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post some fucking video games this time

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world building Anonymous 10/02/2017 (Mon) 11:01:40 [Preview] No. 11257
You know, conspiracy theorizing used to be pretty fun before all these underage jewtube goys started shouting it down with "A GAYYYYYMM THEORY!!!1" as if it was that copypasting shill who invented it.

Anonymous 10/04/2017 (Wed) 03:32:28 [Preview] No. 11264 del
Yeah it was until the you read fifty "THEY WERE IN A COMA TEH WHOLE TIME" or "THESE TWO GAMES ARE ACTUALLY CONNECTED GUIZ" theories.Then it got pretty annoying. MatPat is just the poster boy of that retardation. But hey, that's just a theory...

Anonymous 10/04/2017 (Wed) 03:33:43 [Preview] No. 11265 del
Forgot my image

Anonymous 10/04/2017 (Wed) 17:38:38 [Preview] No. 11266 del
Conspiracy theorizing used to be fun until scrubs came over looking only to leech free entartainment but didn't find pooling of ideas entertaining.

Anonymous 10/08/2019 (Tue) 21:37:17 [Preview] No.12084 del

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