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TSF in Japanese stands for "transexual fiction," but it really means we will share transgender media, manga and stories.

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Trying to install Yin-Yang X-Change Alternative, having issues. anonymous 03/19/2018 (Mon) 01:36:58 [Preview] No. 1158
I'm not sure what the issue is. I install it, try to run it, I see the task pop up in the task manager, then it disappears.

My locale is set to japan. I've tried comparability modes with other versions of Windows.

anonymous 03/20/2018 (Tue) 17:32:14 [Preview] No.1159 del
I got it working. Found a no-dvd patch for it.

Also spent a lot of time getting a text hooker to work with it. Turns out this game is a pain in the ass, and AGTH/ITH just seem to not work. The text is always stored in differnet places in memory, and each line in on seperate places in memory.

I was able to get it to consistently read the first line of text for each box, but no more than that. I had to use the Hook Any Text text hooker, which as it turns out is an amazing tool.

anonymous 03/21/2018 (Wed) 08:40:14 [Preview] No.1162 del
Are you talking about the first game or the second game? Just so you know, the first game was officially translated into English so you don't really need a text hooker, (and before you get hopeful about the sequels, it was also the last TG game that company ever localized.)

anonymous 03/21/2018 (Wed) 16:13:22 [Preview] No.1164 del
Second game. I keep forgetting to type the "2" when I type its name out for some reason.

anonymous 03/21/2018 (Wed) 22:25:50 [Preview] No.1165 del
I haven't been able to run this either. I'm pretty sure it doesn't run on 64 bit OS.

anonymous 03/22/2018 (Thu) 16:40:07 [Preview] No.1167 del

It does. As I said earlier, I got it working.


Download the game here, install the game as usual, then take the no-disc patch and extract it into the game folder.

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