/st/ - Story Time

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The rapefags die Anonymous Board owner 05/21/2017 (Sun) 13:30:50 [Preview] No. 3 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
All of a sudden, the three of them were transported to Temasek Secondary School. They had been transferred there by a group of Singapore thieves who wanted to steal Rory's famous platinum dick that could cure cancer. Bill unleashed her vagina and the room died because she was black. Suck my wiener, George. All the negroes in the world exploded and the doctor's dick got replaced with a magical talking Jew.

Doctor Who and the revenge of the rapefags Anonymous Board owner 05/19/2017 (Fri) 22:06:42 [Preview] No. 1 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
One bright sunny evening, the Doctor decided he wanted to rape foetuses. He went into the dark and dingy shower and fucked the last remaining life out of a fresh newborn child. He then shot the mother of the child with his shotgun dick. Stephen Roberts filmed the whole thing and uploaded it to RedTube. The Doctor then went back to his TARDIS, covered in blood and semen. His dick was purple with erectitude and ws still slinging yoghurt like a champ. Bill Potts was all like "If you keep going like that, you'll be impotent soon. If you grow impotent, I'll report you to the police and make your defaced body into a work of modern art".
"Shut up, cunt" said the Doctor as he raped the TARDIS with his pulsing member. Bill Potts then played with a dead fetus puppet and then aimed the TARDIS towards the orgy dimension. The doctor slapped her bitch face because orgies get you STDs and STDs are bad. Bill then bent the seventh dimension by squinting and then fucked the Doctor's mom. The Doctor was so enraged by this act that he sucked her dick. Rory then turned up out of nowhere and said "Dumped dat bitch! She was pure cray!" before then shitting on the main controls of the TARDIS. The Doctor licked the shit and hen licked Rory's asshole. The TARDIS got sucked into a space vagina and then some morbidly obese Asian schoolgirls had to masturbate them otherwise the gang couldn't leave. Never one to refuse sex, the Doctor crammed his shotgun dick into one of the girls' mouths and PULLED THE FUCKING TRIGGER.
The Doctor then winked at Rory and said "Don't worry, this is only symbolism".

Anonymous Board owner 05/19/2017 (Fri) 22:08:52 [Preview] No. 2 del
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Deeply sorry. It appears I misspelled then as hen. Here is some dank cum material as an apology.