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(28.75 KB 1080x1080 wolt.jpg)
The World Overlords of Logistics Takeover (WOLT) Anonymous 10/20/2024 (Sun) 06:58 [Preview] No. 15420
The WOLT established a new societal structure where niggers were relegated to the status of mere laborers, forced to work under harsh conditions. They were paid a pittance, barely enough to survive, while the white shareholders and owners of WOLT thrived in luxury, enjoying the fruits of their labor. The streets buzzed with the sound of niggers delivering goods to the elite, burdened with heavy packages, their faces etched with despair.

Each day, niggers were assigned routes through the city, delivering items for corporations that profited immensely from their labor. The WOLT monitored their every move, ensuring compliance through a network of surveillance. Those who resisted were swiftly dealt with, disappearing into the shadows of the city, never to be seen again.

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