/tsf/ - tsf

TSF in Japanese stands for "transexual fiction," but it really means we will share transgender media, manga and stories.

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Earliest TG works? anonymous 01/27/2017 (Fri) 16:38:28 [Preview] No. 473
Now I'm suddenly curious. What is the oldest TG work you know? Can be doujin/vn/game/voice/manga/novel/or whatever other form of art.
(Maybe exclude some hardcore transformation like momo-an)

anonymous 01/29/2017 (Sun) 08:29:54 [Preview] No. 476 del
Teiresias is a pretty old story.

anonymous 02/08/2017 (Wed) 19:42:51 [Preview] No. 490 del
I once read some asian folklore about a doctor who killed a pregnant woman, and was punished by reincarnation into a woman since Confucian-Buddhism thinks they are a lower life-form. He helped a general rise to power who was amazed that he had the intelligence of a man, and he gradually fell in love with her. If I recall when she was about to die she told him the story of her past life, and died contented that she had repented for her sins while he was heartbroken.

ShinyUmbreon3360 02/11/2017 (Sat) 12:24:25 [Preview] No. 492 del
"There was once a man who walked upon a mountain. As he rose it's steep he saw chance upon two snakes intertwined. Thinking one was hurting the other, he struck with his blade. Unbeknownst to him, the pair of snakes were actually mating. Striking the female snake with out remorse. The Goddess, Venus, aghast at this decided to punish the man. She showed herself before him, and bestowed upon him a curse. Within moments he had become a woman. In a mix of confusion and shame, he ran back to his village.

A few days pass, a few more. Months go by, as the now woman walked back to the point where it all began. "Goddess, I must say your gift you have given me was welcomed with open arms in my village! Once more I am with child! I'm here to offer my wishes for your blessing of a daughter to continue your gift!"

It was at that moment that her true punishment was given.. As she returned to being a man. for his retribution, was having the gift of life taken from him, just as he did from the snake he had slain. The only time that man's blade ever touched flesh again, was when it was by his own hand days later."

I don't remember where I know this from. It's just one of the few things stuck in my head since I was a child. Oh well. yeah. Here's that for you.

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