/suicide/ - End(yourself)chan

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I dont know what i have to do?? John Doe 10/03/2017 (Tue) 13:28:33 Id: 1cca8a [Preview] No. 39
What should i do when i lose all faith in life? When do i start to believe that nothing leads to anything? the life is just a biological shit? I believe that i became a kind of nihilist. Just help me to decide what fucking i have to do?

Hi John Doe 11/07/2018 (Wed) 03:36:58 Id: bcc154 [Preview] No.44 del
hey, I'm clearly not the best person to help you to find a way... at least not a good one. I mean, we're in a fucking site about suicide and stuff, but if you want a temporary friend just to spent some time, I'm here for now, 'til I reach my objective by I've found this place =)

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