/2016 (Thu) 20:50:47 [Preview] No. 36 del
>multiple endings

Anonymous 06/01/2016 (Wed) 12:40:37 [Preview] No. 95 del
(36.88 MB 640x480 Cheeki Breeki.webm)

Anonymous 06/02/2016 (Thu) 14:41:50 [Preview] No. 107 del
(6.60 MB 640x480 kkk.webm)

Anonymous 06/11/2016 (Sat) 14:08:50 [Preview] No. 117 del
(16.71 MB 640x480 boris.webm)

Anonymous 09/12/2016 (Mon) 07:11:46 [Preview] No. 145 del
people like you make me mad

>south slavs
>posts picture of gypsies as proof that serbians are subhumans
nice try ante but you have gypsies as well in croatia. Look at my picture, this is a gypsy. He lives in Serbia. He may have citizenship but he will never be neither Serbian nor Slavic.

>"south west slavs"
>implying there is such a thing as south west slavs
no matter how much you guys don't see yourself as balkans people, you still are and you always will be balkans people.

>contributed electricity
and wrong again ante, Nikola Tesla was Serbian. His father was an orthodox priest.

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