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TSF in Japanese stands for "transexual fiction," but it really means we will share transgender media, manga and stories.

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I Am Learning To Be A Succubus? anonymous 07/22/2017 (Sat) 04:52:38 [Preview] No. 672
I know sensu has a gross hatred of TSF no F, but I fucking love this succubus series, and I wanna know where I can read chapter 2. I can't find it anywhere but fakku, and no fakku.

anonymous 07/22/2017 (Sat) 05:24:55 [Preview] No. 673 del
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I only have two versions of chapter 1 in English, and Jap raws/Korean for ch 2. Someone did post Ch 2 on a different chan, and it was immediately taken down by request from the copyright holder before many people saved it.

To my knowledge that crap was never posted on ehentai and therefore didn't get preserved on the sites that make torrents of everything that gets deleted there.

anonymous 07/22/2017 (Sat) 05:26:31 [Preview] No. 674 del
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So this is now a thread for cringe.

anonymous 07/22/2017 (Sat) 05:31:26 [Preview] No. 675 del
PS you're not likely to find it by on Google. An anon once found evidence of hundreds of takedown notices that Jewcob sent Google to repost manga aggregators, which he regularly does for anything his company has dibs on.

anonymous 07/22/2017 (Sat) 06:15:47 [Preview] No. 677 del
But If you know elementary Japanese and have a dictionary you can take the raws and sort it out. I am also willing to interpret what a few sentences mean if you get stuck, though I'm too lazy to translate the work itself.

fakku TheLoliWantsYuri 07/23/2017 (Sun) 21:52:18 [Preview] No. 681 del
I had attempted to try and buy a single time access to a digital copy of the sequel to succubus. but the site being as broken as it is in concept...

...the bitcoin address provided didn't work...

...otherwise I could have just offered up a rip of my copy for you to read if you wanted to read it T-T

anonymous 07/26/2017 (Wed) 17:25:28 [Preview] No. 685 del
Just go to any anime torrent site, they have all fakku release ever lined up, including the succubus and oni. I personally use sukebei.

anonymous 07/29/2017 (Sat) 12:32:12 [Preview] No. 687 del
I think I found it, but there are a lot of files in there, how do I know where there is the content you mention?

anonymous 07/29/2017 (Sat) 21:29:13 [Preview] No. 688 del

I've tried nyaa.pantsu.cat and nyaa.si, neither of the fakku dumps seem to have it. If you could point me in the right direction, i'd very much appreciate it.

anonymous 07/30/2017 (Sun) 06:07:34 [Preview] No. 692 del
A fuller version of the raws went up on e-hentai.

anonymous 09/12/2017 (Tue) 15:36:33 [Preview] No. 717 del
Found a torrent of it, but doesn't seem to be seeded so it isn't downloading. The search continues.

anonymous 09/26/2017 (Tue) 16:02:48 [Preview] No. 753 del
Where did you find that torrent?

anonymous 10/03/2017 (Tue) 09:39:26 [Preview] No. 769 del
I've saved volume 3 and the color D versions, in case the usual place deletes them I can upload them later.

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