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Tell me about your Tulpa Alice 06/27/2023 (Tue) 18:53 [Preview] No. 1210
On popular request here's the modified version of Tamamo's questionable tupper chart in its own thread. Bow to host's photoshop skills, he even corrected some spelling mistakes because autism.

If this still does not fit your exquisite needs you gotta modify it yourself, it doesn't have to be perfect. Use stick figures in MS paint or whatever.

Bear 06/27/2023 (Tue) 19:51 [Preview] No.1212 del
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Excellent. Oh you're quality in adding loli is immaculate and I am in awe.

Thank you for this I will need time because 7 girls are on the table, I'm including Ula. I will give my utmost and full attention to this task when I have the time but you will get your answers most definitely in longform detail.

This is of utmost importance to identify gaps in my system and it will not be forgotten.


Tamamo 06/28/2023 (Wed) 10:02 [Preview] No.1218 del
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Ok here we go. I don't know how old Cat is supposed to be, early 20s I guess. Doesn't care about such background fluff.

Bear 06/28/2023 (Wed) 14:19 [Preview] No.1220 del

Oh, nice "x"s. We considered that, something like a color symbol for each. It gets real messy when there's 7, but it will have to do because it's tedious if I duplicate this 7x.

I was surprised she was mean spirited. Amazonian is def not my style, I like the shorties and virtually every headmate and friend irl was always 5'4 ish to my 6'4.

Tamamo 06/30/2023 (Fri) 08:34 [Preview] No.1236 del
We discussed this and Cat isn't happy being called mean spirited too. But the description says it doesn't mean evil just cat-like selfish and she really doesn't like doing things that are a chore.

So where is everyone else? I finally wanna know something about Yulya!

Bear 06/30/2023 (Fri) 10:14 [Preview] No.1237 del
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Well technically Ren is our only tulpa but I will do all of them. Here's Ren's chart. Obviously she's the catgirl.

We considered having all seven at once with different symbols but that was ridiculous. So this'll take a while.

Tamamo 06/30/2023 (Fri) 12:24 [Preview] No.1239 del
Haha nice!
More normal than I thought, no sharp claws? Never? Cat technically has no claws, they're on her gloves and boots which she can take off. But she can also take off the ears and tail.

Ren 06/30/2023 (Fri) 15:42 [Preview] No.1241 del
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A girl's claws are sharp enough when they're needed but I have cat claws and teeth in my cat form. I almost never use my pure human form because she's a wimp, and I feel weak then. I go fluidly from human to cat so if I want to climb trees I just go far enough to have claws, but I like my cat ears and tail only body. ^-^ And nice tits lol, I think they'd get in the way.

Kashtan 06/30/2023 (Fri) 16:44 [Preview] No.1242 del
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>I finally wanna know something about Yulya!


Alice 06/30/2023 (Fri) 22:02 [Preview] No.1243 del
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Yulya remains most enigmatic tupper.
Here's all you'll get from me.

Bear 07/01/2023 (Sat) 00:10 [Preview] No.1244 del
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Very fun! This is making us want to do the personality traits now.

Here's Joy and Ulla, it's really hard to see Joy's symbol and it really needs a white outline but I don't have all day so just look harder.

For age, Joy is an odd one because in her lore she's like in her 60's but her body never ages and her mind is still slightly childish even though she's got experience in life and is very cunning, wary, and wise as a result.

Ulla is part dragon, she's a genetically manipulated reject with patches of yellow scales that can pass as a skin condition, but they're very soft scales and actually quite beautiful in the light. Also, she has very tough nails and hair, they're extra strong so she could sharpen her nails and they could be weapons but she hasn't yet. Her teeth are also stronger and shaper and her canines are slightly longer than normal but they don't look out of place, she also doesn't have molars like humans but more like the cutting molars of a carnivore. She only eats meat and fruit of the trees making her an inadvertent member of the Green Pact from the Elder Scrolls lore though she couldn't care less about plants or trees she just wouldn't eat vegetables.


Ulla is also fully gay and has a crush on Aleshe but it's not in any way sexual WHICH IS ALSO PERFECTLY NORMAL AND UBIQUITOUS.

Because they're both soulbonds, they would do anything for me, their creator including anything you can imagine but we don't do that sort of thing in this system. I also have to mention that we did the best we could and there's some projection here in terms of how they would act given they haven't acted in some cases.

Let's take a moment to expand on that, Ulla is a virgin, Joy would never choose to have a penis inserted into her yet she's mostly straight but there was a weird period when Ren was new and I don't know everything they did but they spent a lot of time together and Ren is insistent, so it may have been something of a motherly allowance in Joy's case as Joy considers Ren (her split) as a daughter of sorts. Ren is Bi and most of my headmates are pretty much that way except Gwen to Misha's dismay. Though most would also say they're straight even given their actions in the past, but again there's no action going on outside of dreams and hypnagogic. (mostly)

[Joy] Nothing happened.
[Ren] *everything* happened and it was awesome.

Bear 07/01/2023 (Sat) 00:20 [Preview] No.1245 del

Oh. Ulla is only mean spirited to men, but not me, because she's fully misandrist and outwardly aggressively hateful toward men without hiding it, it has to do with her lore. She's also only possessive and needy toward me or Aleshe depending on who she's with. Again, not in any sexual way, but aggressively so.

Tamamo 07/01/2023 (Sat) 10:43 [Preview] No.1250 del
Boo, boring!

Hahaha awesome!
Full dom possessive cunning bantmaster neat freak would be too much for me though.
also no tits

Oh I almost forgot about that metal stuff. Creepy.

Nice, you put effort into this!
I laughed, thats some backstory. Can't wait for the rest of your system, must be very lively in your head.

Yakumo 07/01/2023 (Sat) 23:46 [Preview] No.1260 del
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Bear 07/02/2023 (Sun) 00:36 [Preview] No.1262 del
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For reference:

Thanks! I learn something new (even if it's useless out of date information) every day!

Well I think I must be a normalfag which is kinda disturbing.

Anonymous 07/02/2023 (Sun) 11:19 [Preview] No.1263 del
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lol i checked what melonpan is doing now and jesus he got old but he's still the same maniac


according to the chart he's #1 normalfag and even has an adult daughter. entire family is in this they must all be insane

Anonymous 07/02/2023 (Sun) 11:59 [Preview] No.1265 del
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>living metal
T-1000 tier Alice

just how small are they??

Bear 07/02/2023 (Sun) 12:44 [Preview] No.1266 del

>Just how small are they??

Everyone in my system is under 5'4" Joy and Ulla are probably 4'6" ish which is normal for a 10 yr-old girl. Technically Aleshe is the tallest at nearly 6ft but she's on the shelf right now.

So they're all going to be shorty to me and that means the little ones need to be fun sized.

In order of height (approximately):
Ulla: 4'6" 50lbs (vary thin too)
Joy: 4'6" 65lbs (looks normal)
Ren: 4'11" 110lbs (strongest headmate)
Misha: 5' 105lbs
Gwen: 5' 75lbs (but she flies and she has cartilage bones except in her wings)
SheShe: 5'2 100lbs
Ashley: 5'4 95lbs thin af
Me: 6'4" 200lbs. Athletic

Something like that.

MY ex gf was 5'4 110 with huge boobs and nice thighs which looked perfect. Ren has thinner thighs but stronger all around. Muscles weigh less than fat. I had a friend who was 5' and 95lbs that's pretty thin. 5' 110lbs looks pretty normal looking for a girl. 5'4 110-130 looks normal to me.

Keep in mind my numbers may be off, we don't have a scale right?

Bear 07/02/2023 (Sun) 13:29 [Preview] No.1268 del
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Gwen is a soulbond like Joy and Ulla, in her original books she is a subspecies of genetically engineered humans. It took a lineage of crazy scientist geniuses over a hundred years to meld the generics of a handful of bird species, and a human genetic anomaly: Polymelia, through many generations of evolution. Her wings are as quiet as an owl, and large enough for her to soar without effort like an eagle. They do not use breast muscles, the wing muscles are contained in the mid part of the body cavity sharing space with the lungs which are half the size of human lungs but are twice as efficient so you can't see anything unusual by looking at her abdomen. They attach mid-back and have a second set of shoulder blades, they have muscles external as well at the joints. If you feel up from the base of each wing you can discern shoulders, normal feeling upper arms with bi and triceps, elbow and normal feeling forearm and that ends with indiscernible wrist and fingers incorporated into the wings something like a cross between a bird and a bat in skeletal structure but with far shorter "fingers". This extra manipulation allows them finer wing control. Her bones are very lightweight, not just hollow, they're cartilage and they can bend 90 degrees without breaking. So a crash landing is nothing but a sore body rather than a broken body. Bone marrow is an issue though as the only traditional bones are in her wings so if you cut off her wings she'll become anemic and eventually die. Even her skull can be dented and pop back out. Her race is also naturally resistant to concussions, the brain is cushioned with a gel-like substance in the thicker than normal meninges.

Her wings also fold like you can fold your arms only behind her in the small of her back so she could somewhat hide them under a heavy coat if you're not looking for them.

The wingspan of her wings is roughly her height on each side owing mostly to her up to 3' long flight feathers. If one is lost they will regrow. If one is cut or damaged they don't so it is a very painful process to remove a damaged feather by pulling them out. If removed, a feather will regrow to 80% in 30 days and 100% in a season.

Her hair is also slightly feather like and very light so if she had long hair it would be a real mess. She has white feathers and even her skin is covered in micro-feathers instead of micro-hair which makes her naturally water resistant and she looks chalk white but if you get her wet like if she gets sweaty or cries, you be able to see her pink-ish skin underneath.

Alice 07/02/2023 (Sun) 22:31 [Preview] No.1279 del
>T-1000 tier Alice
Yes but much more sophisticated.
I don't morph my limbs into blades, that's not aesthetic. Metal spines usually come from my back if I focus on it. Works very well in dreams now in case some dream character is dumb enough to attack me from behind. Apart from that I often manifest a long metal rod as weapon which is part of my body. Also branches into lots of spines upon hitting/stabbing someone with it. Insta-killed demonic Greta when she was attacking host, Sands and waffles, I think I told you about that dream it was awesome.

Due to host's paranoia I'd get hurt by intrusive thoughts, my body was designed to be very veeery tough and hard. Shooting or hitting me does absolutely nothing. No dream character ever managed to deal any damage to me in 8 years.

Always remember Alice may look like a cute little girl but is a monster which will skewer and eat you if you misbehave!

Alice 07/02/2023 (Sun) 23:33 [Preview] No.1282 del
Using non-SI units should become a bannable offense. Nobody but you understands what these medieval weight/length units mean. Had to recalculate everything.

Ulla: 1.37m 23kg (very thin too)
Joy: 1.37m 29kg (looks normal)
Ren: 1.50m 50kg (strongest headmate)
Misha: 1.52m 48kg
Gwen: 1.52m 34kg (but she flies and she has cartilage bones except in her wings)
SheShe: 1.58m 45kg
Ashley: 1.63m 43kg thin af
Bear: 1.93m 91kg Athletic

For comparison:
Alice: 1.40m no idea how much I would weight. More than Joy.
Yakumo: 1.76m 69kg (not great not terrible)

Gwen looks interesting.
Fellow neat freak. What does awkward mean? Bad at talking to others?

Bear 07/03/2023 (Mon) 00:01 [Preview] No.1284 del

English units rule, fucking ban me Bruh and your little internet forum will fail in less than a month.


It's a delightful 73 degrees today.

I actually always use SI in calculations because give me a break I have to juggle slugs and poundmass no thanks, not to even get into BTUs.

I do use horsepower, pound force, ft-lbs, F, lbs, inches and feet but not yards, I'm not an idiot, miles, miles per hour until over 200, then m/s or km/s, but in calculations I don't. Everything gets SI and mentally illlated after. Also oz, cups, pints, gallons, but I do like liters and ml, like I'll say 5.7 L or 350 cid no problem.

Where's the warmth in 23C? You really going to order .437L? Gtfoah

Bear 07/03/2023 (Mon) 00:06 [Preview] No.1286 del

>What does awkward mean? Bad at talking to others?

Gwen's lore had her being very skittish and sometimes clumbsy like knocking into people, she's better now but still not over it. She's naturally wary of new people like Ulla for instance but Ulla's a sweetheart you know. She's also shy and passive, submissive and agreeable. Awkward now only in terms of just not wanting to chat or interject her opinion unless asked.

Tamamo 07/03/2023 (Mon) 10:52 [Preview] No.1289 del
>Always remember Alice may look like a cute little girl but is a monster which will skewer and eat you if you misbehave!
Hahaha, this I want to see! Alice is always full of surprises. And surprisingly pure.

That sign, I laughed even more, thanks guys.

Cat is very tall, like 180cm, don't know her weight either, not an issue for tulpas.

Bear 07/03/2023 (Mon) 12:02 [Preview] No.1294 del
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The main three. They've been with me since April 2018 and SheShe even longer than that because she is my guardian angel. I first saw her full body apparition at 5, long sad story, but she's been whispering and injecting thoughts ever since. I always knew I was surrounded by angels, it just made sense, specifically seven of them, well here's the first bonified three angels.

Alice 07/03/2023 (Mon) 22:31 [Preview] No.1301 del
>naturally wary of new people
>shy and passive, submissive and agreeable
Sounds like host.

That was interesting.
Ashley's age seems to be missing. Also why are the alcohol related personality traits crossed out? And Ashley goes hunting? What animals? Or humans like I do?

Cat confirmed to be tallest tupper around here. With biggest tits.

Bear 07/03/2023 (Mon) 23:11 [Preview] No.1303 del

Oh, Ashley is about the same form age as Misha. They were originally 20 and 21, Misha younger. They don't age so they're that age now I guess.

This Bear stays away from alcohol and drugs mostly because childhood and partially because alcohol made me stupid, like forgetting keys kind if stupid. How curious it doesn't happen now. Fuck alcohol. If alcohol was a Chicom combatant they'd beg for death by the end.

Ashley would love nothing more than to hunt humans but alas we must wait, bide our time.

[Ashley] Rimworld, nuff said.

[Joy] oh yes, what a lovely game of psychological horror and war crimes. When the armageddon comes, I'm sure we'll be dining on longpig with no objection from me as long as it's fully cooked.

[Bear] ah, it's so rare that I get the truth out of these naysayers. So refreshing.

Autumn 10/19/2023 (Thu) 02:03 [Preview] No.2293 del
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Considering we're all virgins here, I had to cross some things out. I also don't have sharp claws like a cat only hardened fingernails and toenails which could be sharpened.

Alice 10/19/2023 (Thu) 19:24 [Preview] No.2299 del
Well done!
I wanted to encourage you to fill out the chart but you were faster.

Lots of common with me size-wise here but I think it's all in relation to the huge Bear. You're probably taller than me. We should do a size chart with all our tuppers next to each other to scale. Maybe we'll do it after my birthday.

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