/suicide/ - End(yourself)chan

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Suicide tips needed Tywin 04/13/2024 (Sat) 10:42 [Preview] No. 75
I need to end my life within the next six months or year max and my 2 main concerns are acquiring a substance that will kill me instantly (I'm thinking a fentanyl O.D) and I need a private place to die peacefully where my body will never be found, at least till it has decomposed beyond any recognition. I've completely disentangled myself from my family and all my friends. I'm planning to erase traces of my existence as much as I can before I go like getting rid of my stuff, deleting my emails, social media, burning off all physical IDs and anything else I can think of (no I'm not a criminal running away, never smoked, abused drinks, sex, drugs, theft none of that). The idea is to just disappear somewhere private and die. It will be ages before my family realizes that I'm missing because we don't speak and I don't want them having any leads to figure out what happened to me.

So to summarize, I need:

1. A lethal substance for instant death.
2. A quiet private place to pass away where I will not be found.

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