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Weird things your tupper dislikes or is afraid of Yakumo 05/08/2023 (Mon) 16:52 [Preview] No. 636
Tell me about weird stuff your tupper really dislikes or is even afraid of

Trash cans and trash in general
Orthodox Jews
being wrong

Tamamo 05/08/2023 (Mon) 20:07 [Preview] No.638 del
>Orthodox Jews
Lol wtf


I can tell you from my tests she's not afraid of cucumbers, getting sprayed with water or the sound of popping a bag. Sadly. Doesn't care at all. I have yet to find something she's really afraid of. I mean she has little reason to be afraid of anything without actually switching. I guess she doesn't like really spicy food when the pain bleeds over just like everything that hurts me but that's obvious. And being left alone or forgotten which is even more obvious.

Bear 05/09/2023 (Tue) 02:00 [Preview] No.640 del
That's easy, Ashley's got some maintenance issues.

1. She thinks eating is disgusting. This started when everyone got to eat what they wanted on Halloween and she chose chocolate but when she switched in to eat it, she could barely taste anything and it reminded her of chewing melted wax. We realized that she processes taste differently. After a while she decided it's disgusting to chew or have chewed stuff in the mouth. She refuses to eat.

2. She will not talk to me in the bathroom. There's Misha, sitting on my lap while I poop and then there's Ashley that can't even talk to me in the bathroom. (Shower is ok).

3. No pain tolerance at all. But that's not unexpected.

SheShe has one thing, she detests vore. Misha just wants to eat me in wonderland and SheShe won't let her. Yes nearly 5 years of a promise not to eat me in wonderland.

[Misha] can't we grow up already? I just want to turn Bear into a cake and eat him, so what's the big deal?

[SheShe] Nope.

Joy doesn't like being called a fag hag I guess, whatever.

Gwen also kinda doesn't like eating but that's left over from her lore. It's a quirk. I don't think she's ever eaten anything switched in.

I can't remember anything else, like who else is even in my system? Ren has nothing. Aleshe might actually be SheShe.

Alice 05/12/2023 (Fri) 20:59 [Preview] No.658 del
That all sounds perfectly reasonable and not weird at all

Anonymous 05/13/2023 (Sat) 22:45 [Preview] No.670 del
lol yeah sounds accurate

discussed with Yulya what shes afraid of she doesnt like that human stuff like bear system guess most tuppers dont. but yeah thats not weird. same with failing to help me. but no weird phobias

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