/suicide/ - End(yourself)chan

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suicide Kein Ausweg 05/05/2022 (Thu) 17:46:16 Id: 73bb10 [Preview] No. 57
Hello, is anybody here?

Kein Ausweg 05/05/2022 (Thu) 17:55:31 Id: 7c36c5 [Preview] No.58 del
I don't think so... as always, it's just me
I don't want to complain, or try to be the "saddest" man in the world... all i want is register a memory in this Internet... you don't know my name, you don't know who I'm. But...I existed in this world... and here is the proff!
Now I start my journey, to find my trueself... to be free!
Bye everyone... it was nice to meet you!

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